I looked at this site before i made my dentist appointment on the first of August. My appointment was on the 12th and i quit at midnight on the 11th of August. It is the first time since i was 14 years old that i woke up without a dip setting by my bedside. Oh, i smoked too when it wasn't convenient to dip. Can of Cope every day, to a day and 1/2 and about 3 packs of Camel Lights per week was my consumption until midnight on the 11th. I planned my quit day, read a lot on this site but never expected the fog to be as intense as it was the first three days. I could not even navigate this site to sign up or post up. I am finally ready to take my life back. No more dozing while dosing for two hours after i should have gone to bed, no more dips on top of dips as i swallowed or spit and had to reload. No more eating out of necessity, No more avoidance of family and friends to spend time with my silver-faced lover. No more car rides when i knew the passengers were probably gagging from the bacteria swarming in my mouth. I got half of my mouth scaled and deep cleaned and need to go back on the 23rd for the other half. I can say that i felt a little better today but the fog has not lifted. I have a beautiful wife that is supporting me through this and i am so excited to have 4 days almost behind me. There is no doubt in my mind that i can beat this addiction and i promise to be accountable to everyone with what i say and do here. I feel like on day 4 i am only thinking about the bitch 90 percent of the time and that is a big improvement from 24 -48 hours into this slugfest. I find a lot of gratification reading about people's successes - so thank you all. I will post up in the morning.
Spurbow - welcome to the site. Sounds like you're making it thru the "suck" pretty well. Did you give up smokes and dip all at once? What's your plan for handling triggers?
Since you stated that you have been reading, make sure you find the welcome site and learn how to post (if you haven't already). When you post you are stating that you will be nic free for the day. You are giving your word. At this site, your word is your gold. We will help, support, pray for, do what we can for a brother if he keeps his word.
Connect up with your Nov brothers and exchange some phone numbers. If you have questions post back here or send me a message.
Welcome to the quit, you are quiting for YOU. Make sure your wife reads the stuff on how to support and also knows that you will be a dick at times. If you start to feel rage, you need to find an outlet like exercise or venting to this site. Do not vent on family or friends or strangers for that matter (unless of course it's a manager at GOLD's Gym becasue I hate that company!). :)
Stay strong, stay quit, post up every morning, then keep your word.
Feels like a good time to post up on the experience......
I had my second dentist appointment today for a deep scaling and cleaning. Today was the dip side of my mouth and it was quite a bit worse but i actually enjoyed it. Scraping away layer upon layer of chaw tar from below my gum line and flushing it out with an antibiotic - it was like some kind of exorcism.
QUIT 13 days now and feel better today than the last couple. I seemed to be going backward for a couple of days but today my cravings were more manageable - at least so far.I continue to substitute oral hygeine exercises for shoving shit in my mouth or lighting shit and that seems to help. I bought a water pick because i still suck at flossing.
I never, ever, ever thought a site like this would be something for me. I have always dealt with my problems alone - come to think of it, i just never dealt with them and perceived doing it alone. So far everything i have tried, i.e., live chat, reading various topics, PMing a friend, posting in NOVEMBER, chatting with my fellow Shitbags new to the QUIT, listening to the VETS (even the VET CAVERS) is another shingle in my armour against the NIC BITCH - but I am still exposed.
Today is the day our band of brothers takes down the vacancy sign and I have been waiting for this for a while. NOVEMBER FLAMIN SHITBAGS HAVE A SOLID NUMBER TO TAKE TO THE HOF and I will take any caving very personally.
I recently started lurking in some of the other QUIT GROUPS and was amazed at all of the happenings; VETS rooting and counting down the days like aged baseball stars approaching "that hit" and QUITTERS, well into their quit, getting advice how to handle a big trigger event coming up.
Here is what i have learned so far and will apply:
Get Numbers
Have a back up plan and contract
Take what works for your quit and leave the rest.
Read a lot
Don't get too Cocky
Appreciate you all (well most of you),