Day 17 - A clear head this morning for which I am grateful. Going to work in the machine shop today, which is always good work and I look forward to it. Another good day in the offing.
I am struck by the triage and all-hands-on-deck FOR the people who have caved. The way that the pillars of this community rally to the aid of those that give in to the addiction. I was left with a fear of "there but by the grace of God go I". I am only 17 days into this quit. The pain of the withdrawals are fresh. The awareness of potential trip hazards is acute. The knowledge being gained about this addiction is new and encouraging. The personalities of this forum are new, intriguing and amazing. The raw humanness of this path we now choose to walk is shared yet unique, personal yet through our daily promise property of a community.
In all cases, those returning or feigning a re-commitment to the principles of KTC got complacent. The honeymoon was over, not so new and shiny anymore. Scar tissue formed, covering up the memory of the withdrawals, the fear of that new mouth sore, the unexplained sore throat, the fear of running out, the guilt. Some externality encroached pushing back the fragile safeguards we build to keep the addiction at bay. Those safeguards, not maintained and nurtured, become weak and useless as the insidious demon/addiction so patiently lurks on the perimeter waiting for their invitation to return. That invitation is MY choosing to allow the crap back in. My Choice. I write this so IF I EVER... I can come back here and read, hopefully remembering the freshness of the quit and strength of resolve on Day 17.
Fear is good as long as it is kept in it's place, not allowed to control but to remind. To heighten awareness of potential hazards. Hence the term God-Fearing, if I ever consider..., the good fear/reminder of the negative consequences of that choice PREVENTS...
More self talk here. Feels good to get it down, sort off my chest. I keep a note pad by my bed. When I have annoying brain-won't-shut-off nights, I sit up and write down the things I am thinking or afraid I will forget. Something sub-somewhere lets me go to sleep, having dealt that which kept me awake.
Later Olcpo