Wanted to post this here for you. I read this one quite a few times in those early days. I think the line "Stop looking over your shoulder , there is nothing back there that you want." says it all. When we were dipping, being quit is all we wanted, so ya, nothing back there for us.
I keep seeing posts where quitters are frustrated that they still have urges to dip or smoke. Some after a month, some after many hundreds of days. Maybe time ultimately erases that, I don't really know. The thing is when you have truly embraced your decision to quit, craves or urges become irrelevant. It's said over and over here that "dip is no longer an option". When you live that philosophy your quit becomes simple, easy even. If I know in my heart that I will never chew or smoke again, then I never consider it as a remedy,a pass time, crutch, etc. It is no longer on the table as a possibility in my mind. I have urges to dip all the time, they are no worse or better than my day one. The difference is I own them now. They have no power over me and I can brush them off with ease.
The destination and the journey are the same thing here. Quit is your destination, staying quit is the journey, you have already arrived my friend. Stop complaining about the potholes in your path, walk around them. Stop looking over your shoulder , there is nothing back there that you want. If there was you never would have left. Embrace your quit and there will not be any force of nature or mind that can move you from it.