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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2019, 11:58:27 AM »
@AppleJack  after I finish writing this post I will be sending you my number. Thank you. I mean truly thank you. If there was any message I was hoping to read, yours was exactly it.  Now I feel better.   "Fucking overwhelming loud" I couldn't say it better myself of exactly what's going on in my head.
I'm gonna give it a try.just keep grinding and believing that I can do this. Seriously thank you. I dont know what else to say but that. I'm glad i can add you to my team.
@worktowin I'll never get tired of hearing that. Because that's something I need to hear on a consistent basis. Thank you I will also be sending you a PM of my number. Glad to have guys watching my back
Here's the deal...everything you did before you can do quit.  Everything.  Just give it time.  I too had that feeling of when will it ever get better?  I would sit at my desk on a Friday and dread the weekend because I couldn't dip.  Now...I'm back to looking forward to the weekends and everything else that I thought I couldn't enjoy without dip.  I can't tell you when it happened but it just slowly did with time.  Keep writing out your thoughts...It helps.   

Go read my intro if you are bored.  I too wrote a lot about my struggles in quitting.  Everybody here went through the same things you are going through...It can be done...I got a lot of inspirations by reading other intros.
Thanks @walterwhite today is one those days where I'm just gonna get lost in the archives and read. I will start with yours. As always thanks for looking out

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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2019, 11:50:19 AM »
@AppleJack  after I finish writing this post I will be sending you my number. Thank you. I mean truly thank you. If there was any message I was hoping to read, yours was exactly it.  Now I feel better.   "Fucking overwhelming loud" I couldn't say it better myself of exactly what's going on in my head.
I'm gonna give it a try.just keep grinding and believing that I can do this. Seriously thank you. I dont know what else to say but that. I'm glad i can add you to my team.
@worktowin I'll never get tired of hearing that. Because that's something I need to hear on a consistent basis. Thank you I will also be sending you a PM of my number. Glad to have guys watching my back
Here's the deal...everything you did before you can do quit.  Everything.  Just give it time.  I too had that feeling of when will it ever get better?  I would sit at my desk on a Friday and dread the weekend because I couldn't dip.  Now...I'm back to looking forward to the weekends and everything else that I thought I couldn't enjoy without dip.  I can't tell you when it happened but it just slowly did with time.  Keep writing out your thoughts...It helps.   

Go read my intro if you are bored.  I too wrote a lot about my struggles in quitting.  Everybody here went through the same things you are going through...It can be done...I got a lot of inspirations by reading other intros.
You will NEVER regret quitting. You will ALWAYS regret caving ~ NOLAQ

Everyday an addict reminds himself he is an addict is a day an addict earns another day of freedom. ~ Scowick65

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Offline SixString

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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2019, 11:47:45 AM »
@AppleJack  after I finish writing this post I will be sending you my number. Thank you. I mean truly thank you. If there was any message I was hoping to read, yours was exactly it.  Now I feel better.   "Fucking overwhelming loud" I couldn't say it better myself of exactly what's going on in my head.
I'm gonna give it a try.just keep grinding and believing that I can do this. Seriously thank you. I dont know what else to say but that. I'm glad i can add you to my team.
@worktowin I'll never get tired of hearing that. Because that's something I need to hear on a consistent basis. Thank you I will also be sending you a PM of my number. Glad to have guys watching my back

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Re: Day 39 and it sucks
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2019, 11:32:33 AM »
The biggest thing that's fucking me up is my music. Ever since I started playing music having a pinch in my mouth went hand in hand.
Man, do I feel this!!

Brother... I’m a professional musician. I’m 48 (49 in a few weeks) and I’ve been playing guitar since I was 5. I’ve been working solidly as a muzo since I was 25. I teach... I’m in a few bands... I get some session work in... I’m a worship/media arts director for my church network... I stay busy. I dipped for 25 years and like you... there wasn’t a time when I wasn’t using while I was playing/recording/practicing.

Now... what to say to you to make you feel better or bring you off the ledge?... I dunno.

