Author Topic: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting  (Read 23396 times)

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Re: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2019, 09:18:48 PM »
Thanks Redwood and Vaguy.  I just have to rely on everyone’s word it gets better.

For the last 24 hours I’ve had this internal dialogue that nicotine isn’t the problem, it’s tobacco.  Just another example of the mind fuckery.

Dude, it does get better.  It's a friggin' journey!  You have to live it, and celebrate it along the way.

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Re: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2019, 08:48:46 PM »

It does get better.  I am 505 days in.  I can totally relate on the boredom aspect.  Guess what, there is a whole world out there that we have been blinded to because we were too busy making sure we had our next fix.  It's time for you to find some new hobbies.  Pick something that you thought you would never do because you might miss that next dip or find something you and your significant other can do together that you may have been dreading doing because, wait for might miss your next dip.  Be creative and look for new things to occupy your time, even if you think you might not like it, give it a try, who knows, you may find underwater basket weaving to be a relaxing activity that completely takes your mind off dipping.

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Offline Ruthless

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Re: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2019, 08:27:36 AM »
Thanks Redwood and Vaguy.  I just have to rely on everyone’s word it gets better.

For the last 24 hours I’ve had this internal dialogue that nicotine isn’t the problem, it’s tobacco.  Just another example of the mind fuckery.
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Re: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2019, 12:14:47 AM »
I am 12 days in  - some days it feels like it has been much longer.  Everything is very surreal but even at 12 days it does seem to be a bit better.  More that I go longer and my brain doesn't think about it.

Today was really hard.  Just a shitting stressful day at work, and I work from home. Used to be easy to just pop some tobacco in and go on with the rest of the day.  Now I have to address life face on!

Hang in there Ruthless

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Re: 7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2019, 10:53:18 AM »
I am on day 33 and I understand what you are talking about.  Everyday is a roller coaster for sure.  Yesterday was one of my most difficult days, several days before that were pretty good.  I am finally noticing some good moments each day and i look forward to those moments getting longer and more frequent.  I have been having off and on dull headaches.  Mine are better in the morning and get worse as the day goes on.  I think these headaches are from our bodies adjusting, and yes drink as much water as you can.  I understand the lack of joy, I have been struggling with this as well.  From what I hear from all of the vets on this site, this is normal.  They all without a doubt have promised me that it gets better and eventually life is better without nicotine than it ever was with it.  This is what is keeping me going, if they can do it so can I and if they say it gets better I believe them and look forward to that.
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Offline Ruthless

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7 Days In Thoughts/Venting
« on: June 04, 2019, 08:51:50 AM »
I’m sure everyone has gone through what I’m going through in one form or fashion, but just wanted to write/vent about it.  7 days ago I gave up nicotine, alcohol and energy drinks and it has been a roller coaster.  The first 3 days sucked, but 4 & 5 were great.  Day 6 and 7 have been more difficult.  Each day is a roller coaster of super highs and super lows.  Normally, my mornings are great, but by the mid-afternoon it is a grind.
I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, but I’m having difficulty finding anything that gives me joy.  Outside of those brief moments of euphoria, everything just seems so blah and boring.  I’m hoping this is normal.
The other issue I am having is headaches.  I wake up with a brutal headache every morning that subsides after an hour and then comes and goes throughout the afternoon/evening.  Anyone else have issues with headaches?  I’m assuming it’s my body adjusting to life without alcohol, nicotine and extra caffeine.  I also am eating a ton of seeds; perhaps it is dehydration from all of the sodium and I need to drink more water.
Thanks for listening,
Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If you fail, learn why you failed and try something different!

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