Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin. I have been dipping since I was 16 years old. I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps. My biggest mistake? Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.
It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time. I am all-in on this attempt. I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect. I want to live long.Â
Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.
I am in day two of the quit. The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon. Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit. Fuck nicotine!
Hope nobody takes offense to the language. 'boob'
'bang head'Â 'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..
Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.
Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.
Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.
If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.
Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.
If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.
You got this!!!