Author Topic: Zombo Funk's Late Intro  (Read 15712 times)

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Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2020, 11:07:10 AM »
I posted this in general discussion and of course got no feedback. Woke up this morning still annoyed about it.

See, August has international quitters which means we try to flip the roll for them occasionally to share the burden. That, and I manage the links in our default post a certain way that requires updates. Every time you go into august and over-post your bullshit 11:50 support, you're overriding the updates I made and erasing shit like our question of the day. Also you're erasing the efforts we make as a team to share the burden of flipping our roll.

Again, I don't want or need your support at 11:59PM.

Blanket Posting at End of Day:

I have noticed a trend over the past few weeks, since I've had a reason to be on the site late into the evenings. What's the deal with all these 'vets' just blanket posting support across every single month at the end of the night? TBH I find it disrespectful, because we tell quitters that they need to WUPP or their promise doesn't mean shit. That's how I feel about this practice. Your support doesn't mean shit to me if your dropping it in at 11:45PM and quite frankly I resent my group being used to bolster your post count.

And if you're going to do it, at least have the decency not to post over a flipped roll.
I guess I know where I'll be every night at 11:59PM
well played

Offline canofbeans

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Re: Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2020, 10:03:48 AM »
I posted this in general discussion and of course got no feedback. Woke up this morning still annoyed about it.

See, August has international quitters which means we try to flip the roll for them occasionally to share the burden. That, and I manage the links in our default post a certain way that requires updates. Every time you go into august and over-post your bullshit 11:50 support, you're overriding the updates I made and erasing shit like our question of the day. Also you're erasing the efforts we make as a team to share the burden of flipping our roll.

Again, I don't want or need your support at 11:59PM.

Blanket Posting at End of Day:

I have noticed a trend over the past few weeks, since I've had a reason to be on the site late into the evenings. What's the deal with all these 'vets' just blanket posting support across every single month at the end of the night? TBH I find it disrespectful, because we tell quitters that they need to WUPP or their promise doesn't mean shit. That's how I feel about this practice. Your support doesn't mean shit to me if your dropping it in at 11:45PM and quite frankly I resent my group being used to bolster your post count.

And if you're going to do it, at least have the decency not to post over a flipped roll.
I guess I know where I'll be every night at 11:59PM
Rebel Rouser (retired)

Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2020, 09:17:43 AM »
I posted this in general discussion and of course got no feedback. Woke up this morning still annoyed about it.

See, August has international quitters which means we try to flip the roll for them occasionally to share the burden. That, and I manage the links in our default post a certain way that requires updates. Every time you go into august and over-post your bullshit 11:50 support, you're overriding the updates I made and erasing shit like our question of the day. Also you're erasing the efforts we make as a team to share the burden of flipping our roll.

Again, I don't want or need your support at 11:59PM.

Blanket Posting at End of Day:

I have noticed a trend over the past few weeks, since I've had a reason to be on the site late into the evenings. What's the deal with all these 'vets' just blanket posting support across every single month at the end of the night? TBH I find it disrespectful, because we tell quitters that they need to WUPP or their promise doesn't mean shit. That's how I feel about this practice. Your support doesn't mean shit to me if your dropping it in at 11:45PM and quite frankly I resent my group being used to bolster your post count.

And if you're going to do it, at least have the decency not to post over a flipped roll.

Offline Athan

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Re: Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2020, 06:13:42 PM »
...I never knew how much of my life I was wasting on shit that was either killing me (at worst) or was a total waste of time (at best) until I quit dipping. It's crazy to me that the 1 change of quitting dip was such a catalyst for change in my life.
One of the most uplifting posts I've read in a long long time. It amazes me that life, so marvelous a gift, is so easily squandered away. So very pleased that you've embraced conscious living for yourself and your family. You're a blessed man.
"I hope you find a thousand reasons to quit today" Rawls
"I can't quit for you. I will quit with you" Ready
"There are two dogs in the fight, which one are you feeding?" SuperDave9000
"In the Navy we had morning muster. You never miss muster. You better be dead if you miss. If you are dying, you should have started crawling earlier, no excuse." Olcpo

The Science of Addiction
The Law of Addiction
The Road Called Recovery
My Intro and HOF Speech
Quitters I've met: Cbird, UncleRico, Gregor, KDip, Broccoli-saurus, Croakenhagen, BriagG, Koba, Kodiakdeath, Arrakisdq, McDave, Worktowin, SkolVikings, JGromo, GS9502, PaDutchman, Stillbrewing, A-Aron...
outdoortexan cancer

Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2020, 05:23:45 PM »
Yesterday I took (and passed) the Washington Real Estate Broker Exam. I've wanted to get my real estate license for a few years now, and never quite got around to it. On the way home I got to thinking about what led me to finally do it, and I realized it was KTC. So I wanted to share some thoughts and an update with anyone out there who might relate.

