So I am new to this website. I am 29 years old and have dipped for the better part of half my life and am finally ready to free myself from this shit. I stumbled across this website and it has inspired me seeing other folks in my position wanting to quit and that have successfully quit. So with all that being said tomorrow is my quit date so after today I will start my journey on being tobacco free. Wish me luck fellow comrades!!
@Quitthecan . Welcome aboard. You are making a great that may save your life. If you want to quit successfully, this is the place. Lots of folks here are ready and willing to support you.
My first question is why wait for tomorrow? Toss that can right now...while you are motivated to do so. If you've been using for awhile, you've tried to quit before, and I'm sure you've set dates and watched them sail by with a big wedge in your lip. Don't let this moment pass. Hop on that grenade right now. Post roll in the May '20 group and make today your first day quit.
Link for May '20:'s a lot more to talk about but all in good time. Take that first step brother (sister?). Freedom and peace of mind patiently await.
PTBQWYT (Proud To Be Quit With You Today) my friend.