Author Topic: LifeAfterDip's intro  (Read 13601 times)

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2014, 11:12:00 PM »
LAD, I have to agree with these quitters. I had the fog about every 25 days or so. The worst being the first few days which you are very well past. The second worst was in the 80's. and it stuck around a few days. It had me wondering. I'm sure it will show up again somewhere. I will say that alcohol seems to help the fog come back. In my case anyway. I'm going to take another 100 days off of the stuff, lose some weight and get healthier.

I'm sure we are all still healing from what we have done to our bodies for so many years. Congrats on making it this far, look forward to more days quitting with you. You got this...


Offline brettlees

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2014, 10:39:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
By trouble I mean in a funk of sorts. Not performing to full capacity. Almost as if I've somehow gone partially back to week one. It's hard to explain, I guess I feel like I've gone backwards the last few days. Way less focus, more tired, I don't know, dipping is no longer an option but it does blow to go through this.
Be patient. And STICK IT OUT. You gotta give your brain time to heal. Keep stacking up days! One fucking day at a Time! It's our mantra. But oh so true! Keep going, there are good days ahead!
Hi LAD. Rdad's right in my opinion. Also, I looked back at my thread because I thought I remembered wondering about enduring symptoms around where you are in time. Sure enough, I had several symptoms that were pretty active around 40 days, in early December for me. Just remember to also notice the good things and times that are already coming your way because you quit. Yeah there are lingering issues but be patient they do get better. The longer term vets all seem to report that it keeps getting better and better, and I can say that's true as far as I've come. There are down times and all but it's overall wonderful even just this far in. The body and mind just keep healing so far!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #75 on: February 10, 2014, 10:16:00 PM »
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
By trouble I mean in a funk of sorts. Not performing to full capacity. Almost as if I've somehow gone partially back to week one. It's hard to explain, I guess I feel like I've gone backwards the last few days. Way less focus, more tired, I don't know, dipping is no longer an option but it does blow to go through this.
Be patient. And STICK IT OUT. You gotta give your brain time to heal. Keep stacking up days! One fucking day at a Time! It's our mantra. But oh so true! Keep going, there are good days ahead!

Offline LifeAfterDip

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #74 on: February 10, 2014, 10:07:00 PM »
By trouble I mean in a funk of sorts. Not performing to full capacity. Almost as if I've somehow gone partially back to week one. It's hard to explain, I guess I feel like I've gone backwards the last few days. Way less focus, more tired, I don't know, dipping is no longer an option but it does blow to go through this.
Quit date: 1/6/2014

Do you remember nicotine? Do you truly remember her? The way she controlled you financially, emotionally and physically? The lies she whispered in your ear daily? Remember how one dip was too many and one thousand was never enough? Yeah, so do I. That's why I'm here. That's why I post roll. That's why I support my brothers and sisters. Because I remember her too damn well.

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #73 on: February 10, 2014, 09:15:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Has anyone else had trouble around the 35 day mark?
Waddayamean by trouble?
Check out Emulator's intro thread...kind of on topic recently. At day 36 - I can tell you it still not easy and I have still been pretty funky at times. Lovey tells me I am not quite as tense as I was at first but she still thinks I am on edge. I agree with her. Just getting able to concentrate at work for more than 15 minutes at a time. Basically lost the month of January being addicted to my quit as you put it in a PM. Keep reading and reaching out we are not out of the woods yet.

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #72 on: February 10, 2014, 09:03:00 PM »
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Has anyone else had trouble around the 35 day mark?
Waddayamean by trouble?

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #71 on: February 10, 2014, 07:07:00 PM »
Has anyone else had trouble around the 35 day mark?
Quit date: 1/6/2014

Do you remember nicotine? Do you truly remember her? The way she controlled you financially, emotionally and physically? The lies she whispered in your ear daily? Remember how one dip was too many and one thousand was never enough? Yeah, so do I. That's why I'm here. That's why I post roll. That's why I support my brothers and sisters. Because I remember her too damn well.

Offline LifeAfterDip

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #70 on: February 08, 2014, 12:24:00 PM »
Had a weird dip nightmare last night.. except there was no dip involved. My mother is an incredible woman and she's been very supportive of my quit. Well, in my dream she bought me some of the nicorette gum and it was strange, because I didn't want to use it but at the same time I felt bad throwing it out...escaping the clutches on nicotine one day, one dip nightmare at a time. Lets see what else day 34 has in store.
Quit date: 1/6/2014

Do you remember nicotine? Do you truly remember her? The way she controlled you financially, emotionally and physically? The lies she whispered in your ear daily? Remember how one dip was too many and one thousand was never enough? Yeah, so do I. That's why I'm here. That's why I post roll. That's why I support my brothers and sisters. Because I remember her too damn well.

Offline ZillahCowboy

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2014, 10:09:00 AM »
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Along with my rolle call I've also be jotting down dates on sheesheets of paper and physically crossing them off at the end of each day, and after yesterday (day 28) I had a moment a reflection and I thought I'd share it on here for anyone who might be able to use it.

