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Offline Can_I_Kick_It?

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #128 on: December 15, 2015, 11:02:00 PM »
Day 81 - On My Heart

Scripture on my heart tonight...

I used to allow divisive people to provide me an excuse to dip. Instead of dip, I rely on the Lord now.

“I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭16:17-18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Another scripture on my heart due to recent ridicule.

“God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:10-12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #127 on: December 11, 2015, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: hooh8r1206
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 28 - Caving - Spreading Strife Among Brothers  Sisters

I was in chat in recent days and had a good conversation with a brother in quit. We were in disagreement about what someone said recently in the forum. I had expressed discontent with a moment of venting that someone had. I felt that their outburst in the forum created discord and was uncalled for. In the midst of our disagreement, this brother expressed to me that he hadn't liked me for a while, ever since I spun his words out of context. I asked him what it was regarding. He retrieved the post and sent the link. I read it and I agreed, I was a jerk. I basically translated a heart to heart this brother was having with a new quitter by saying, "fuck yourself and jump in the water." I didn't mean this in a bad way. I was basically saying that this brother needs to get real with himself and ditch the dip right here, right now. This is not my normal approach in life. It is not me. I was new to KTC and quickly got swept into the river of militancy that some cultivate around here. It was in my control though whether I wanted to jump in the river with them so I take blame. I did in this moment and it was a bad idea. I apologized to my brother for trying to pull him in the river as well. It was stupid of me.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says,

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

1) Haughty eyes, (Haughty means "arrogantly superior")
2) A lying tongue,
3) And hands that shed innocent blood,
4) A heart that devises wicked plans,
5) Feet that run rapidly to evil,
6) A false witness who utters lies,
7) And one who spreads strife among brothers.

We have rules here in KTC. However, sometimes, how some people apply them go directly against what I am called to do as a Christian. I can't participate in the same way. This doesn't mean that I have to maintain a gentle hand with everything, void of accountability. However, I see a variety of things unfold in moments when a reluctant quitter steps in and/or a caver reenters the world of KTC.

Some in KTC carry haughty eyes with them as that number to the right of their handle increases. However, as we've seen from even the post that my fellow DOG, FWLPLAY shared today, you can be on day #900 one day and day #1 on the next.

Also, lying tongues fly around and false witnesses come out of the woodwork in the forums when holding cavers accountable. People come in to stir the pot so that someone can "feel the burn" of reentering KTC after caving on yourself and brothers/sisters. I have come to see people stretch the truth in order to bring shock and attention to someone's failure to uphold their oath.

Certainly, wicked plans are devised once a caver steps back in. Backdoor conversations start and "shitnados" are planned.

Of course, once the "shitnado" starts... many feet run rapidly to the evil, jump in, and contribute to the fire that was started. Some from people who don't do anything else, but post roll.

Most noticeably, what happens is that people intentionally spread strife among brothers/sisters because it "brings that group together." Well... it doesn't really work and this has been proven time and time again. It only works temporarily. If a group's bonding is dependent on an "outside threat", then it will have to seek (and often create) an "outside threat" regularly in order to stay bonded. Otherwise, that group won't be consistently bonded. That is not a solid foundation. It is a foundation built on strife. Let's think about that.

I'm not perfect. As I mentioned, I've played into this myself. I've contributed to it in just 28 days in this community.

Yes, we have rules here. However, my primary rule book is God's word and my primary reason for this quit has to do with my faith in Jesus and devotion to God. As a Christian, I believe in Colossians 1:27 which tells me that Christ is in me, the hope of glory. I also believe in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that reminds me that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirt who is in me, whom I have from God, and that I am not my own.

If Jesus is in me, why in the heck would I stick toxins in my body? Why would I poison my creator and myself? Additionally, it would be hypocritical of me to have this as my reason for quitting and maintain a separate set of rules to stay quit. I have to honor God no matter the scenario. It's hard to stay obedient to that though, especially when the current of the river can be so strong. Luckily, I can always ignore that which hinders me.

Stay quit today, good people. Not to avoid the "shitnado" though because they will always be created for those who lust for them. Stay quit for something much more constant.
Glad I ran into this post, I needed to read it to see where I've been wrong!

I have to revisit it frequently myself to bring me back in order.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #126 on: December 11, 2015, 09:04:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Quote from: hooh8r1206
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 28 - Caving - Spreading Strife Among Brothers  Sisters

I was in chat in recent days and had a good conversation with a brother in quit. We were in disagreement about what someone said recently in the forum. I had expressed discontent with a moment of venting that someone had. I felt that their outburst in the forum created discord and was uncalled for. In the midst of our disagreement, this brother expressed to me that he hadn't liked me for a while, ever since I spun his words out of context. I asked him what it was regarding. He retrieved the post and sent the link. I read it and I agreed, I was a jerk. I basically translated a heart to heart this brother was having with a new quitter by saying, "fuck yourself and jump in the water." I didn't mean this in a bad way. I was basically saying that this brother needs to get real with himself and ditch the dip right here, right now. This is not my normal approach in life. It is not me. I was new to KTC and quickly got swept into the river of militancy that some cultivate around here. It was in my control though whether I wanted to jump in the river with them so I take blame. I did in this moment and it was a bad idea. I apologized to my brother for trying to pull him in the river as well. It was stupid of me.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says,

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

1) Haughty eyes, (Haughty means "arrogantly superior")
2) A lying tongue,
3) And hands that shed innocent blood,
4) A heart that devises wicked plans,
5) Feet that run rapidly to evil,
6) A false witness who utters lies,
7) And one who spreads strife among brothers.

