Author Topic: Josh  (Read 3202 times)

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Offline usmcjosh

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Re: Josh
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2014, 09:36:00 PM »
Hey there my fellow mother fucking quit sons of god damn bitches!!!!!

Day 21!! Times a moving and I'm still gonna give a big fuck u 'Finger' to the Nic bitch.

Any mother fuckers out there ever need anything PM me!!

Now a question for my fellow quits!!!

What is the preference and how close are jakes and smokey mountain to those that have tried both?
Appleton, WI

Quit- 1/15/14
HOF- 4/21/14
2nd Floor- 7/30/2014

Semper Fi.

Offline usmcjosh

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Re: Josh
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2014, 02:26:00 PM »
DAY 6 nic free.

Shit like today sucks dick when you are sicker than fuck, in the past it was dip dip dip till I you feel better. Fucking shit. Guess I'll have to pop some pills, cause nic is not the answer.
'flush' 'Finger' shocker
Appleton, WI

Quit- 1/15/14
HOF- 4/21/14
2nd Floor- 7/30/2014

Semper Fi.

Offline zam

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Re: Josh
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2014, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: usmcjosh
So day 4 of the quit started with a desire for a chew and my balls itching. So I itched my balls, threw in some smokey mountain, and took a shit.

Successful morning. Nicotine should be out of the blood stream for good by now. 'Finger'
Oh man, I love this stuff...acknowledge the crave, flip it the bird, and move on.
You sir, are what we refer to as "winning".
*Quit today. Full stop. No qualifiers. Tomorrow?... IDK, IDC.

Offline usmcjosh

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Re: Josh
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2014, 11:22:00 AM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: kana
Quote from: apogeeammo
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.   'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Welcome to KTC your fucking puke! As Diesel so eloquently put it not many here will be offended by your language. You will notice on some days that quitting induces turrets in some. Hell, most of us veterans learned that certain words show passion or feelings.

Quit on brother, find an alternative, exchange phone numbers, get your spouse to read the support section on here Spousal Support.

Post roll Daily, invest your time into your quit. No one here can make you quit, no one in your life can make you quit. You have to make you quit. You may never be cured, but if you quit daily and promise I guarantee that you can do this, because I did.

You will find there are several of us Devil Dawgs in here on KTC and everyone of us has quit. SO I am convinced that you can too.

I think its dog gone funny the way that all of you goshdarn nincompoops pile on such filthy language when someone says "Hope nobody takes offense to the language."

Josh, welcome to the April Resolute Bastards! I quit with you today!
The ONLY thing offensive here is not keeping your word.. post roll everyday  the rewards will follow..
This thread made me laugh and almost choke on a bugles chip....... Offensive? Only thing offensive is nicotine and using it at all. Well said Diesel.... Wish I hadn't been eating when I read your reply! Welcome to KTC brother. Curse all you want here! We are all equally angry at UST and ourselves for being slaves for as long as we were.
So day 4 of the quit started with a desire for a chew and my balls itching. So I itched my balls, threw in some smokey mountain, and took a shit.

Successful morning. Nicotine should be out of the blood stream for good by now. 'Finger'
Appleton, WI

Quit- 1/15/14
HOF- 4/21/14
2nd Floor- 7/30/2014

Semper Fi.

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Josh
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2014, 03:22:00 PM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: apogeeammo
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.   'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up.  We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Welcome to KTC your fucking puke! As Diesel so eloquently put it not many here will be offended by your language. You will notice on some days that quitting induces turrets in some. Hell, most of us veterans learned that certain words show passion or feelings.

Quit on brother, find an alternative, exchange phone numbers, get your spouse to read the support section on here Spousal Support.

Post roll Daily, invest your time into your quit. No one here can make you quit, no one in your life can make you quit. You have to make you quit. You may never be cured, but if you quit daily and promise I guarantee that you can do this, because I did.

You will find there are several of us Devil Dawgs in here on KTC and everyone of us has quit. SO I am convinced that you can too.

I think its dog gone funny the way that all of you goshdarn nincompoops pile on such filthy language when someone says "Hope nobody takes offense to the language."

