Author Topic: Quit Sunday  (Read 3288 times)

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Offline Keith0617

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Re: Quit Sunday
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 08:39:45 AM »
Welcome. Here's a link to your Quit Group: You are a member of the June 2020 Quit Group, which is the month you will hit 100 days quit. 100 days quit is a milestone we celebrate here at KTC.

Go to your Quit Group and learn to post roll. Posting roll is how we stay quit. By posting roll, you make a promise to yourself, other members of your quit group, and everyone there posting support that you will remain free of nicotine for the day. Keep your word, and stay quit. It's as simple as that - hard as hell to do - but simple.

I've got some good news for you. We start your day quit count at the day you decide to quit. So, according to our count, you are on day 3.

Proud to quit with you.

@Pig34 Welcome to KTC. Reading your intro I am not convinced you really want to quit. "1/2 hoping I can do it" and "give it a try". If you follow the routine you will be quit. It sucks for a while and then it gets better. Post your promise to stay nicotine free for the day. Keep your promise. Repeat the following day. Exchange digits with fellow quitters only through personal messages and not on the forum or here in the Intro section. Reach out if I can help.

Offline RDB

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Re: Quit Sunday
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2020, 08:19:11 AM »
Welcome. Here's a link to your Quit Group: You are a member of the June 2020 Quit Group, which is the month you will hit 100 days quit. 100 days quit is a milestone we celebrate here at KTC.

Go to your Quit Group and learn to post roll. Posting roll is how we stay quit. By posting roll, you make a promise to yourself, other members of your quit group, and everyone there posting support that you will remain free of nicotine for the day. Keep your word, and stay quit. It's as simple as that - hard as hell to do - but simple.

I've got some good news for you. We start your day quit count at the day you decide to quit. So, according to our count, you are on day 3.

Proud to quit with you.

Offline Pig34

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Quit Sunday
« on: February 25, 2020, 07:29:57 AM »
Well here we go ! 44yrs old and have dipped since I was 15. Sunday afternoon I ran out. I ran around house acting like an idiot because I couldnt find my "backup". Couldnt leave the house. Started thinking of people I could call to drop a can off. Then it hit me, this is a lot of effort for something that I dont need anyway. Really hit me how much my life revolved around a damn can of snuff. Like I would get nervous if I didnt have one in my pocket so I always bought 2 just to be sure. Anyway I am on day 1 and 1/2 hoping I can do it . Just such a waste of time money and effort. So far not so bad just the muscle memory I guess like when I get truck to go to work that usually set on automatic put one in. I am a trim carpenter by trade and minute hit work site again automatic and rarely does it not stay in my lip till bout 8-9 every night.
Anyway really want to whip this beast ass so giving it a go. I used to make fun of the crackhead that hung around town stealing and scrapping and begging just to get a fix. Never should have because I just as bad as he is. Just different drug same addiction . thanks for any help in advance and be working at it everyday!