We have rules here in KTC. However, sometimes, how some people apply them go directly against what I am called to do as a Christian. I can't participate in the same way. This doesn't mean that I have to maintain a gentle hand with everything, void of accountability. However, I see a variety of things unfold in moments when a reluctant quitter steps in and/or a caver reenters the world of KTC.

Some in KTC carry haughty eyes with them as that number to the right of their handle increases. However, as we've seen from even the post that my fellow DOG, FWLPLAY shared today, you can be on day #900 one day and day #1 on the next.

Also, lying tongues fly around and false witnesses come out of the woodwork in the forums when holding cavers accountable. People come in to stir the pot so that someone can "feel the burn" of reentering KTC after caving on yourself and brothers/sisters. I have come to see people stretch the truth in order to bring shock and attention to someone's failure to uphold their oath.

Certainly, wicked plans are devised once a caver steps back in. Backdoor conversations start and "shitnados" are planned.

Of course, once the "shitnado" starts... many feet run rapidly to the evil, jump in, and contribute to the fire that was started. Some from people who don't do anything else, but post roll.

Most noticeably, what happens is that people intentionally spread strife among brothers/sisters because it "brings that group together." Well... it doesn't really work and this has been proven time and time again. It only works temporarily. If a group's bonding is dependent on an "outside threat", then it will have to seek (and often create) an "outside threat" regularly in order to stay bonded. Otherwise, that group won't be consistently bonded. That is not a solid foundation. It is a foundation built on strife. Let's think about that.

I'm not perfect. As I mentioned, I've played into this myself. I've contributed to it in just 28 days in this community.

Yes, we have rules here. However, my primary rule book is God's word and my primary reason for this quit has to do with my faith in Jesus and devotion to God. As a Christian, I believe in Colossians 1:27 which tells me that Christ is in me, the hope of glory. I also believe in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that reminds me that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirt who is in me, whom I have from God, and that I am not my own.

If Jesus is in me, why in the heck would I stick toxins in my body? Why would I poison my creator and myself? Additionally, it would be hypocritical of me to have this as my reason for quitting and maintain a separate set of rules to stay quit. I have to honor God no matter the scenario. It's hard to stay obedient to that though, especially when the current of the river can be so strong. Luckily, I can always ignore that which hinders me.

Stay quit today, good people. Not to avoid the "shitnado" though because they will always be created for those who lust for them. Stay quit for something much more constant.
Glad I ran into this post, I needed to read it to see where I've been wrong!
Sorry my friend but how does one curse in the same sentence he uses the Lord's name? Come on now, let's get this right, if you gonna preach try to leave cursing out. I've never been to any Church where the preacher cursed while bringing his "sermon". Not trying to make you upset, just thought maybe you wasn't realizing you were doing that. Preach on

Are you referring to when I was confessing what I said prior? (ie. fuck yourself and jump in the river.")

Or were you referring to when I quoted the use of the term "shitnado?"

In Matthew 5:22 it says the following:

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, 'Raca,' is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

"Raca" is a pejorative term used. Jesus himself used the term in his sermon on the mount to articulate this point. It's all in the context that it is used.

In this case, I was simply reciting what I said and confessing that it was wrong.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #125 on: December 10, 2015, 11:25:00 PM »
Quote from: hooh8r1206
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 28 - Caving - Spreading Strife Among Brothers  Sisters

I was in chat in recent days and had a good conversation with a brother in quit. We were in disagreement about what someone said recently in the forum. I had expressed discontent with a moment of venting that someone had. I felt that their outburst in the forum created discord and was uncalled for. In the midst of our disagreement, this brother expressed to me that he hadn't liked me for a while, ever since I spun his words out of context. I asked him what it was regarding. He retrieved the post and sent the link. I read it and I agreed, I was a jerk. I basically translated a heart to heart this brother was having with a new quitter by saying, "fuck yourself and jump in the water." I didn't mean this in a bad way. I was basically saying that this brother needs to get real with himself and ditch the dip right here, right now. This is not my normal approach in life. It is not me. I was new to KTC and quickly got swept into the river of militancy that some cultivate around here. It was in my control though whether I wanted to jump in the river with them so I take blame. I did in this moment and it was a bad idea. I apologized to my brother for trying to pull him in the river as well. It was stupid of me.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says,

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

1) Haughty eyes, (Haughty means "arrogantly superior")
2) A lying tongue,
3) And hands that shed innocent blood,
4) A heart that devises wicked plans,
5) Feet that run rapidly to evil,
6) A false witness who utters lies,
7) And one who spreads strife among brothers.

