Author Topic: One final push  (Read 4224 times)

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Re: One final push
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2019, 08:47:16 AM »
Yes..."I've been here before" meant, I've been quit this long before.  I'm new here.  I will head to the Feb HOF section.
Congrats on posting roll call. After initially spitting the crap out of your mouth and flushing the contents of the can, and not putting that crap in your mouth (or ingesting any nicotine), posting your promise to yourself and a group is the 2nd most important thing you can do. Make that promise a contract to yourself and us. You are also implicitly promising your loved ones too, but we tend to leave them out of it here. You have to quit for yourself first and foremost. Having better relationships is something that will come in time. For now, expect to be a raging, crying, miserable, happy mess for a couple weeks. We say 'Embrace the Suck' because we have to go through it. After a certain point (different for everyone) the trend will be towards being better every day. It's an emotional roller coaster but stick with it through thick and thin and you will be successful. Nicotine is going to throw everything at you to try and get you back. Don't fall for any of it. Be sure to use the tools this place offers, they exist to help you fight the Nic tricks you don't know about yet.
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Offline Ben72

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Re: One final push
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2019, 02:25:31 PM »
Welcome, glad to quit with you. Its been 41 days of no nic for me, mind is getting clearer and clearer every day but those are babysteps and a long way to go. Get good nutrition, move/lift weights, sleep and keep your mind busy with whatever possible and it will all be fine one day.
Thank you!  Just hit the treadmill for an hour. 

Offline Indrek

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Re: One final push
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2019, 01:55:50 PM »
Welcome, glad to quit with you. Its been 41 days of no nic for me, mind is getting clearer and clearer every day but those are babysteps and a long way to go. Get good nutrition, move/lift weights, sleep and keep your mind busy with whatever possible and it will all be fine one day.

Offline Ben72

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Re: One final push
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2019, 01:44:41 PM »
Yes..."I've been here before" meant, I've been quit this long before.  I'm new here.  I will head to the Feb HOF section. 

Offline Zeus

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Re: One final push
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2019, 01:26:04 PM »
  I've been here before. Dozens of times.  I've been clean hundreds of days before. 

Were you a member of an HOF group(s)? Did you post roll, and promise to not use nicotine in any form for the day. If so, you need to answer some questions. In your new February group, and your old group(s).

What happened?

Why did it happen?

What are you going to do differently this time?

"Today is day 31 of my quit.  I've been here before. Dozens of times.  I've been clean hundreds of days before."

I think he was saying he's been at day 31 before. I saw below where he said he was new here.


Congrats on making that realization about yourself. Once you make it, there is no valid reason to ever have a dip again.

If you want to quit for real this time, I suggest you go to the link Ankape provided below and do what we call posting roll call. Posting roll is something we do every day. We state our promise to stay nicotine free for one day only. We make this promise to ourselves and a group of people who will hold us accountable to it. We make the promise early every day, and we don't cave. Repeat the process tomorrow.

To help with the accountability portion, we  highly recommend you share your phone number with a few people. People will send you their numbers via PM. Return the favor. They'll hold you to posting every day, and they'll be there for you during those extra harsh days when the craves become extreme or you're contemplating throwing in the towel, and they'll expect the same from you.

It sucks bad for the first few days but then it gets better and better.

Zeus - Day 1003 and no regrets about quitting (although there have been many rough days).
June 2017 Quit Mafia

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Re: One final push
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2019, 12:54:02 PM »
  I've been here before. Dozens of times.  I've been clean hundreds of days before. 

Were you a member of an HOF group(s)? Did you post roll, and promise to not use nicotine in any form for the day. If so, you need to answer some questions. In your new February group, and your old group(s).

What happened?

Why did it happen?

What are you going to do differently this time?

Offline ankape

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Re: One final push
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2019, 12:46:17 PM »
Hello.  I'm new here, but have spent several hours over days reading posts.  Thank you all.
I'm an addict. I used to see that as just a label, and I didn't really appreciate what it meant. It has become clear.  I have friends that can use nicotine recreationally.  I told myself I could do the same.  That is a lie. I am an addict. I'm like everyone else here.  The only power I have over nicotine is to NEVER let it in my body again.  That's all I got.  Otherwise, it will kill me.
I'm 47.  I've been at this since in some form since I was 17.  30 damn years.  I have a wife and 3 young kids that depend on me.   

Today is day 31 of my quit.  I've been here before. Dozens of times.  I've been clean hundreds of days before.  There is always a point of weakness.  I tell myself that lie, and I'm a slave again.
Not this time.  I've learned 2 major lessons.
1. Alcohol is always involved in my cave: Man, I love the combo of an icy cold IPA and a giant pinch of Grizzly.  I can't enjoy a beer without sneaking a chew.  The dopamine duo is my vice.  I say "sneaking a chew" because I was the world's stealthiest ninja dipper.  So, I'm removing alcohol from the equation for the foreseeable future. I probably have an alcohol dependence issues, but I'll deal with that later.
2. I need support: I'm embarrassed by my addiction.  So I hid it.  Every time I tried to quit, I was on my own.  So I'm here.  I hope to get help and I hope I can help others.
@Ben72 Welcome! I’m a member of your February HOF group. It sounds like you have an awesome mindset and I’m excited to quit with you!
Go here to post your promise

Offline Ben72

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One final push
« on: December 05, 2019, 12:18:38 PM »
Hello.  I'm new here, but have spent several hours over days reading posts.  Thank you all.
I'm an addict. I used to see that as just a label, and I didn't really appreciate what it meant. It has become clear.  I have friends that can use nicotine recreationally.  I told myself I could do the same.  That is a lie. I am an addict. I'm like everyone else here.  The only power I have over nicotine is to NEVER let it in my body again.  That's all I got.  Otherwise, it will kill me.
I'm 47.  I've been at this since in some form since I was 17.  30 damn years.  I have a wife and 3 young kids that depend on me.   

Today is day 31 of my quit.  I've been here before. Dozens of times.  I've been clean hundreds of days before.  There is always a point of weakness.  I tell myself that lie, and I'm a slave again.
Not this time.  I've learned 2 major lessons.
1. Alcohol is always involved in my cave: Man, I love the combo of an icy cold IPA and a giant pinch of Grizzly.  I can't enjoy a beer without sneaking a chew.  The dopamine duo is my vice.  I say "sneaking a chew" because I was the world's stealthiest ninja dipper.  So, I'm removing alcohol from the equation for the foreseeable future. I probably have an alcohol dependence issues, but I'll deal with that later.
2. I need support: I'm embarrassed by my addiction.  So I hid it.  Every time I tried to quit, I was on my own.  So I'm here.  I hope to get help and I hope I can help others.