I'm 39. I'm married and have 3 kids. Been dipping for about, I don't know, 9-10 years. I go through maybe 2-4 cans per week. I'm going to need help with this. i'm man enough to admit a weakness. Tried quitting before. Did't last long. I coach football and its always around. Temptation staring me in the face. I have got to man up though. I am starting a new fitness program and this is part of it for me. Tired of worrying about the health implications. Tired of hiding it from my loved ones. its ridiculous. Any help that I can get would be greatly appreciated. Its going to be tough.
Hey Coach, (thank you for taking good care of our kids), what if your middle linebacker came up to you and said the following....
"Hey Coach, this is just too hard. That other guy over there is big and mean. He has been staring me in the face all day. I tried to tackle him once but he is so big I just gave up. I'm a man and all coach, but I just think we should throw in the towel on this game even though it is just the first quarter."
OK, what would your response be?
If you're anything like my coach was in football, that linebacker is about to get an ass chewing just like you.
C'mon Coach, you freaking pussy, its just a can of cancer dirt. You're 39 years old and letting a can of hooch with no balls kick your ass? I swear, there are 6th graders tougher than you. For Gods sake, you have children to raise and take care of for a very long time and you would rather stroke the pole of some US Tobacco CEO. Throw that shit in the toilet and flush that pile of dog crap. You don't need that. Now, get in there coach and quit being a lame ass, excuse making, lip packing douchebag. Get in there and hit somebody. Damn.
Yep. There is a magic concept. It is simple to do yet so many people refuse to do it.
Are you a man that can make promises and be accountable to that promise?
Facing that linebacker may be the toughest thing you do this year but you can face him and you can beat him.
Every today you must post roll. By putting your name on the roll, you are promising other nicotine addicts that you will not chew tobacco today. Likewise the names on the roll are promising you.
Keep your promise. You can quit for 24 hours. Your addicted mind thinks you can't do it because forever quit is impossible but to quit today, we all can go 24 hrs, even if its hard.
So you take your quit day by day. Just like your linebacker needs to focus on the play at hand. The last play is over, the next play doesn't matter until you show up, suit up and play the play at hand.
I have never quit tomorrow. I only quit today.
Post roll, keep your word and repeat every day you wake and its "Today".
Do this. It's going to be tough but if you follow the plan, you can quit.
I am living proof. I haven't touched nicotine / tobacco for 727 days. Thought I couldn't do this forever. I still can't. I only quit today. When tomorrow comes, I'll worry then. Today, I am quit and can go a day without the shit in a can. The lie in a can.