We have rules here in KTC. However, sometimes, how some people apply them go directly against what I am called to do as a Christian. I can't participate in the same way. This doesn't mean that I have to maintain a gentle hand with everything, void of accountability. However, I see a variety of things unfold in moments when a reluctant quitter steps in and/or a caver reenters the world of KTC.

Some in KTC carry haughty eyes with them as that number to the right of their handle increases. However, as we've seen from even the post that my fellow DOG, FWLPLAY shared today, you can be on day #900 one day and day #1 on the next.

Also, lying tongues fly around and false witnesses come out of the woodwork in the forums when holding cavers accountable. People come in to stir the pot so that someone can "feel the burn" of reentering KTC after caving on yourself and brothers/sisters. I have come to see people stretch the truth in order to bring shock and attention to someone's failure to uphold their oath.

Certainly, wicked plans are devised once a caver steps back in. Backdoor conversations start and "shitnados" are planned.

Of course, once the "shitnado" starts... many feet run rapidly to the evil, jump in, and contribute to the fire that was started. Some from people who don't do anything else, but post roll.

Most noticeably, what happens is that people intentionally spread strife among brothers/sisters because it "brings that group together." Well... it doesn't really work and this has been proven time and time again. It only works temporarily. If a group's bonding is dependent on an "outside threat", then it will have to seek (and often create) an "outside threat" regularly in order to stay bonded. Otherwise, that group won't be consistently bonded. That is not a solid foundation. It is a foundation built on strife. Let's think about that.

I'm not perfect. As I mentioned, I've played into this myself. I've contributed to it in just 28 days in this community.

Yes, we have rules here. However, my primary rule book is God's word and my primary reason for this quit has to do with my faith in Jesus and devotion to God. As a Christian, I believe in Colossians 1:27 which tells me that Christ is in me, the hope of glory. I also believe in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that reminds me that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirt who is in me, whom I have from God, and that I am not my own.

If Jesus is in me, why in the heck would I stick toxins in my body? Why would I poison my creator and myself? Additionally, it would be hypocritical of me to have this as my reason for quitting and maintain a separate set of rules to stay quit. I have to honor God no matter the scenario. It's hard to stay obedient to that though, especially when the current of the river can be so strong. Luckily, I can always ignore that which hinders me.

Stay quit today, good people. Not to avoid the "shitnado" though because they will always be created for those who lust for them. Stay quit for something much more constant.
Glad I ran into this post, I needed to read it to see where I've been wrong!
Sorry my friend but how does one curse in the same sentence he uses the Lord's name? Come on now, let's get this right, if you gonna preach try to leave cursing out. I've never been to any Church where the preacher cursed while bringing his "sermon". Not trying to make you upset, just thought maybe you wasn't realizing you were doing that. Preach on
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #124 on: December 10, 2015, 11:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 28 - Caving - Spreading Strife Among Brothers  Sisters

I was in chat in recent days and had a good conversation with a brother in quit. We were in disagreement about what someone said recently in the forum. I had expressed discontent with a moment of venting that someone had. I felt that their outburst in the forum created discord and was uncalled for. In the midst of our disagreement, this brother expressed to me that he hadn't liked me for a while, ever since I spun his words out of context. I asked him what it was regarding. He retrieved the post and sent the link. I read it and I agreed, I was a jerk. I basically translated a heart to heart this brother was having with a new quitter by saying, "fuck yourself and jump in the water." I didn't mean this in a bad way. I was basically saying that this brother needs to get real with himself and ditch the dip right here, right now. This is not my normal approach in life. It is not me. I was new to KTC and quickly got swept into the river of militancy that some cultivate around here. It was in my control though whether I wanted to jump in the river with them so I take blame. I did in this moment and it was a bad idea. I apologized to my brother for trying to pull him in the river as well. It was stupid of me.

Proverbs 6:16-19 says,

There are six things which the Lord hates, Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

1) Haughty eyes, (Haughty means "arrogantly superior")
2) A lying tongue,
3) And hands that shed innocent blood,
4) A heart that devises wicked plans,
5) Feet that run rapidly to evil,
6) A false witness who utters lies,
7) And one who spreads strife among brothers.

We have rules here in KTC. However, sometimes, how some people apply them go directly against what I am called to do as a Christian. I can't participate in the same way. This doesn't mean that I have to maintain a gentle hand with everything, void of accountability. However, I see a variety of things unfold in moments when a reluctant quitter steps in and/or a caver reenters the world of KTC.

Some in KTC carry haughty eyes with them as that number to the right of their handle increases. However, as we've seen from even the post that my fellow DOG, FWLPLAY shared today, you can be on day #900 one day and day #1 on the next.

