I am 35 years old, have two kids (3 and 5) and a beautiful wife. I have been dipping for almost 20 years~ a can a day habit.
For years I have always found excuses to put off quitting or to start up again at the first hint of life's little pressures. I completed an Ironman Triathlon in under 12 hours, but I couldn't go more than 4 hours without my dip fix. Why? Because I was a little BITCH.
Two weeks ago I began searching the internet for quit dipping resources and last Thursday, May 28th, I sat on this site for 15 minutes, read a few topics on the home page and decided I wanted to live rather than slowly kill myself. I spit out my last dip, flushed all my stash down the toilet and began Friday, May 29th a nicotine-free man.
I will conquer this sick fucking addiction...one day at a time. I AM QUIT!