Author Topic: Any advice?  (Read 5976 times)

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Offline JeffH4257

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2021, 02:19:32 PM »
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I see you lurking...@Cory63 Come on in hoss, the water is warm.

Offline JeffH4257

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2020, 08:41:00 PM »

Hey Brother where are ya?


Offline Sajax

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2020, 03:15:07 PM »
If I didn't want advice, I wouldn't have came back. I took some time to get my mind right and now im back with almost 2 days dip free. Also, smoky mountain has no nicotine. Its just used to satisfy the oral urge until I get past the withdrawals.

Greetings Cory,

I'd like to welcome you to Thursday. Just one day among the many thousands that you will be free from nicotine and addiction if you want it. Here is my advice for you:

Every person here has been or is going through the suck you are experiencing. It may be hard to keep that in perspective when you are the only person in your day to day who is quitting dip, but try. I understand you may be foggy and prickly. You may lash out. Feel free to do that here and keep your loved ones safe from the nic rage. When you calm down it is important to remember that we are all on your side here. We have fought the same monster crawling up your back and know it's beatable.

You keep being told to do this for yourself or questioning if your motivations are real....only one way to figure that one out. Come by and sign roll and be nic free tomorrow. Then do it again the day after, and the day after, ad infinitum. That's all there is to it. Advice to help you quit? Don't put dip in your mouth and you're there. Quit. Advice on the symptoms of withdrawal or the psychological adjustments that come with a huge shift in lifestyle? You'll have to be more specific and you will get more specific help.

See you on roll (I'll be looking). ODAAT.
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If you are arguing a position you don't necessarily agree with but are playing devil's advocate, please spell that out for me. I'm not very bright and like to understand when people are sincere or not.

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2020, 02:17:13 PM »
If I didn't want advice, I wouldn't have came back. I took some time to get my mind right and now im back with almost 2 days dip free. Also, smoky mountain has no nicotine. Its just used to satisfy the oral urge until I get past the withdrawals.
Since I reached out to you twice here is my 3rd and final piece of advice. Pull your big boy pants up, suck it up and quit. The instructions say one intro each but I guess that does not pertain to you. Sorry but when the directions are on the page its makes it very difficult to continue to help. Wish you well and stop fooling yourself as its not worth it to yourself to keep using.

Offline Cory63

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2020, 12:53:11 PM »
If I didn't want advice, I wouldn't have came back. I took some time to get my mind right and now im back with almost 2 days dip free. Also, smoky mountain has no nicotine. Its just used to satisfy the oral urge until I get past the withdrawals.

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Re: 36 hours in
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2020, 12:31:05 PM »
I'm about 36 hours in. Its hard to describe, but I feel like I am asleep and am living in a dream. I didnt get shit done at work yesterday. Probably won't get shit done today either. Got some smoky mountain that taste like shit, but does seem to help a very small amount. When does it start getting easier?
Welcome @Cory63 to the start of your life without tobacco. I would jump over and start posting your promise in February here You are going to feel an huge difference for a while but you are going to just need to suck it up and push thru. Quitting only happens One Day At A Time so just focus on today or the next hour as you might need goals to strive for. Read as much as you can on the forum and on the main page as that will help. Start pounding the water and exercising to stay busy. You will have many people reach out to you to help and accept it all. Share you digits with others but only thru pms never anywhere else. By sharing digits this creates a huge support group that can personally help you thru tough days. If you want my digits just pm me and they are yours but the big thing is that we are here to help you. Embrace the suck as rite of passage my friend and after awhile it will get easier. Need anything let me know and Proud To Be Quit with you Today.
@Cory63 quitting will never get easier if you keep shoving cat shit in your face. You were here back at the end of October looking for advice which many here took time out of their day to share their experiences and wisdom with you. Clearly you either didn't want advice or you didn't hear what you wanted to hear so you went back to poisoning yourself with a dead plant in a plastic can.

There is no magic pill or easy way out when it comes to quitting. If it were easy, then everyone would do it and be successful at it. But we are fighting an addiction (NOT a habit). This is why we go to battle each and every day by posting roll (our promise to not use nicotine in ANY form today) and focus on keeping that word for 24 hours at a time. Today is all we can control. We don't worry about quitting tomorrow or next week or next month. Quitting for today builds off itself and makes the process manageable.

That fog you describe will continue to happen if you keep this stoppage routine going. Embrace this portion of your quit, power through each day and when the cravings hit, remind yourself that you never want to deal with those early days of your quit again.

I have to ask - do you actually want to quit? Or do you think you should quit for *insert reasons here*? Lots of people like the idea of being quit but often don't have the intestinal fortitude to make it happen.
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
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"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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Offline MN_Engineer

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2020, 12:17:00 PM »
 @Cory63 each member is allowed only one introduction. I merged your first intro with the one you created today. Going forward please continue to use this introduction.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2020, 12:18:31 PM by MNxEngineer »
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Feel like throwing in the towel? Sign the "Contract to Give Up" HERE
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Offline Thefranks5

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Re: 36 hours in
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2020, 11:20:13 AM »
I'm about 36 hours in. Its hard to describe, but I feel like I am asleep and am living in a dream. I didnt get shit done at work yesterday. Probably won't get shit done today either. Got some smoky mountain that taste like shit, but does seem to help a very small amount. When does it start getting easier?
Welcome @Cory63 to the start of your life without tobacco. I would jump over and start posting your promise in February here You are going to feel an huge difference for a while but you are going to just need to suck it up and push thru. Quitting only happens One Day At A Time so just focus on today or the next hour as you might need goals to strive for. Read as much as you can on the forum and on the main page as that will help. Start pounding the water and exercising to stay busy. You will have many people reach out to you to help and accept it all. Share you digits with others but only thru pms never anywhere else. By sharing digits this creates a huge support group that can personally help you thru tough days. If you want my digits just pm me and they are yours but the big thing is that we are here to help you. Embrace the suck as rite of passage my friend and after awhile it will get easier. Need anything let me know and Proud To Be Quit with you Today.