Also, lying tongues fly around and false witnesses come out of the woodwork in the forums when holding cavers accountable. People come in to stir the pot so that someone can "feel the burn" of reentering KTC after caving on yourself and brothers/sisters. I have come to see people stretch the truth in order to bring shock and attention to someone's failure to uphold their oath.

Certainly, wicked plans are devised once a caver steps back in. Backdoor conversations start and "shitnados" are planned.

Of course, once the "shitnado" starts... many feet run rapidly to the evil, jump in, and contribute to the fire that was started. Some from people who don't do anything else, but post roll.

Most noticeably, what happens is that people intentionally spread strife among brothers/sisters because it "brings that group together." Well... it doesn't really work and this has been proven time and time again. It only works temporarily. If a group's bonding is dependent on an "outside threat", then it will have to seek (and often create) an "outside threat" regularly in order to stay bonded. Otherwise, that group won't be consistently bonded. That is not a solid foundation. It is a foundation built on strife. Let's think about that.

I'm not perfect. As I mentioned, I've played into this myself. I've contributed to it in just 28 days in this community.

Yes, we have rules here. However, my primary rule book is God's word and my primary reason for this quit has to do with my faith in Jesus and devotion to God. As a Christian, I believe in Colossians 1:27 which tells me that Christ is in me, the hope of glory. I also believe in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that reminds me that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirt who is in me, whom I have from God, and that I am not my own.

If Jesus is in me, why in the heck would I stick toxins in my body? Why would I poison my creator and myself? Additionally, it would be hypocritical of me to have this as my reason for quitting and maintain a separate set of rules to stay quit. I have to honor God no matter the scenario. It's hard to stay obedient to that though, especially when the current of the river can be so strong. Luckily, I can always ignore that which hinders me.

Stay quit today, good people. Not to avoid the "shitnado" though because they will always be created for those who lust for them. Stay quit for something much more constant.
Glad I ran into this post, I needed to read it to see where I've been wrong!
You don't want to look back and know you could've done better

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #123 on: December 10, 2015, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: Nomore1959
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your first of many to come without tobacco! From your post above, your regaining your freedom and controlling temptation. That is awesome.
Times 2!

Happy birthday man, and keep up the great work!
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #122 on: December 10, 2015, 06:05:00 AM »
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your first of many to come without tobacco! From your post above, your regaining your freedom and controlling temptation. That is awesome.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #121 on: December 08, 2015, 04:51:00 PM »
Day 74 - Living Life, but Staying Diligent

Life has been throwing me curve balls left and right lately. I've had numerous moments where I am stressed and this is when I would normally turn to dip. Don't get me wrong, I'm not Chicken Little, the sky is not falling. I've just had some circumstances to navigate lately. Nonetheless, in these moments, as a follower of Christ, I am frequently reminded of what Jesus did in these moments and replicate that. He stepped away and turned to His father for guidance. Therefore, I spend a lot of time during moments of stress and anxiety in my prayer room. The way that I used to respond to stress and anxiety helped maintain my addiction, it added a habitual layer to my physical addiction. Feeling stressed? Got dip?

Now.... I pray, I read the word, listen to worship music, read different study guides (latest is on Ephesians), or sometimes I just sit in silence and listen to God. This is how I am supposed to be aligned as a follower of Christ. I am supposed to seek God first in these moments. I was seeking Nic though. That is why I've uncovered it as a form of idolatry for me.

I don't have craves much at all anymore. I think about dip, but honestly, it doesn't really stick much. There are times that I have cave dreams and wake up momentarily thinking that I caved. Other than that, I've been so much focused on being a better follower of Christ that I've been quite on point. However, by posting roll, I still remind myself every morning that the temptations of the devil are lurking. I acknowledge this by posting a 24 hour commitment. This is one of many things that I do in the morning to reaffirm my commitment to God. Now... I just have start working out instead of just thinking about it...

Life is good. God is good.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #120 on: December 01, 2015, 02:44:00 PM »
Day 67 - Who Am I Ultimately Accountable To?

I was having a good conversation with a vet in here. I appreciated him raising this issue. I started to respond to him, but thought it might be even better to post this for others to see because he raised an issue that is not his alone.

There are a few people who believe that I think that I am only accountable to myself and God as it relates to my quit. As IÂ’ve said before, Turning away from dipping can be a struggle. For me as a Christian, it wasn't about me. It was about honoring God and being obedient to Him." People are putting their own spin/interpretation to words like that though. I understand that is going to happen. No one has really asked me to expand on much of it though. They have taken the time to attempt to expand on it for me and have misled themselves in the process. Most (which is a small group) talk indirectly about it or passive aggressively about it when they are angry at me. Sometimes, I stumble and get sucked into that back-and-forth garbage. Well today, a vet was the first person to bring it up to me more directly and specifically. I appreciate that. I don't mean for this to sound confrontational (because itÂ’s not), but I never said that I was ONLY accountable to myself and God. I donÂ’t recall talking about being accountable ONLY to myself. However, I did say (and stand by the notion) I am ULTIMATELY (not exclusively) accountable to God. Somehow people have interpreted that as if I think I am better than others (including other Christians) or that I donÂ’t need them or I donÂ’t support them. In actuality, I am simply submitting to God. I am putting Him first and above all. IÂ’m willing to take what comes with that.