You’re still so damn new in your Quit and the re-wiring required to renew your mind after abusing it with nicotine is still in process. Right now, you’re in your own head and that funk you’re riding is loud. Fucking overwhelmingly loud.

It’s a shitty cliche thing to say but breathe and be patient and ride it. It will pass. Trust me.
It. Will. Pass.
I thought playing guitar would never be the same too. Like my talent/passion depended on my addiction to make it whole.

That is SO fucking stupid.
Nicotine does NOT run the show.
Never did.
Music is ALL you.
Soak that up.

I’m sitting on 2,355 days Quit right now. Playing music has never been more fun. I’m free from the need to manage my addiction and it frees me up as a muzo. I don’t know when it happened as related to my music but it DID happen. It WILL happen for you too. Guitar is a forgiving beast and you can solely concentrate on technique and theory in the meantime. Mechanics don’t necessarily need inspiration. Put in the work even if you don’t “feel” it and thumb your nose at nicotine with this ultimate “FUCK YOU”!

Take a deep breath bro. Then take a deeper one. Getting into the Quit Groove is more important right now. Music will still be there, waiting for you to be clean.

That’s all I can think of to say right now. If you want another ear or sounding board... hit me up for digits.
I'm no musician, but brother... where you are and what you are feeling is right in line with the number of days you are on.  The first 100 days are SO hard.  You are fighting a batlle with yourself.  Your brain, your body, your behaviors, your routine... all centered around your addition.  And right now you are kind of lost while you learn to rewire all of these things.  It is happening, but you are literally internally fighting within yourself every day, and you are exhausted.  Like being in the trenches for 39 days of battle - you are tired.

That being said, you are winning.  And this is a battle that gets easier - and while I'm sure you are tired of hearing that, it really is true.  There are good, even great days ahead.  Right now the storm clouds are covering the sun.  Nicotine ran your life, and you are taking it back.

One of the things that is hard to understand right now, but will become clearer as the clouds lift... is how much control you are taking back.  You love music.  You love gaming.  Nicotine leveled out a lot of the highs and lows of the things you loved - but you will have higher highs from those things that you loved than you've ever experienced before.

Listen to my friend Applejack.  He knows what he's talking about.  If you need a number, shoot me a PM.  Applejack and I have about 50 years of nicotine addiction between the 2 of us, and about 12 years of freedom thanks to this plan.  If we can do it, you can too, my friend...

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Re: Day 39 and it sucks
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2019, 11:16:11 AM »
The biggest thing that's fucking me up is my music. Ever since I started playing music having a pinch in my mouth went hand in hand.
Man, do I feel this!!

Brother... I’m a professional musician. I’m 48 (49 in a few weeks) and I’ve been playing guitar since I was 5. I’ve been working solidly as a muzo since I was 25. I teach... I’m in a few bands... I get some session work in... I’m a worship/media arts director for my church network... I stay busy. I dipped for 25 years and like you... there wasn’t a time when I wasn’t using while I was playing/recording/practicing.

Now... what to say to you to make you feel better or bring you off the ledge?... I dunno.

You’re still so damn new in your Quit and the re-wiring required to renew your mind after abusing it with nicotine is still in process. Right now, you’re in your own head and that funk you’re riding is loud. Fucking overwhelmingly loud.

It’s a shitty cliche thing to say but breathe and be patient and ride it. It will pass. Trust me.
It. Will. Pass.
I thought playing guitar would never be the same too. Like my talent/passion depended on my addiction to make it whole.

That is SO fucking stupid.
Nicotine does NOT run the show.
Never did.
Music is ALL you.
Soak that up.

I’m sitting on 2,355 days Quit right now. Playing music has never been more fun. I’m free from the need to manage my addiction and it frees me up as a muzo. I don’t know when it happened as related to my music but it DID happen. It WILL happen for you too. Guitar is a forgiving beast and you can solely concentrate on technique and theory in the meantime. Mechanics don’t necessarily need inspiration. Put in the work even if you don’t “feel” it and thumb your nose at nicotine with this ultimate “FUCK YOU”!

