I just posted this in medi's intro and I need to remember for myself...
You have to know and accept that there is no option of using nicotine, in any form, ever again. Every single one of us is an addict. It is a mental illness. We are self-sabotaging and self-destructive creatures. We have the choice to take back control, though. It is not easy. It hasn't been easy for anyone before you, it is not easy for me, and it will not be easy for you. The best things in life, as they say... You are here and you are definitely not alone. Bottom line, this is your quit and only you can decide to ride out the shitstorm and trust all these folks that it's worth making it to the other side. We can be shitstorm riding brothers, crap cowboys, if you will. I've got my windbreaker on riding out this shitnado, too. Let's make it to the other side and NEVER come back.