Basically, I believe that we should lean MOSTLY (not exclusively) on a more reliable source and for me, that is God. It doesn't mean that KTC is bad or not useful. It is just acknowledging the limitations of being dependent on man. We are with fault and should not be anyoneÂ’s cornerstone. We can be shallow, prideful, and selfish at times. It's like my commitment to my church. God is ultimately my judge. Does that mean that I am in no way accountable to the body of Christ (my church and other Christians)? Absolutely not. However, I am ultimately accountable to God. The difference in the example of my church and KTC is that my church, ideally, is guided by God's word. My church is a group of people who are followers of Christ. They are more in alignment with my core responsibilities, values, beliefs that are grounded in being a follower of Christ. I am ultimately in existence to be a disciple of Christ and follow Him. Therefore, in the hypothetical case where my church is deviating from God's word, I will actually catch it and dissent. Why? Because I am ULTIMATELY guided and accountable to God's word and not the word of my church. I will always cross reference what I am being told with GodÂ’s word. My church is valuable as KTC is valuable. However, I am ultimately (not exclusively) accountable to God and His word.

At the end of the day, KTC does God’s work in many ways. I appreciate that. That is why I am here and contribute to maintaining and building this community. Additionally, it has been a great tool in helping me follow Christ more authentically. One way it has done this is that It has helped me “restore my temple.” Another way it has done this is by pushing me to be a better steward of the money, resources, and time that God has blessed me with (otherwise spent on dipping.) However, at one time, considering this community’s connect to my walk with Christ was an afterthought rather than a forethought. As a follower of Christ, I’m not supposed to follow KTC ways and then use my faith as a “lens to understand” what we do here. I am called to follow Christ and have that guide my actions and understanding of KTC. You see, it’s a fundamental difference in alignment. God is not the tool, KTC is.

Early on in my quit here, I’ve had to actually check myself and say, “Hey, you are being more disciplined about this quit then you are to the Lord on a daily basis. That needs to be realigned. He should come first. Make the change.” You’ll see this realignment reflected in my intro/journal. God didn’t REPLACE the community, but had to come before it.

HereÂ’s a fundamental difference between myself, as a follower of Christ, and those in here who are not. This is not a better/worse comparison, but a simple difference.

Some have said my Christian faith is one of many useful tools to quit. I respect the opinion. However, it is fundamentally off key from what I believe. My belief is not about religion. My belief is that I am a follower of Christ, not a “religious person.” With that being said, following Christ is not a tool used to quit chewing tobacco.

In fact, KTC is actually the tool. It is one of many tools that I’ve been blessed with that has strengthened my resolve in being a follower of Christ. It has been an amazing journey thus far and will continue to be. I don’t come here to “push my beliefs” on anyone, but when I’m asked how my quit is doing or what has worked for me or what I am struggling with… it will be intimately tied to my journey of being a better follower of Christ, he who I am ultimately accountable to. That is what this is all about for me. Quitting dip is only one of many sinful desires that I have and continue to shed to be a better follower.

I have each and everybodyÂ’s back in here. My actions have shown that more than anything i could say. This isnÂ’t you v. God, but he will always be first and foremost to me.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #119 on: November 26, 2015, 04:17:00 PM »
Quote from: pab1964
One thing I may add God gives people the knowledge to heal, create, preach,etc. My thinking is and this is my opinion I honestly feel that God definitely helped to build ktc to save countless life's. I will also like to add if you feel that strong in your beliefs maybe you should consider going into ministry. I'm not against I'm just trying to help, because when I was early in my quit someone or I should say several people saved my hardheaded ass from disaster! Quit on!

I do want you to know that I do like you. I appreciate your support. I don't have an issue with you. I quit with you today. I just had an issue with that particular situation...not your character.

I almost quit my current occupation to go into ministry full-time. In considering that, I consulted with a few spiritual fathers. They opened my eyes to the idea that I can minister in my current profession. It made sense. We need Christian ministers in Higher Ed. A lot of youth sway from God when they step into college. Their is definitely a counter-culture to Christ in some ways. Maybe not intentionally always, but...there nonetheless.