Take a deep breath bro. Then take a deeper one. Getting into the Quit Groove is more important right now. Music will still be there, waiting for you to be clean.

That’s all I can think of to say right now. If you want another ear or sounding board... hit me up for digits.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline SixString

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Day 39 and it sucks
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2019, 10:11:10 AM »
I just woke up. Damn this quit. 39 days in and sometimes I feel like I'm still on day 1. I totally forgot I had a journal.

Fuck do I hate not dipping. I think that's the hardest part to talk about. My addict mind is still convinced that nicotine is my best friend. That I miss that sweet nector flooding in my mouth.
I'm still scared to do anything because am I strong enough? Honestly 39 days in, and I'm no where near close in being confident that I can be alone with a tin.

A wise vet told me each number I collect and use is one step away you are from nicotine. Here's a visual of how many steps I have.

Me:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nicotine.
39 days 20 numbers. Scary part is what happens when a big life event happens am I going to remember these steps?

I guess this is why I writing  this today. I'm fucking scared. I can't even explain it. I'm actually in tears as I write this . I'm so full of dark energy its affecting my day to day activities. I lose my cool so fast that I honestly just lock myself in a room and pretend like the world doesnt exist.

The biggest thing that's fucking me up is my music. Ever since I started playing music having a pinch in my mouth went hand in hand.


August 30 I wrote about triggers, that the things you love, you have to put on a shelf for a while......... well damn I just fucked myself huh?  When I first started playing the guitar I was running 13 hour practice sessions every single day. And in those 13 hours i always had a fatty in. Every single day for years...Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

2 months ago when I hear or play music I would see all types of colors of the notes intertwining with each other. 39 days into my quit I see nothing.  Music isn't just a hobby that I do.  I gave up everything for it. 5 years ago I was engaged to my best friend. I was in school and was planning on becoming a firefighter and was living a really awesome chicago style life.  Then I found my passion for music. And everything changed. I lost all my friends, lost my best friend. And lost everything I built before it came into my life.

Fast forward to now. When I play it feels so emotionless. So empty. No passion. Fuck i dont even want to play. It doesnt feel like something i love anymore. What if that never changes? What if nictoine is holding the one thing i gave up everything for hostage?

People always ask me why I spend all my time practicing. I'm 30 started 5 years ago and I really believe I have a gift. I'm a person who has a rare hearing disorder so I can not hear anyone speaking two feet away from me. (And if you are reading this and feel like replying, please dont mention hearing aids). And on top of that I'm going against musical prodigies who have been practicing since they came out of the womb. So I have to push harder than everyone else to make up the time I lost.

Everyday I miss playing I feel myself taking a hundreds steps back.  This entire time I have been told how fucking crazy I am to be chasing my dream. And now I lost all belief. All inspiration. Any drive I have it's gone. I woke up today feeling so empty. I still try to practice. I shifted my focus onto theory then playing and its not helping. When I do play I feel so distant that I swear I dont hear anything.

Day 39 I'm still quit. But it doesnt feel victorious. Day 39 and my addict mind is still willing to risk it all for one more pinch. Day 39 and it feels day 1. Day 39 and my life is still upside down. Day 39 and I'm so still out of it I may not remember that I wrote this. Day 39 I really just miss playing music.

And I get it... I may have to think about just turning  this into a hobby and finding something else to do. Music has shown me that if you really want something you  really do got to sacrifice the things you love. And I really never want to put nicotine in my system ever again..... maybe giving up music is the price to pay to ride this train of quit. And if that's the case it just sucks. Not because of the music part. But because I threw everything away to chase this dream.

Sadly writing all this didnt make me feel any better. But I'm still quit today and that's all matters.

