hey everyone. i introduced myself a while back and ive been posting roll for a while now. today is day 56. i've been doing really good with my quit but i've been having trouble forgiving myelf and moving on. every godddamn fucking day, i think to myself, how the fuck did i let me do this awful thing to my body every day? i know the answer is you did it, sack up, stay quit and fucking deal with it but i look at my daughter sometimes and all i can think of is how fucking selish and stupid i was and i cant forgive myself i just feel like a piece of shit and it fucking sucks. i know im doing the right thing now, but goddamn, i hate that feeling.
additionally, i made my first dentist appointent today since i quit. i wanted to wait a little while to make sure i would be quit for good. (i had tried before and been relatively unsccessful only making it a few weeks each time. this site has been extrememly helpul). every so often, i get a few sores that show up in my mouth. they're usually only mildly annoying. ever since i was a kid before i chewed, i would get canker sores. literally every time i bit my lip or cheek, it would turn into a canker, not even a question. i never really thought much of them since it happened as a kid but since i've wised up and i quit, im pretty fucking terrified. i know theres not much i can do now besides go to the dentist and keep being a quitter, but what are the possibilities as for whats going on here? i know i will find out when i go to the dentist, but does anyone know if this can be something other than cancer? im only 24 and i will absolutely fucking hate myself if i have cancer from dipping at age 24.
thanks for listening