I think KTC does God's work for sure.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #118 on: November 26, 2015, 03:35:00 PM »
One thing I may add God gives people the knowledge to heal, create, preach,etc. My thinking is and this is my opinion I honestly feel that God definitely helped to build ktc to save countless life's. I will also like to add if you feel that strong in your beliefs maybe you should consider going into ministry. I'm not against I'm just trying to help, because when I was early in my quit someone or I should say several people saved my hardheaded ass from disaster! Quit on!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #117 on: November 26, 2015, 12:34:00 PM »
Day 62 - Thanksgiving, Jesus, and KTC

I've been reading through a study guide/devotional on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. Parallel to while I've been reading through this, I've had some conflict with a small, handful of KTC vets about my approach to quitting here in KTC. A few people feel like I'm trying to change the KTC way. Today, as I was reading the devotional, there was something that I read that I believe helps connect the dots fairly concisely. Here is what I read,

"I've met many Christians who hesitate to share their faith because they don't understand the power they possess in Christ. They think they need to lead people to Christ in their own strength, their own wisdom -- and they feel inadequate to the task. And they are! No one can lead anyone to Christ in their own strength. Let's stop trying to do God's job. Let's simply be obedient to do what God called us to do, and then let God energize our witness with his Spirit, his power, his dunamis."

Now this excerpt is talking about how we cannot bring people to Christ simply by our own power. It is not suggesting that we don't try or that we don't connect to a community that will help us do God's work. However, it is saying that ultimately, we need to lean on the Lord in order to carry out this mission. He and He alone will guide us. He may use other's as vessels, but all honor and glory are to Him. We can not do this on our own strength. This is God's job. However, we do have to do work as well. However, in simply being obedient and recognizing God's power, He will empower us to do His will. He will give us the tools we need to carry out His work. He, in and of Himself, is not a tool to be used. He is the one who creates and provides the tools to be used. He is first.

This is exactly what I am saying about not being ultimately accountable to the KTC community and not doing this just for myself or by myself. Ultimately, I am accountable to God and ultimately, He is my strength in my quit. All else bows to and is second to Him. Does it mean that I don't find value in the KTC community? No. It does not mean this. Just as I don't take the above truth as an excuse to disconnect from the body of Christ (ie. the worldly church.)

I am ultimately leaning on the Lord. I am ultimately accountable to Him. I quit to honor God by restoring my temple. That is first and foremost for me. This isn't a zero-sum game though. Just because I put God first, doesn't mean that I don't find any value in other things. However, my cornerstone for my quit cannot be this community or the people within it. It/they are valuable and I appreciate (and contribute to) them very much. However, they are not the reason that sustains my quit. We are with fault and should not try to expect to be a rock for someone. We can assist and support though. Some people have a hard time hearing that for some reason. Some people then frame my perspective as if it is God v. KTC. This is unfortunate. Why? In my mind, there is no such "match-up." KTC would not exist if it weren't for God. He is first. That is all I've said.

I am thankful for KTC and the many people who have created this community. I am happy to be a part of its continuance as well. I've reached out personally some time ago to a few people who started this and thanked them for doing just that. This isn't CIKI v. "the vets" and this surely isn't God v. KTC. There are a few people who do not understand what I mean. There are a few people who do understand, but simply disagree. I am fine with both. Despite the spin doctors perspectives, I don't believe in "my way or the highway." The real issue is that I won't follow "their way or the highway." If you don't understand something I am saying, just ask me. If you do understand, but disagree, keep doing it your own way. Me providing one of many Christian perspectives on how to quit Nic will do nothing, but enrich this community. Why? Because I am standing firm on God's word. It cannot fail. It just can't.

I am thankful for you all. Have a Happy Thanksgiving. I am excited about the time between now and Christmas as we commemorate the arrival of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ in human form. It's the most, wonderful time of the year!

God bless you all.

Ephesians 1:22-23 -- "And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way."

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #116 on: November 25, 2015, 12:35:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 60 - Who are you quitting for?

From time to time, I can ruffle feathers in here. Why? If you ask me, it's because I speak my mind and don't really let the opinion of others bother me too much. I don't bow down to the "elders of KTC." I don't resist the current for the sake of resisting the current, but I actually assess the current and then decide if I want to jump in. That's pretty much it. Sometimes, with some ideas, I don't like to jump in the water because I don't like where it is flowing. I simply have respect for those who have respect for others and me. I don't care how old you are and how long you've been quit. I quit w/ you today... that's the point! ODAAT! As in life, I know a lot of older and experienced people who have no sense. If you have something constructive to contribute, contribute it. However, all too often we hear in here "good luck w/ that" or we're called a "know-it-all" for dissenting with a popular opinion (or simply a LOUDER opinion.)

Which brings me to my next reflection... who are you quitting for?

I'm sorry for those who might not understand this, but I don't quit for anyone in here. I don't quit for my family. I don't quit for my wife. I don't quit for my future children. I don't quit for myself. This life is more than about ME. I quit to restore my temple in honor of God who is in me. Some people may not understand that. That is okay. I am not trying to push it on anyone. However, whenever I bring it up... there are people who are going to reject the notion, passively and more overtly. They swear up and down that we should not quit for anyone or anything else, but ourselves. However, to me, this is very self-centered. It is not God-centered. It is not surprising to get this reaction though. I've been told time and time again there is a great cost associated with following Jesus. I will experience rejection and resistance. It does not bother me. It is expected and welcomed. After all, the birthing process can be painful... It is okay to not understand what I am saying. I don't take offense to the rejection and resistance. Why? Most who are resisting don't truly understand what it is that they are resisting. That's like me being upset that you don't like who YOU THINK I am. I can not be upset if you haven't truly met me and understand me. You are not rejecting me. You are rejecting your image of me. It's the same thing here. People reject what they don't understand. You don't just read the Christian bible and understand what I am saying. It's not about the understanding tickling your brain, it's about it piercing your heart and soul. Until it has, you really can not understand.