Josh, welcome to the April Resolute Bastards! I quit with you today!
The ONLY thing offensive here is not keeping your word.. post roll everyday  the rewards will follow..
This thread made me laugh and almost choke on a bugles chip....... Offensive? Only thing offensive is nicotine and using it at all. Well said Diesel.... Wish I hadn't been eating when I read your reply! Welcome to KTC brother. Curse all you want here! We are all equally angry at UST and ourselves for being slaves for as long as we were.

Offline kana

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Re: Josh
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2014, 11:43:00 AM »
Quote from: apogeeammo
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.   'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Welcome to KTC your fucking puke! As Diesel so eloquently put it not many here will be offended by your language. You will notice on some days that quitting induces turrets in some. Hell, most of us veterans learned that certain words show passion or feelings.

Quit on brother, find an alternative, exchange phone numbers, get your spouse to read the support section on here Spousal Support.

Post roll Daily, invest your time into your quit. No one here can make you quit, no one in your life can make you quit. You have to make you quit. You may never be cured, but if you quit daily and promise I guarantee that you can do this, because I did.

You will find there are several of us Devil Dawgs in here on KTC and everyone of us has quit. SO I am convinced that you can too.

I think its dog gone funny the way that all of you goshdarn nincompoops pile on such filthy language when someone says "Hope nobody takes offense to the language."

Josh, welcome to the April Resolute Bastards! I quit with you today!
The ONLY thing offensive here is not keeping your word.. post roll everyday  the rewards will follow..
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

Offline apogeeammo

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Re: Josh
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2014, 11:32:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.   'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Welcome to KTC your fucking puke! As Diesel so eloquently put it not many here will be offended by your language. You will notice on some days that quitting induces turrets in some. Hell, most of us veterans learned that certain words show passion or feelings.

Quit on brother, find an alternative, exchange phone numbers, get your spouse to read the support section on here Spousal Support.

Post roll Daily, invest your time into your quit. No one here can make you quit, no one in your life can make you quit. You have to make you quit. You may never be cured, but if you quit daily and promise I guarantee that you can do this, because I did.

You will find there are several of us Devil Dawgs in here on KTC and everyone of us has quit. SO I am convinced that you can too.

I think its dog gone funny the way that all of you goshdarn nincompoops pile on such filthy language when someone says "Hope nobody takes offense to the language."

Josh, welcome to the April Resolute Bastards! I quit with you today!
--Focus on Remedies, Not Faults - Jack Nicklaus
--Do or Do Not, There is NO Try - Yoda
--Recalculating! - The GPS bitch!
--462 Just ahead of me! - Maynard

HOF 4/10/2014

Offline Pinched

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Re: Josh
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2014, 11:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.   'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Welcome to KTC your fucking puke! As Diesel so eloquently put it not many here will be offended by your language. You will notice on some days that quitting induces turrets in some. Hell, most of us veterans learned that certain words show passion or feelings.

Quit on brother, find an alternative, exchange phone numbers, get your spouse to read the support section on here Spousal Support.

Post roll Daily, invest your time into your quit. No one here can make you quit, no one in your life can make you quit. You have to make you quit. You may never be cured, but if you quit daily and promise I guarantee that you can do this, because I did.

You will find there are several of us Devil Dawgs in here on KTC and everyone of us has quit. SO I am convinced that you can too.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: Josh
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2014, 12:01:00 AM »
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.  'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Fuckin A...nice fucking intro, you quitting son of s bitch..

Glad you came to your fucking senses and have decided to kick the shit out of mother fucking nicotine.

Quitting can be a pain in the dick at times, especially in the beginning. You're going to have to battle your fucking ass off, but you don't have to do this shit alone.

Some bad ass mother fuckers here have blazed a path and written a hell of a playbook for you to follow.

If you try to tackle this cunt whore alone, your chances of success shrink like a dick in a cold swimming pool. Lean on us when times get fucked up. We will help get you up to full mast. Dude...that sounded very ghey.

Bottom line is that you can and WILL do this shit.

If a fuck nugget like me can do it, any dickfur can.

