You've made it through a lot of the garbage that comes with the first week of quitting by yourself, and that's awesome. The nicotine is likely all out of your system, but your body isn't going to be happy about it. Jump into the September group ( and figure out how to post roll. You guys are fighting this stuff together so you should start reaching out to them and some of the other folks that post around here.
You'll see WUPP (wake up, piss, post) thrown around a lot here, and for good reason. It's important to get on roll first thing in the morning and take nicotine off the table for the day. Post up today and we'll see you first thing in the morning. Also, feel free to talk about what you're currently experiencing. The leader in the clubhouse in September has 21 days under his belt, but you guys are all around the same stage in your quit.