I quit dipping in April, with the help of KTC and everyone here. It's been a rough but rewarding journey. But how does quitting dip lead me to getting my real estate license? Over the past few months I've realized that I had (and still have) a lot of bad habits and addictions. Quitting dip has forced my to face many of these head-on, as the majority have become entangled over the past 14 years of dipping.

My nightly routine for a few years looked something like this: Play video games, dip, and drink. My rotation was typically drink a beer, put in a dip, spit into that bottle or can until I wanted another beer, rinse and repeat. This rotation would keep me up late into the night just having 1 more beer and then 1 more dip (repeatedly). Then I'd wake up in the morning feeling like shit, and end up doing the same thing the next day. I used to tell myself that I deserved to stay up and have fun because I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do during the day. I'd put off going to sleep because I dreaded waking up in the morning and having to face the reality of the daily grind.

When I quit dipping, I started drinking even more because there was nothing to do in between beers. (Spoiler Alert! Eventually this led me to confront the drinking problem I'd had for years). A few weeks into my quit I had to stop playing video games. It was just too much of a trigger. Honestly I never realized how much time I spent playing until I had to quit.

With no video games to play, no '1 last dip' or '1 last beer', I had nothing to do in the evenings. In the beginning I was going to bed as early as possible as a coping mechanism to keep me from craving nicotine. After a while, though, I started waking up a little earlier. I was feeling better every day that I was off the nicotine. I didn't hate myself every day because I wasn't a slave to the can. It was still hard but I was moving in the right direction. As the cravings lessened, I was still going to bed earlier. I was still waking up earlier. I still had nothing to do in the evenings (except drink), and I was looking for anything to keep my mind off dip. Looking for something to do, I finally signed up for an online Real Estate Broker class.

I poked away at that in my free time for about 2 months or so, as my HOF grew nearer. Even as I quit playing video games, and quit dipping, and was feeling better in most ways - my drinking (already high) was ticking up. Quitting dip and video games made me really face my drinking as well. I decided that if I could quit dip with the simple formula of B+A=S, then I could quit beer also.

Well, it's been a lot harder than I thought it'd be, and I'm only at 44 days which is by no means a huge accomplishment. Every day is still a struggle. But when I also got off the booze, that's when things started to really take off. Now I had literally nothing to do in the evenings. I had to find something to do. I had already paid for the real estate course so I started hitting that any time I wasn't working, playing with my daughter, doing something with (or for) my wife, or making dinner/doing housework.

As time went by, each day off the dip, off the games, and off the booze, I started feeling better. Waking up earlier. Going to bed earlier. Enjoying life more. I even started exercising in the morning. I finished my coursework, signed up for the test, took it and passed it on the first try. Next week I'll be a licensed real estate broker. I have a baby, I'm in the Army Reserve, and I have a full-time job. I've told some of my friends that I passed the test and they don't understand.

"How did you do that? How do you have time to take 90 hours of coursework?!"

I never knew how much of my life I was wasting on shit that was either killing me (at worst) or was a total waste of time (at best) until I quit dipping. It's crazy to me that the 1 change of quitting dip was such a catalyst for change in my life.

I am humbled by the support I've received on this site by total strangers, and eternally grateful for the positive changes that are taking place in my life. I just wanted to take some time out to say thanks to everyone here. Without you all I'd have a quarter-can of grizzly in my mouth right now, sitting in front a tv with a beer and a PlayStation controller, looking forward to spending the weekend that way. Instead I'm celebrating a huge win, another day off the nic, another day sober, and looking forward spending some time with my wife and daughter tonight.

Oh and I'll be up early exercising tomorrow on the bicycle trainer that I bought with some of the money I've saved, even though it'll be Saturday. Because now I look forward to tomorrow, and I wake up excited to face the day. Thanks for that, too.

Zombo Funk - 143 / 44 - NAFAR

Offline Zombo Funk

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Zombo Funk's Late Intro
« on: September 18, 2020, 04:46:01 PM »
I wanted to update my intro with some thoughts, and then I realized I never made one. This is what I put into the August AJAYs post.

My Fellow Americans,

I am Zombo Funk and I join you.

I started dipping a long time ago. I stopped dipping recently. I’ve frequented this site for some time watching the hardcore liberate themselves from the bonds of addiction like so many Djangos Unchained, but am only now bold enough to follow your lead. While I regret not mustering in the distant past, I find solace in at least as much as not having begun too early.

But now I am begun. Like Frodo I have set out from the Shire carrying the weight of my quit hidden away on a chain. And yet, like Frodo - I am taken into fellowship among those whose counsel is wisely sought and freely given. We must each take responsibility for our own quit but I count myself lucky to be on the weary road with companions as yourselves.

Onward to adventure.