Author Topic: My Intro  (Read 2491 times)

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2013, 10:47:00 PM »
Spike, I love your energy, your writing style. I see you mean war with this bitch. I am currently at war with the same bitch. She can't beat all of us, when we stand together and tell her to get the hell outta our lives, she doesn't have a choice. We, our own minds make the choice whether she lives within us or not. Kick that bitches ass and if you must puke her out. She won't be back again except to cry...........and that doesn't hurt one bit..........

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2013, 06:31:00 PM »
Quote from: Jdblack
When I got online in a rage, trying for 30 minutes dip free just to post, and when I finally posted I told the community "how fucking stupid this system and site was" Calling the forums  "Junk".
Love this part! I felt the same way. I was sure that I didn't need this site, didn't need help, didn't need to post roll. Of course, I found this site at 3:45 AM...but I just couldn't sleep that nigh...totally unrelated, right?

I thought I'd just post roll for a few days...just to humor the folks on here. But I didn't really have a problem. I could do this myself...anytime I wanted. Posting roll is stupid, right?

Oh, did I mention that I'm a bit stubborn, too? Wouldn't even admit to myself that I was an addict. I'd quit for one day to to prove to myself I could. (Holy crap, I was stooopid.)

I don't know what gripped me, but I started reading...and reading...and reading. These guys got it. I was an addict. These were other addicts who really knew where I was and what I needed to hear. And, unbelievably, they got through to me?!!! I've learned pretty much everything else in life the hard way. But the level of honesty, understanding, patience and accountability actually got through my thick skull and I reached the HoF. Read, post roll, read, post roll...and you will too...ONE DAY AT A TIME, brother!!!

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2013, 05:56:00 PM »
Quote from: SpikeB420
Hi there, My name is Spike. I am 37 years old. I've been chewing since I was 15. I played baseball the older kids did it and the coach let us. What a dickface coach.

I guess my official quit day was Sunday Nov 17th. but I went Saturday afternoon and night w/o any pinches. (this was after saturday morning was spent collecting empty cans, and getting every last bit left out of all my empty's to give me a couple last dips)

I have been happily married for 12 years, have 2 kids and 1 on the way. My first 2 kids are ages 12  10. They have lived with the stench, the spit cans and the look before you drink approach all their life. I told them it was called "yucky stuff" when they were babies, and they still refer to it as Dad's Yucky Stuff.

Since Sunday when I decided to join the community, I have had some very troubling times. All mental nothing crazy, but holy shit I feel like I'm on crack and everything is super intense. I do shit without realizing. (It was trash day today, I go to take out the trash and I had already done it) Anger, Depression, Nausea, all in 10 minutes then another intense cycle. I barely remember shit, and been going through life feeling like I'm drunk or hungover. When I talk to people their voice seems louder and kind of surreal.

But a BIG THANK YOU to the members of this community who have already reached out and extended help and time and well wishes. After lurking for a few days, and telling myself "after this can" I tried to join the community and could not figure anything out on Sunday. I posted and tweeted my anger and frustration. When I got online in a rage, trying for 30 minutes dip free just to post, and when I finally posted I told the community "how fucking stupid this system and site was" Calling the forums "Junk".

Then I recieved messages from a few people and they were very encouraging and positive. I got very emotional that this community cared for me, and told me the shit I needed to hear. I was forced to come back to the forums to read the post sent to me. Which led me to reading more post, and some HOF letters. I was in tears reading your stories. This was a place I need to be right now. Someone who understands.

My wife quit smoking like it was no big deal. She told me not to go cold turkey, cause Im driving her crazy. She keeps saying shit like mind over matter, calm down. Shes right, but she says it in this tone, like I'm weak. This quit IS KICKING MY ASS, Does it have more power over me then a nice Fine Cut Cope/Long Cut Grizzly cocktail? Right now it does. $3 and a stroll down to the gas station, and everything is back to normal right? Not this time. I want normal to be me not thinking about a chew, not needing one. Chew was my patch. If I was awake for 16 hours in a day, I had a dip in 12 of those hours. Constant nicotine......I won't be nics bitch anymore, I'll be this quits bitch. Honestly I try and get off on all these feelings and emotions. Like I'm experimenting with some new drug. It's crazy.

That's enough, I had patience to write this much, I feel good. Please keep the Good Vibes streaming my way, and I hope I can do the same one day.
You da Man! Tip - in the beginning of my quit I use to look at cancer pics daily. Anytime I get the urge I pull them up and quickly lose the urge. Good job man, welcome aboard!!
Quit 8/06/13
HOF 11/13/2013

Offline Pinched

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2013, 05:35:00 PM »
I apologize if I have missed it but I wanted to add some links that may be benefit you. I didn't see a roll post for you so if I overlooked it I apologize.

You have been given some good advice so far, now let's see it.

Now read up the info on the site Welcome Center

Learn how to post roll How to Post Roll

Then post Roll here Pre-HOF February 2014 Quit Group

Post Roll daily. This is your promise to stay quit, understand that KTC is all about brotherhood and Accountability. Make sure that these words mean something to you. Also understand that all of us quitters care so when a cave happens people will take that shit personally. We invest time into people and the quit groups are like tight families of quit.