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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2019, 08:24:16 PM »
I'm happy you are on my team in this fight. Keep doing what you're doing and you will succeed.
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Feelings after 10 days.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2019, 07:06:45 PM »
As much as it sucks. I'm incredibly happy that I am a journey in which I'll never put nicotine in my system ever again. I think the hardest thing for me so far has been just getting out of bed in the morning. I had no will power to get up. My legs feel super weak,and that's when the fog is at its strongest. But today I saw a big improvement. I woke up and shot right of bed. Today I got my first taste on how waking up will be in my future. I felt recharged. I felt happy. And most importantly I felt free.
I joined this site around my 7 day mark. Which was 4 days ago. And in that time I logged 7 hours into this site.its helped me understand the do's and don'ts to achieve success of quitting nicotine.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE- we all have a common enemy. Its nicotine. We are all here to support and help each other to overcome this addiction. Before I found this site,I thought I was the only one crazy enough to be addicted to chew for 13 years. Then I started reading about some people have been doing it 20,30, even 40 years. That put things into perspective with me. If they can do it so can I.

WHAT TO EXPECT IF YOU JOIN A GROUP-  I dont know how long this site has been active,but I know it's been here since 2007. So what does that mean? That means there have been many people to have come and go. That means the vets on this site were not born yesterday. Throwing half  ass excuses to why you missed RollCall is not going to cut it. THEY WILL GRILL YOU. But they are not doing because it feeds their ego. THEY DO IT because for as many success stories this site has, there might double or even triple the fails. NO one wants that for you here. WE ARE A COMMUNITY. The faster you embraced that the easier it is to feel more comfortable with this journey.

ROLLCALL- This is very important. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO MAKE ROLL CALL EVERYDAY ASAP. IF YOU CAN NOT MAKE ROLL..TEXT SOMEONE IN YOUR GROUP AND THEY WILL HELP YOU. THERE NO EXCUSES. TREAT IT LIKE A CONTRACT, IM SURE IF SOMONE LET YOU DOWN YOU WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED. SAME THING GOES FOR ROLL CALL. But I want to add one more thing. Nicotine works in evil ways. You can find a way to convince yourself to cave just because of words structures. So that's why my roll call will always say I PROMISE. So not only is my word on the line but so is my character.

COMMUNICATION/ROLES-  I get it. Not everyone is cut out to be a team leader. But if you join a group expect to play a role in it. Your group is a only strong as your weakest member. I am not saying you have to be the bestest buds with everyone. But it's good to have numbers. So far I have 3. And its helped immensely. Especially from the support groups. I had a conversation at 5 in the morning with one of the members. I told him some personal stuff about me and he was very supportive. Afterwards we wished each other a great day and moved on with our lifes. Little things like that make your journey smoother.

WHATS BEEN INSPIRING ME FROM THIS SITE- Honestly just reading those last post from people who quit. How they talk about how weak they are and they can do it. And boom they are gone. Still being a slave to nicotine. Still living in shame. Still trying to find a way to overcome nicotine. They push me to never have to go through that hellhole again.

MY SELF THERAPY- Breathing exercises are probably the most important Focus all your concentration on your breathing and your thoughts will go away. FIND new activities. I have been getting into bird watching. Hiking. Swimming. Chasing sunsets. Anything that I can focus my mind elsewhere.

TRIGGERS-  the hardest part is doing things that your normally did with nicotine. I was a huge gamer. Sometimes playing 8 hours a day. And I would always have chew in when I played. As of right now I do not play video games because that trigger is way too strong. So sometimes you gotta say goodbye to things you really love doing until you can learn how to do them without nicotine.