Next, I am not ultimately accountable to anyone in here. I am accountable to Jesus. This is often misinterpreted in here as if I don't support anyone. That is false. The truth is, I've made a commitment to Jesus to restore my temple because He dwells there. Again, this might be a level of accountability that is hard for some to understand. Why? Because they may not have a relationship with Christ or they know Him, but haven't truly followed Him, uncovering His will for their life. They just read the bible and/or go to church. It's okay if they don't understand. I'm not going to beat them over the head until they accept Him. That's not what God would want. If God wanted us all to be Christian, I believe Him to be powerful enough to snap His finger and make it happen. However, if He wanted this, He would have never allowed Adam and Eve to be disobedient in the garden. He wants us to come to Him. He doesn't want to have to pull us to Him.

A few people in here have rejected this and refuse to respect it as simply a difference. They say that there is the KTC way and this is not it. We quit for ourselves and only ourselves. Some people have a differing interpretation of free will than I do. They use the idea of free will to suggest that God has nothing to do with my quit. I disagree. We have differing perspectives.

God has everything to do with my existence and my quit. I quit in His name and am accountable to Him. Plain and simple. I will serve Him first and foremost. In serving Him, I'll help my brothers in here. However, understand that my reasoning... is very different from some of yours. I respect yours. Please respect mine.

I quit in His name today.
Hi CIKI. Nice post. You know, ruffling feathers is ok. Constant change is the only path to constant improvement. Change Ruffles feathers. Bring it on.

Religion and addiction are interesting bedfellows. I finally came to the conclusion that I am quitting for me. I'm very active on the intros and feel like that time benefits others - but also me. Jesus is important in my life, but I believe there are plenty of tobacco farmers and Phillip Morris employees that are believers too. The decisions we make seal our fate. We own what we choose to do, be it good or bad.

I'm proud to quit with you today sir. You have some great days ahead.
I respect your decision to quit for you. That is your journey brother.

Mine might be a little different and a little the same. I'm okay with that and quit with you.

Not judging your tobacco farming friends. It is not my job to do so.

Quit w/ you today. As usual, I appreciate your comments and support.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #115 on: November 24, 2015, 09:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Can_I_Kick_It?
Day 60 - Who are you quitting for?

From time to time, I can ruffle feathers in here. Why? If you ask me, it's because I speak my mind and don't really let the opinion of others bother me too much. I don't bow down to the "elders of KTC." I don't resist the current for the sake of resisting the current, but I actually assess the current and then decide if I want to jump in. That's pretty much it. Sometimes, with some ideas, I don't like to jump in the water because I don't like where it is flowing. I simply have respect for those who have respect for others and me. I don't care how old you are and how long you've been quit. I quit w/ you today... that's the point! ODAAT! As in life, I know a lot of older and experienced people who have no sense. If you have something constructive to contribute, contribute it. However, all too often we hear in here "good luck w/ that" or we're called a "know-it-all" for dissenting with a popular opinion (or simply a LOUDER opinion.)

Which brings me to my next reflection... who are you quitting for?

I'm sorry for those who might not understand this, but I don't quit for anyone in here. I don't quit for my family. I don't quit for my wife. I don't quit for my future children. I don't quit for myself. This life is more than about ME. I quit to restore my temple in honor of God who is in me. Some people may not understand that. That is okay. I am not trying to push it on anyone. However, whenever I bring it up... there are people who are going to reject the notion, passively and more overtly. They swear up and down that we should not quit for anyone or anything else, but ourselves. However, to me, this is very self-centered. It is not God-centered. It is not surprising to get this reaction though. I've been told time and time again there is a great cost associated with following Jesus. I will experience rejection and resistance. It does not bother me. It is expected and welcomed. After all, the birthing process can be painful... It is okay to not understand what I am saying. I don't take offense to the rejection and resistance. Why? Most who are resisting don't truly understand what it is that they are resisting. That's like me being upset that you don't like who YOU THINK I am. I can not be upset if you haven't truly met me and understand me. You are not rejecting me. You are rejecting your image of me. It's the same thing here. People reject what they don't understand. You don't just read the Christian bible and understand what I am saying. It's not about the understanding tickling your brain, it's about it piercing your heart and soul. Until it has, you really can not understand.