Finally, I recommend that you find an alternative, fake dip, candy, gum, mints, etc. Drink lots of water, so much that you cannot pass a bathroom without having to piss.

P.S. All of the above underlined words are links to the site.

Let's do this,

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2013, 05:25:00 PM »
Welcome to the suck Spike. Remember every painful, fucked up moment of the next week or so. That will give you enough fuel to NEVER want to go through it again.

Keep doing what you are doing - read the site, hop into Live Chat, post in your group. If you are into working out or running, get out and do it. If you are not, consider starting. Drink lots of water. You may want to give fake chew a try, or maybe fireballs/seeds/gum.

Whatever it takes to keep that shit out of your mouth. We are here for you my man, you are doing this. Hold on tight, shoot me a pm if you need another number.

You got this.
The problem is not the problem.  The problem is your attitude about the problem.  Do you understand?

Draw Fire

If its too much trouble to post roll call, you could always fuck off.

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Offline kjones1337

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 05:24:00 PM »
Hey Spike, my name's Kyle. It's great that you finally decided to call it quits! I to just recently quit (6 days ago) and it's a great feeling knowing that you are one of the few out there strong enough to break this addiction!

When I finally decided enough was enough, I thought to myself for hours, constantly telling myself I was strong enough to quit this damn habit. I don't know if you are a religious man or not, but honestly, prayer has helped me TREMENDOUSLY through this. I keep myself busy with work and school and other hobbies and honestly, I've had one craving in 6 days.

I'm not saying that it won't get worse later, but with God, family, and friends supporting you, you can do anything man!

If you'd like, shoot me an email on here and we can keep each other going strong. Hell, vent to me if you would like! You got this buddy, just stay strong!
Quit date: November 13, 2013

Offline Pinched

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Re: My Intro
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 05:24:00 PM »
Well holy shit Spike, welcome to the party pal.

We are very close in age and even years married and kids. You have done very well to make it this far. You are experiencing the fog and you are right it abso-fucking-lutely sucks. Remember every painful minute though.

You are doing well so far and seem to have the rage/anger pointed in the right direction. Note that we all understand anger as we have all faced it, but most of us do it here or on the phone with another quitter.

I would also urge you to point your wife to the this Spousal Support.

Other than that use the tools on here, note that posting roll is the minimum cost to play here but as you read more and look around you will find that there are many things on here that help us deal with our addiction.

If you need another quitter to talk to shoot me a PM and I will be glad to share my number with you. If you find a quitter close to you or visiting near you don't be afraid to meet them in person, it adds a ton of accountability to your quit.

"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline SpikeB420

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My Intro
« on: November 19, 2013, 05:12:00 PM »
Hi there, My name is Spike. I am 37 years old. I've been chewing since I was 15. I played baseball the older kids did it and the coach let us. What a dickface coach.

I guess my official quit day was Sunday Nov 17th. but I went Saturday afternoon and night w/o any pinches. (this was after saturday morning was spent collecting empty cans, and getting every last bit left out of all my empty's to give me a couple last dips)

I have been happily married for 12 years, have 2 kids and 1 on the way. My first 2 kids are ages 12  10. They have lived with the stench, the spit cans and the look before you drink approach all their life. I told them it was called "yucky stuff" when they were babies, and they still refer to it as Dad's Yucky Stuff.

Since Sunday when I decided to join the community, I have had some very troubling times. All mental nothing crazy, but holy shit I feel like I'm on crack and everything is super intense. I do shit without realizing. (It was trash day today, I go to take out the trash and I had already done it) Anger, Depression, Nausea, all in 10 minutes then another intense cycle. I barely remember shit, and been going through life feeling like I'm drunk or hungover. When I talk to people their voice seems louder and kind of surreal.

But a BIG THANK YOU to the members of this community who have already reached out and extended help and time and well wishes. After lurking for a few days, and telling myself "after this can" I tried to join the community and could not figure anything out on Sunday. I posted and tweeted my anger and frustration. When I got online in a rage, trying for 30 minutes dip free just to post, and when I finally posted I told the community "how fucking stupid this system and site was" Calling the forums "Junk".

Then I recieved messages from a few people and they were very encouraging and positive. I got very emotional that this community cared for me, and told me the shit I needed to hear. I was forced to come back to the forums to read the post sent to me. Which led me to reading more post, and some HOF letters. I was in tears reading your stories. This was a place I need to be right now. Someone who understands.

My wife quit smoking like it was no big deal. She told me not to go cold turkey, cause Im driving her crazy. She keeps saying shit like mind over matter, calm down. Shes right, but she says it in this tone, like I'm weak. This quit IS KICKING MY ASS, Does it have more power over me then a nice Fine Cut Cope/Long Cut Grizzly cocktail? Right now it does. $3 and a stroll down to the gas station, and everything is back to normal right? Not this time. I want normal to be me not thinking about a chew, not needing one. Chew was my patch. If I was awake for 16 hours in a day, I had a dip in 12 of those hours. Constant nicotine......I won't be nics bitch anymore, I'll be this quits bitch. Honestly I try and get off on all these feelings and emotions. Like I'm experimenting with some new drug. It's crazy.

That's enough, I had patience to write this much, I feel good. Please keep the Good Vibes streaming my way, and I hope I can do the same one day.