I've been trying to quit for a few months now and i just can't get over that goddamn hump, whatever that may be. I'm taking chantex and getting ready to leave the chew behind. I'm just scared because i feel like this is my last vice. I quit drinking and drugs about six years ago and i wanna get rid of the tobacco but i just cant do it! I guess i just need some support from people who are going thru the same insanity as me.
I went into chat and felt the same way. I wanted to quit but I felt like I couldn't do it.
I didn't even think I was ready. They drilled into me. "Mthomas do you want to quit and are you a man of your word?'
If you can say "I want to quit and I am a man of my word" You can do it.
I am 153 days quit. I have saved $933.00 and I can't imagine ever going back to that evil, vile, stupid vice again.
I was scared and worried I would fail. KTC taught me and gave me the plan to quit. It sucked and has been great.
If you want to do this, jump on board, you will have instant friends and support to get you through the tough parts.
DO IT and stop mentally masturbating your quit. Action: Spit it out, post roll today and keep your promise to us. You don't worry about being quit forever. Just make the promise to quit today. There never is a tomorrow to worry about, you only stay quit when its today.
Before you know it, you will look back and regret that you didn't do it sooner.
I am a candy ass pansy. If you want this, you can do this!!!!