Next, I am not ultimately accountable to anyone in here. I am accountable to Jesus. This is often misinterpreted in here as if I don't support anyone. That is false. The truth is, I've made a commitment to Jesus to restore my temple because He dwells there. Again, this might be a level of accountability that is hard for some to understand. Why? Because they may not have a relationship with Christ or they know Him, but haven't truly followed Him, uncovering His will for their life. They just read the bible and/or go to church. It's okay if they don't understand. I'm not going to beat them over the head until they accept Him. That's not what God would want. If God wanted us all to be Christian, I believe Him to be powerful enough to snap His finger and make it happen. However, if He wanted this, He would have never allowed Adam and Eve to be disobedient in the garden. He wants us to come to Him. He doesn't want to have to pull us to Him.

A few people in here have rejected this and refuse to respect it as simply a difference. They say that there is the KTC way and this is not it. We quit for ourselves and only ourselves. Some people have a differing interpretation of free will than I do. They use the idea of free will to suggest that God has nothing to do with my quit. I disagree. We have differing perspectives.

God has everything to do with my existence and my quit. I quit in His name and am accountable to Him. Plain and simple. I will serve Him first and foremost. In serving Him, I'll help my brothers in here. However, understand that my reasoning... is very different from some of yours. I respect yours. Please respect mine.

I quit in His name today.
Hi CIKI. Nice post. You know, ruffling feathers is ok. Constant change is the only path to constant improvement. Change Ruffles feathers. Bring it on.

Religion and addiction are interesting bedfellows. I finally came to the conclusion that I am quitting for me. I'm very active on the intros and feel like that time benefits others - but also me. Jesus is important in my life, but I believe there are plenty of tobacco farmers and Phillip Morris employees that are believers too. The decisions we make seal our fate. We own what we choose to do, be it good or bad.

I'm proud to quit with you today sir. You have some great days ahead.

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Re: Today is the day
« Reply #114 on: November 24, 2015, 09:57:00 AM »
Day 60 - Who are you quitting for?

From time to time, I can ruffle feathers in here. Why? If you ask me, it's because I speak my mind and don't really let the opinion of others bother me too much. I don't bow down to the "elders of KTC." I don't resist the current for the sake of resisting the current, but I actually assess the current and then decide if I want to jump in. That's pretty much it. Sometimes, with some ideas, I don't like to jump in the water because I don't like where it is flowing. I simply have respect for those who have respect for others and me. I don't care how old you are and how long you've been quit. I quit w/ you today... that's the point! ODAAT! As in life, I know a lot of older and experienced people who have no sense. If you have something constructive to contribute, contribute it. However, all too often we hear in here "good luck w/ that" or we're called a "know-it-all" for dissenting with a popular opinion (or simply a LOUDER opinion.)

Which brings me to my next reflection... who are you quitting for?

I'm sorry for those who might not understand this, but I don't quit for anyone in here. I don't quit for my family. I don't quit for my wife. I don't quit for my future children. I don't quit for myself. This life is more than about ME. I quit to restore my temple in honor of God who is in me. Some people may not understand that. That is okay. I am not trying to push it on anyone. However, whenever I bring it up... there are people who are going to reject the notion, passively and more overtly. They swear up and down that we should not quit for anyone or anything else, but ourselves. However, to me, this is very self-centered. It is not God-centered. It is not surprising to get this reaction though. I've been told time and time again there is a great cost associated with following Jesus. I will experience rejection and resistance. It does not bother me. It is expected and welcomed. After all, the birthing process can be painful... It is okay to not understand what I am saying. I don't take offense to the rejection and resistance. Why? Most who are resisting don't truly understand what it is that they are resisting. That's like me being upset that you don't like who YOU THINK I am. I can not be upset if you haven't truly met me and understand me. You are not rejecting me. You are rejecting your image of me. It's the same thing here. People reject what they don't understand. You don't just read the Christian bible and understand what I am saying. It's not about the understanding tickling your brain, it's about it piercing your heart and soul. Until it has, you really can not understand.

Next, I am not ultimately accountable to anyone in here. I am accountable to Jesus. This is often misinterpreted in here as if I don't support anyone. That is false. The truth is, I've made a commitment to Jesus to restore my temple because He dwells there. Again, this might be a level of accountability that is hard for some to understand. Why? Because they may not have a relationship with Christ or they know Him, but haven't truly followed Him, uncovering His will for their life. They just read the bible and/or go to church. It's okay if they don't understand. I'm not going to beat them over the head until they accept Him. That's not what God would want. If God wanted us all to be Christian, I believe Him to be powerful enough to snap His finger and make it happen. However, if He wanted this, He would have never allowed Adam and Eve to be disobedient in the garden. He wants us to come to Him. He doesn't want to have to pull us to Him.

A few people in here have rejected this and refuse to respect it as simply a difference. They say that there is the KTC way and this is not it. We quit for ourselves and only ourselves. Some people have a differing interpretation of free will than I do. They use the idea of free will to suggest that God has nothing to do with my quit. I disagree. We have differing perspectives.

God has everything to do with my existence and my quit. I quit in His name and am accountable to Him. Plain and simple. I will serve Him first and foremost. In serving Him, I'll help my brothers in here. However, understand that my reasoning... is very different from some of yours. I respect yours. Please respect mine.

I quit in His name today.