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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2019, 02:17:44 PM »
Such a familiar story at the beginning and such a strong ending (what's written so far.) Thanx for reposting here for all to see.
Agreed. That is one powerful testimony.  Keep blogging it out; it's very therapeutic - for yourself and others.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
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Re: I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2019, 02:19:14 PM »
Such a familiar story at the beginning and such a strong ending (what's written so far.) Thanx for reposting here for all to see.
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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I wrote this in my Hof group. But non members can't see it
« on: August 29, 2019, 01:33:07 PM »
By the way DAY 8 almost in the books as I write this. If I had a choose between a meal for a day or a tin of grizzly wintergreen. I'm always choosing the tin... To say i was addicted would be an understatement.  The contract to give up, used to be my motto.  I thought fuck it, if I lose my jaw that's fine. If I have no teeth that's cool too. As long as a can get a fat pinch in. That's all that matters to me, was that fat pinch. I made that my life. every day for 13 years my routine for when I dip were always the same. First thing I do when I wake up is put a pinch in. I always made sure that every job I worked had a commute. Just so I can have another fix. When I first started working I had two choices. Either hide in the bathroom, or risk getting caught with dip in my mouth. ( notice waiting until the shift was over, was not an option).  I got caught so much that you think the embarrassment would change my way of thinking. It did.....  it taught me that if you are willing to do the shitty jobs for minimum wage.. no one really cares that your dipping. FUCKING JACKPOT. I did not care what it was. As long as I got to dip I felt like I was heaven. Then I learned that if you do driving jobs, no one would bother you.that was better than heaven. That was the PERFECT LIFE. I know it seems like I may have gotten off subject about my daily dip routines. I assure you I didn't, I just wanted to give you insight about dip and my work life. So the shift is over. And in my head I already know I deserve a fatty because I'm a hard worker. I would come home and eat a nice meal. And then put another pinch in. I loved my after meal pinches. Then I would play some video games. And all my gamer dippers out there can agree.. we believed that dipping gave us an advantage over everyone else. And then comes the bedtime pinch. YUMMY. I swear the worst part about bedtime dips, is trying to get up and brush your teeth after. I'm just gonna throw in my automatics triggers. Movies,Tv,Listening to music, car rides, after EVERY meal. (I legit would sometimes just eat to use that as an excuse to put a pinch in). Pretty  much if I'm breathing I'm dipping. I remember reading something ,that if you want to quit dipping, Just eat an entire tin. I tried that. Put the entire slab in my hand and shoved it in my mouth. I started chewing and chewing, feeling completely sick to my stomach. My mouth was so dry all I can do was dry heave. All that came out of my mouth was tobacco and blood. I ended up just cutting my gums. That should have done the trick right? NOPE and that was 6 years ago. Every day I used any excuse to keep dip. I would say today is my last day. And the purposely save my last pinch until 1150 PM. So when the 1201 AM came around. I would use that I missed my cut off time as an excuse. I took pride that I was a master stealth dipper. I think in total maybe 5 people know. I felt like if no one knew, then they wouldn't feel like they had any part in it. I really didn't think I was ever going to really I was ok with cancer. Something about dying with a pinch felt like it was my way to go.... it wasn't until I read a post from someone. And I apologize that I do not remember who said it. But he said treat nicotine like your ex wife. Instead of thinking about the good times, remember why she is an ex wife. And all the memories start flooding in. This isn't easy but here we go.
My wife find out today that I have been dipping for 13 years. She thought it was 5.
I used to eat people's food from the garbage just so I can use my money to buy tins.
I used to hoard all my bottles. Sometimes for multiple months. It didn't phase me, I just pretended like they didn't exist.(anyone know what nicotine spit smells like after 4 months)?
I have spent an estimated of 36,000 dollars on tobacco.
I'm most likely losing a few teeth.
My wife's father died from lung cancer.(smoking)
And I used to make her pick up my tins for me.
She said she was so embarrassed that she doesn't even have to ask the clerk anymore. Once they see her they would grab her a tin.

It stopped becoming an addiction a long time ago. It became my religion. Everytime I put a pinch in it felt like I was being baptized. Just writing those lines shows me how far down the hole I fell. I'm treating nicotine like a God. And I'm just over it. I really am. I dont even miss it. I think I'm just so happy to be free from nicotine, that I'm willing to do everything to never go back. My anxiety is gonna kick into a 1000 once I press send. But sober me feels like this is something I needed to say. I wasn't sure how I was going to end this. So I'll leave you with a quote that I hold deep to me.

And even though there's been moments when everything have fell through
We kept it moving, assuming even the greatest fail too- Logic