There are two sides to every member of KTC, the addict, and the reasonable human being. The addict protects his/her addiction first and can't imagine life without it. The person behind that addiction knows the toll its taking financially, physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. The addict says "one more day", "one more week", "one more month" while who we really are says "this very moment". Think about this, for years and years we chose to take a major toll on our lives by feeding our addiction, by going to any length to protect it even if it meant lying. Its a miracle that we finally put an end to that nonsense! Even if your quit is the hardest thing you do, (and mine was damn near it) hold on for one more moment. For one more moment distance yourself from the bitch who has been tricking you over and over again. You see she CAN'T have THIS moment, only the next one IF YOU LET HER. So when she's whispering her bullshit into your ear remember who you were when the two of you were together. Remember the lies and toll she took on you. Quitting is introducing you to a completely different version of yourself. A better version. A version that is better because she isn't a part of it. Don't let her be a part of it. You had your time with her and this is so much better. 5 weeks in and I'm drinking more kool-aid than ever.

I'll quit with anyone who'll drink it with me.
-LAD (John)
I quit with you LifeAfter...our new freedom is a thing of beauty. You've got a great quit going, and yes, that koolaid does taste good...!

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2014, 09:36:00 AM »
Along with my rolle call I've also be jotting down dates on sheesheets of paper and physically crossing them off at the end of each day, and after yesterday (day 28) I had a moment a reflection and I thought I'd share it on here for anyone who might be able to use it.

There are two sides to every member of KTC, the addict, and the reasonable human being. The addict protects his/her addiction first and can't imagine life without it. The person behind that addiction knows the toll its taking financially, physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. The addict says "one more day", "one more week", "one more month" while who we really are says "this very moment". Think about this, for years and years we chose to take a major toll on our lives by feeding our addiction, by going to any length to protect it even if it meant lying. Its a miracle that we finally put an end to that nonsense! Even if your quit is the hardest thing you do, (and mine was damn near it) hold on for one more moment. For one more moment distance yourself from the bitch who has been tricking you over and over again. You see she CAN'T have THIS moment, only the next one IF YOU LET HER. So when she's whispering her bullshit into your ear remember who you were when the two of you were together. Remember the lies and toll she took on you. Quitting is introducing you to a completely different version of yourself. A better version. A version that is better because she isn't a part of it. Don't let her be a part of it. You had your time with her and this is so much better. 5 weeks in and I'm drinking more kool-aid than ever.

I'll quit with anyone who'll drink it with me.
-LAD (John)
Quit date: 1/6/2014

Do you remember nicotine? Do you truly remember her? The way she controlled you financially, emotionally and physically? The lies she whispered in your ear daily? Remember how one dip was too many and one thousand was never enough? Yeah, so do I. That's why I'm here. That's why I post roll. That's why I support my brothers and sisters. Because I remember her too damn well.

Offline LifeAfterDip

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2014, 11:55:00 AM »
I think we can all agree that quitting is incredibly liberating. Not sure about you all but I'm addicted to my quit, just as I was addicted to using smokeless tobacco. In my head there is now nothing I can't accomplish. My confidence has risen, I'm more interested in going out rather than staying in, and physically I feel great.

Maybe you guys have heard about this and maybe you haven't, but there's a site that is dedicated to quitting fapping just as KTC is dedicated to quitting nicotine. The movement is called "no fap" and the idea has intrigued me for a while. I realize that each person can decide for his or herself what's good for their body but I've kind of realized I need to jump into this just as I jumped into KTC. The results of shutting down the porn and self stimulation are actually pretty astonishing and I think I'll really be able to have a much higher level of self control. Testosterone levels jump 40% after just one week and other major positive changes have been noticed.

I can honestly say that the process of killing the can has sparked a desire for me to unlock my true potential. To shoot for more. To not sit back and let life play out but to take it to life. 27 days of change, and I'm looking forward to some more. One day at a time.
Quit date: 1/6/2014

Do you remember nicotine? Do you truly remember her? The way she controlled you financially, emotionally and physically? The lies she whispered in your ear daily? Remember how one dip was too many and one thousand was never enough? Yeah, so do I. That's why I'm here. That's why I post roll. That's why I support my brothers and sisters. Because I remember her too damn well.

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #66 on: February 01, 2014, 09:13:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Canvasback
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Day 26 and for whatever reason I'm aggravated...with everything! Its frustrating because I can't shake it. Screw off nic. Really hoping this passes quickly.
This is probably a brain rewire thing going on for you. I've had it happen plenty. Maybe some of that might be that I was part asshole all along though, who knows?

Remember that getting really angry can be a back door way for your brain to get some of the stuff its missing as it downsizes the number of certain receptors. To teach yourself an alternative, get some exercise pretty soon if you can and breathe deeply. Even if you can just take a walk it'll help, getting some healthy endorphins going.