You got this!!!
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
8th floor 08/12/14
9th floor 10/20/14
Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Wt57

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Re: Josh
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2014, 11:05:00 PM »
Josh you're a smart guy, go to the welcome center and figure the roll out. Your in April 2014 group.
I am all-in on this attempt.

Let's change that language and way of thinking. An attempt is a plan to fail! My wife was my strength for several weeks and then she lost interest, she just didn't understand how long term this reprogramming takes, this bunch of fellow addicts understand very well. Thank you for your service. Oh, one more thing don't worry about your fucking language, we've heard and said it all. Remember your not dealing with the cream of the crop here. Well other than a few of US. Pm me if you need anything.
WT 656
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: Josh
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2014, 05:51:00 PM »
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin.  I have been dipping since I was 16 years old.  I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps.  My biggest mistake?  Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time.  I am all-in on this attempt.  I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect.  I want to live long. 

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit.  The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon.  Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit.  Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language.  'boob'

'bang head'  'Finger'
Hi Josh
Welcome to the family and thanks for your service. Your wife can be a support to you but I found my wife doesn't care to know the specifics about my addiction. She is just glad I am quitting every day. (and I know she is skeptical that its for real this time) That's ok with me I am so ashamed I put her through so many years of living with an addict. Use us here for support. That's what we are all here for. To help each other quit this disgusting and deadly addiction. Learn to post roll (if you haven't already) and sound off when you need to vent or need encouragement. Welcome brother of quit! And feel free to use whatever kind of fucking language you want as long as you stay quit with us!

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Re: Josh
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 04:22:00 PM »
Welcome Josh...check out the rest of the site, lots of fine quitters here to go through this with!

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Re: Josh
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 03:57:00 PM »
Hey Josh, good to see you here. I'm 29 days wonderfully nicotine free after more than 30 years of eating the shit. That's conservatively $40,000 of today's dollars invested toward killing myself! I've quit before and was able to knuckle down and make it through the first 3 or 4 days. Then congratulating myself on being tough enough to beat addiction, I started again and continued for a few more years and then repeated the cycle. Not this time; I've had enough.

For me, I had to remember that it was easier to quit than to stay quit. Posting roll each morning very much helps me stay quit.

Glad your here!
Live Usefully

Offline Kandalk

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Re: Josh
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 03:38:00 PM »
Quote from: usmcjosh
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin. I have been dipping since I was 16 years old. I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps. My biggest mistake? Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time. I am all-in on this attempt. I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect. I want to live long.

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit. The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon. Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit. Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language. 'boob'

'bang head' 'Finger'
Welcome Josh, no one here is going to take offense to your language.

Thank you for your service to the Country.

Congrates on making it to 2 days

Now get your ass into the pre HOF April and post roll, if you have not already done so.
Get contacts and when you need to blow steam do it here not at your wife, we know what you are going through she does not.

These guys can be hard asses at times but it is what it takes to kick this bitch to the curb, I would be lost with out them. And I am now sitting at 219 after using for almost 20 years.

Welcom inbox me if you need anything.

Offline usmcjosh

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« on: January 16, 2014, 03:26:00 PM »
Yo my name is Josh and from Wisconsin. I have been dipping since I was 16 years old. I am 30 now, so in those 14 years of chew I have only been clean of nicotine for three months and that is when I attended boot camp for the Marine Corps. My biggest mistake? Well two actually 1.) Starting in the first place and 2.) Starting again after boot camp.

It came down to I was sick of it and needed to quit, I wanted to quit and tried to quit for a long time. I am all-in on this attempt. I don't care to get cancer, have a heart attack, a stroke, ect. I want to live long.

Not sure my wife fully understands what this is like, but she is as supportive as I think she can be, so love her for that.

I am in day two of the quit. The last time I put nicotine into my blood was 1/14/2014 at Noon. Game on I've tackled worse in my life, time to kick the shit out of this habit. Fuck nicotine!

Hope nobody takes offense to the language. 'boob'

'bang head' 'Finger'
Appleton, WI

Quit- 1/15/14
HOF- 4/21/14
2nd Floor- 7/30/2014

Semper Fi.