Author Topic: Why am I doing this? Help....  (Read 3419 times)

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2019, 11:32:19 AM »
Buddy, you got a lot of good responses here, but it looks like you never even signed back in to see them.  I hope you haven't thrown away your progress and scared yourself off of quitting.  It's not to late to come back and make this work, we're here to help.  You can do this, but you have to take the leap.

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2019, 12:03:50 AM »
2080 days nicotine free here, and life is beautiful. And I still post roll every damn day. Have you posted roll today?
ZillahCowboy, April ‘14

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2019, 06:46:35 PM »

Some really great advice in here; I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

Just drink the fuckin kool-aid man.  I’m on day 101 and I feel amazing.  Everyone’s quit is different, but the site works man.  Make relationships so keeping your word matters.  Post your promise daily, be a man and keep your word.  It’s really that simple; the days will add up; just focus on the day or even the hour if need be.

Early on sucks; no way around it.  It will suck a little less everyday until you realize it doesn’t suck at all.  You have to learn to hate it.  You’re miserable now because of dip; it’s dips fault.  Fucking loathe it man.

Drink tons of water and get off the caffeine if you’re using any; sleep will come.  It took me about 20 days before I slept through the night.  I get some anxiety from time to time, but it’s just adjusting to life dip free. 

Reach out if you want to swap numbers for some accountability.  Go post your promise.

Ruthless (Mike)
Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  If you fail, learn why you failed and try something different!

My HoF Speech

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2019, 03:44:56 PM »
There is light at the end of the tunnel.  However, the tunnel is not exactly in a straight line.  Quitting sometimes gets tougher, then easier, then tougher than it ever was before and then it drags on and then you think you're totally fine and then it sucks again - but one day, you realize that it really has gotten easier and that you really are through it.  It's something that will always be a part of you, and you will always have to protect against being drawn back to it, but there is a life without dip.  There will be a time when the cravings, the mood swings, the anxiety and the panic will go away and you can move on.  I can't tell you how long that will take, but I can tell you that it will happen.

Now that you know that there is truly freedom from this thing, I want you to forget about later.  That all happens in the future and if you focus on that (which it seems like you're doing), you'll overwhelm yourself.  The only way to get to that eventual future is to focus on what is immediately right in front of you.  There are no shortcuts, you must eat this elephant one bite at a time.  Stay quit TODAY.  Stay quit RIGHT NOW, THIS MOMENT.  Then do it again for the next moment.  Tackle each moment as it comes and don't worry about the next one until it gets here.  Every shitty thing you have to go through represents a small step in the healing process.  But you are healing.

There's a process here and it works.  We post Roll.  Roll is a daily promise not to use any nicotine products.  You make that promise as early as you reasonably can and then you keep it.  It's simple, but that promise can pull you through the difficult times ahead.  That promise also gives you access to the support network that will provide you with the help, tips and camaraderie that you will draw on.

The best thing that I can tell you is that it is worth it.  Being on the other side (1223 days - over three years) I can without a doubt tell you that every miserable moment of the suck is worth the freedom on the other side.  I'm clearer, more in control of myself, happier and healthier than I ever was when dipping.  My mood is more steady and my outlook is more positive.  I've accomplished things personally and professionally that I don't think would have been possible if I hadn't quit when I did.  Quitting is possible, it is in your control and it is worth it.

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2019, 02:21:45 PM »
A lot of people on this site have their reasons from quiting. For me personally I dont want to lose my jaw. I'm not trying to see the people I love blame themselves because I couldn't control my addiction to nicotine. This site has lots of posts talking about how life is much better without nicotine. A common one you will see is that we are not slaves to the can anymore. And that in itself is major accomplishment. I can't promise all sunshine and daisies at the end of the tunnel. But at least you are giving yourself a fighting chance to see it. Because you never know , that next pinch might start a chain reaction that leads to cancer.

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2019, 02:20:48 PM »
Hi @ArthurTiberius, you are in the right place and there are many success stories posted throughout the KTC pages - have you seen the cancer photos and videos? Anyway, make a pledge to post role early every day in the December group. Link is here, we have already saved you a spot in red.;

Reach out to the Vets through PM as well as those in your group. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


Day 326 here.

It’s like Christmas every day compared to what your going through. You’re in “the suck” my friend. All these intros your reading? It’s each quitters journey battling this addiction... you, myself, we’re all alike... but unfortunately there is no cure for addiction... we can only take it one day at a time.

It keeps getting better and better. Trust me.

Come join us. You have lots to learn. @Judaculla has already pointed you in the right direction. Let’s go.

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Re: Why am I doing this? Help....
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2019, 02:12:13 PM »
Hi @ArthurTiberius, you are in the right place and there are many success stories posted throughout the KTC pages - have you seen the cancer photos and videos? Anyway, make a pledge to post role early every day in the December group. Link is here, we have already saved you a spot in red.;

Reach out to the Vets through PM as well as those in your group. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

Offline ArthurTiberius

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Why am I doing this? Help....
« on: September 06, 2019, 01:14:56 PM »
After 25 years of can-of-Copenhagen-per-day dipping, I took my last dip at 04:45 on September 2, 2019. Here it is 4.5 days later and I'm wondering why I am putting myself through this.

The fog is dense... I cannot think straight at all, have a major loss of coordination and concentration, and even have a difficult time driving. I cannot sleep more than 10-15 minutes at a time, and am getting only about 2 hours of total sleep per night. I have panic attacks constantly (never had them before), and sometimes shake uncontrollably for several minutes at a time. My entire body hurts as if I've overexerted myself in the gym (I haven't been).

What's really bothering me the most right now though is that this forum is full of people still struggling after 6 months, a year, and even longer. What I'm not seeing are stories of how life is any better without snuff... I want someone to tell me that if I can make the 1-year mark nicotine free, golden unicorns will begin to visit me each night and all my dreams will be full of love and laughter... Can someone please tell me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel? Preferably, a light brighter than the one I left behind when I entered this tunnel of Hell?