IF you need to release the steam, remember you can do it in here.
Go for a walk. Breath some fresh air.
youre going to look silly. I do. But my advice is to run around your building (if youre at work). One lap. takes two minutes. Endorphins. This helps.
When it hits me like that I like to go post support with other quit groups. Seeing all the names and numbers next to all the quitters and supporters helps calm me down. The "exercise" of cutting/pasting/bump fixing/etc also helps me move on. Just my .02.

Day 26 and you are recognizing your old BS patterns. Today you did something different than you prob did in the past. Instead of running to the can of death... You reached out for help. This is what you got to do.

You got some great advice as well.

Keep at it today. Fight thru it. Quit!
The new you welcomes these moments. The new you realizes it don't need it never did. Your one bad dude today bro. Breath in that dignity and freedom. This only lasts a short time but feels like weeks. Gather all the hate you can muster and let the poison have it. Read my signature line. You're worth it bro. Screw the poison.
Hate the poison.
Any exercise will help, but if you can hit something... Heavy bag, chopping wood, batting cages, fight club...
I also liked a good quit rant on my intro when I was vexed.
Quit on!

Offline srans

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #65 on: January 31, 2014, 05:31:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Canvasback
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Day 26 and for whatever reason I'm aggravated...with everything! Its frustrating because I can't shake it. Screw off nic. Really hoping this passes quickly.
This is probably a brain rewire thing going on for you. I've had it happen plenty. Maybe some of that might be that I was part asshole all along though, who knows?

Remember that getting really angry can be a back door way for your brain to get some of the stuff its missing as it downsizes the number of certain receptors. To teach yourself an alternative, get some exercise pretty soon if you can and breathe deeply. Even if you can just take a walk it'll help, getting some healthy endorphins going.

IF you need to release the steam, remember you can do it in here.
Go for a walk. Breath some fresh air.
youre going to look silly. I do. But my advice is to run around your building (if youre at work). One lap. takes two minutes. Endorphins. This helps.
When it hits me like that I like to go post support with other quit groups. Seeing all the names and numbers next to all the quitters and supporters helps calm me down. The "exercise" of cutting/pasting/bump fixing/etc also helps me move on. Just my .02.

Day 26 and you are recognizing your old BS patterns. Today you did something different than you prob did in the past. Instead of running to the can of death... You reached out for help. This is what you got to do.

You got some great advice as well.

Keep at it today. Fight thru it. Quit!
The new you welcomes these moments. The new you realizes it don't need it never did. Your one bad dude today bro. Breath in that dignity and freedom. This only lasts a short time but feels like weeks. Gather all the hate you can muster and let the poison have it. Read my signature line. You're worth it bro. Screw the poison.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2014, 05:13:00 PM »
Quote from: pbrain04
Quote from: Canvasback
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Day 26 and for whatever reason I'm aggravated...with everything! Its frustrating because I can't shake it. Screw off nic. Really hoping this passes quickly.
This is probably a brain rewire thing going on for you. I've had it happen plenty. Maybe some of that might be that I was part asshole all along though, who knows?

Remember that getting really angry can be a back door way for your brain to get some of the stuff its missing as it downsizes the number of certain receptors. To teach yourself an alternative, get some exercise pretty soon if you can and breathe deeply. Even if you can just take a walk it'll help, getting some healthy endorphins going.

IF you need to release the steam, remember you can do it in here.
Go for a walk. Breath some fresh air.
youre going to look silly. I do. But my advice is to run around your building (if youre at work). One lap. takes two minutes. Endorphins. This helps.
When it hits me like that I like to go post support with other quit groups. Seeing all the names and numbers next to all the quitters and supporters helps calm me down. The "exercise" of cutting/pasting/bump fixing/etc also helps me move on. Just my .02.

Day 26 and you are recognizing your old BS patterns. Today you did something different than you prob did in the past. Instead of running to the can of death... You reached out for help. This is what you got to do.

You got some great advice as well.

Keep at it today. Fight thru it. Quit!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

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Re: LifeAfterDip's intro
« Reply #63 on: January 31, 2014, 03:34:00 PM »
Quote from: Canvasback
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: LifeAfterDip
Day 26 and for whatever reason I'm aggravated...with everything! Its frustrating because I can't shake it. Screw off nic. Really hoping this passes quickly.
This is probably a brain rewire thing going on for you. I've had it happen plenty. Maybe some of that might be that I was part asshole all along though, who knows?

Remember that getting really angry can be a back door way for your brain to get some of the stuff its missing as it downsizes the number of certain receptors. To teach yourself an alternative, get some exercise pretty soon if you can and breathe deeply. Even if you can just take a walk it'll help, getting some healthy endorphins going.

IF you need to release the steam, remember you can do it in here.
Go for a walk. Breath some fresh air.
youre going to look silly. I do. But my advice is to run around your building (if youre at work). One lap. takes two minutes. Endorphins. This helps.
When it hits me like that I like to go post support with other quit groups. Seeing all the names and numbers next to all the quitters and supporters helps calm me down. The "exercise" of cutting/pasting/bump fixing/etc also helps me move on. Just my .02.