Author Topic: Quitting Tomorrow  (Read 3148 times)

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2015, 05:27:00 AM »
Hi Shawn

Man, I am gonna be watching this intro like a hawk today. Because I kne how difficult tomorrow really is. I threw out probably thousands of half full cans with the intent of tomorrow, only to fail over and over. Today is the day my friend! It is time for you to be in control of your life. To be the one driving your decisions. Tone making choices that are healthy and financially viable for you and your family.

I hope you read your intro again. I'm not slamming you here Shawn, because a lot of us felt the same way, but when you really think about it... A little round can with some chopped up plant is causing you anxiety about throwing it out? I mean, dude that's pretty fucked up right there... Right? That alone should give you some reasons to move forward on this great journey.

You can do this man. Don't put it off one more second. there is too much at stake. You can do this.


Offline Wt57

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2015, 11:48:00 PM »
Yep, flush the crap now! I made those tomorrow plans for 40 years. It never really comes. This group got on me when I came here with plans for a postponed quit do I'm gonna pass it on to you. Do it now and the remaining hours of today will count as your day one.
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Offline Kremerica

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Re: Quitting Tomorrow
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2015, 11:22:00 PM »

I can tell you that this is the place to learn about your enemy, study your enemy and kick that dirty bitch to the curb. Get on over to the welcome center and read how to post roll. Next, don't wait until tomorrow, look at your little girl and ask yourself if sucking on cancer and putting her as less important than your tin of cancer is really what you want to do.

Then, grab your onions and walk over to the toilet and flush that fucking cancer dirt down the toilet. If you throw it away you will dig through the trash like we all have done before. You are an addict, in an addict, this entire site is full of addicts. We can't worry about tomorrow, we can only pay the price of admission here by posting roll every damn day. YOu get up in the morning, go to the July pre HOF group and post roll every fucking day, that gives you the keys to the kingdom.

Roll is a promise to not touch nicotine in any form for that day. Your only as good as your word and by posting every day all you need to do to quit is honor your word. Stack up on safety nets like seeds and fake if you need it and use them over the next few days of the suck. Embrace the suck, state that shit in the face and ever craving think about your freedom and most importantly your family. I promise you it gets better and this nic bitxh will loosen her grip every day you honor your word.

Welcome aboard, balls in your court, quit now and tell cancer to 'Finger' off and join us in quit
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Quitting Tomorrow
« on: April 20, 2015, 08:53:00 PM »
Hello all,

My name is Shawn and I just wanted to introduce myself. I am planning to quit chewing tomorrow morning and am already freaking out about it. It's like I already have anxiety, and am scared.

I have been chewing Copenhagen snuff for about 12 years. I am 32 years old. I have a 2.5 yr old daughter and the time has come. I need to quit for many reasons.

I am hoping this website will help me on this journey.

Thanks for your time.
