Hey Devin, hopefully by now you're posting roll with the February 2016 group....uh, never mind. I just checked. You're not posting roll so I can only assume that you've caved already. But, if by some glimmer of hope you've been able to stay quit for 5 days, then dammit, get your name on that roll call and post your promise.
You see, November 14th is also a day near and dear to me. It was my birthday too, I just wish that at age 29 I had the wherewithal and balls to quit. Today, I'm quit for almost 2 years and I just turned the big 4-0. For 708 days I have posted roll in my group every single day. My quit brothers rely on me to post my promise and I rely on them. Individually, we are all badass quitters but collectively (all 12 of us remaining) are unstoppable. So, post roll, build some relationships, foster accountability, and start building your quit!