Offline Cory63

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36 hours in
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2020, 10:20:41 AM »
I'm about 36 hours in. Its hard to describe, but I feel like I am asleep and am living in a dream. I didnt get shit done at work yesterday. Probably won't get shit done today either. Got some smoky mountain that taste like shit, but does seem to help a very small amount. When does it start getting easier?

Offline Hill_Monkey

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2020, 07:32:58 PM »

Offline Thefranks5

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2020, 07:16:47 AM »
I think we all know how weaning ends, it doesn’t.

Cold turkey is the only way.
@Cory63 I will attest to that as I tried that for a month. Haha what a moron I was as all I did was prolong the pain. Just toss that crap out and go brother. You got this and we are here to help.

Offline Hill_Monkey

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2020, 09:41:32 PM »
I think we all know how weaning ends, it doesn’t.

Cold turkey is the only way.

Offline Zombo Funk

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2020, 08:01:26 PM »
...I still absolutely love dipping, but I hate spending money on it. I hate paying more for insurance. I hate having to risk getting fired for dipping at work(like I'm doing right now). I hate having to leave a restaurant with friends as soon as I'm finished eating just so I can put that after dinner dip in. I hate having dried dip all over the floorboard of my truck. I hate going to the gas station to buy a drink, just so I can pour it out and spit in it. I hate the cavities. I hate worrying every couple months when a new mouth sore pops up. I hate that my 3 little girls are always asking "Daddy, why do you spit so much". Most of all, I hate being controlled by something. I dont know if I will ever be "ready" to quit...

I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you hate dipping. You sound like that stereotypical abused spouse on TV. Time to give it up.

I should add; the window of time where it's okay for you to use this website as a place where you contemplate whether or not you will quit is pretty much up. This is a website for committed quitters who have already decided they are in it for the long haul. Quit or get off the pot. You're with us or against us.

Offline Peter Gibbons

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2020, 06:23:54 PM »
Hey guys. Thanks for reaching out. First I'll say, this isn't the most organized forum. Its gonna take some time to get used to it, then ill try to be more involved. I will give yall a little back story though. Im 31 years old and have been dipping since I was 16. I feel like I have "quit" a thousand  times. My longest quit was 6 months and came when I was 18. Since then, the quits have gotten shorter. I did 30 days when I was around 22. My most recent quit (that lasted more than a day or 2) was a couple years ago. I went 10 days. It was actually pretty smooth sailing until I went fishing with some buddies. They were all dipping and I thought "I'll just bum one. One wont hurt". Well, one turned into 2, two turned into 3, and three turned into me buying a log on the way home. I feel like it will be extremely hard this go around because, for the past couple years, I am constantly dipping.  If I am awake and not eating, I have a dip in. Im not gonna lie like some people and say "I HATE dipping and want to quit". I still absolutely love dipping, but I hate spending money on it. I hate paying more for insurance. I hate having to risk getting fired for dipping at work(like I'm doing right now). I hate having to leave a restaurant with friends as soon as I'm finished eating just so I can put that after dinner dip in. I hate having dried dip all over the floorboard of my truck. I hate going to the gas station to buy a drink, just so I can pour it out and spit in it. I hate the cavities. I hate worrying every couple months when a new mouth sore pops up. I hate that my 3 little girls are always asking "Daddy, why do you spit so much". Most of all, I hate being controlled by something. I dont know if I will ever be "ready" to quit, but I feel like those things listed above are enough to outweigh the fact that I still love to dip. What kind of advice do yall have? Should I quit cold turkey, or try to wean myself? Should I try any substitutes, or would that just lead to me dropping one addiction for another?

Advice?  Spend the next couple days without dip trying to figure out this website.  You'll probably find some good shit along the way.

All of us loved to dip.  We were all shitheads.  The sooner you figure that out the better.

Here's a Hall of Fame speech from someone else who loved to dip.  We're all the same here.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 06:25:54 PM by Peter Gibbons »

Offline Cory63

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Re: Any advice?
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2020, 04:45:47 PM »
Hey guys. Thanks for reaching out. First I'll say, this isn't the most organized forum. Its gonna take some time to get used to it, then ill try to be more involved. I will give yall a little back story though. Im 31 years old and have been dipping since I was 16. I feel like I have "quit" a thousand  times. My longest quit was 6 months and came when I was 18. Since then, the quits have gotten shorter. I did 30 days when I was around 22. My most recent quit (that lasted more than a day or 2) was a couple years ago. I went 10 days. It was actually pretty smooth sailing until I went fishing with some buddies. They were all dipping and I thought "I'll just bum one. One wont hurt". Well, one turned into 2, two turned into 3, and three turned into me buying a log on the way home. I feel like it will be extremely hard this go around because, for the past couple years, I am constantly dipping.  If I am awake and not eating, I have a dip in. Im not gonna lie like some people and say "I HATE dipping and want to quit". I still absolutely love dipping, but I hate spending money on it. I hate paying more for insurance. I hate having to risk getting fired for dipping at work(like I'm doing right now). I hate having to leave a restaurant with friends as soon as I'm finished eating just so I can put that after dinner dip in. I hate having dried dip all over the floorboard of my truck. I hate going to the gas station to buy a drink, just so I can pour it out and spit in it. I hate the cavities. I hate worrying every couple months when a new mouth sore pops up. I hate that my 3 little girls are always asking "Daddy, why do you spit so much". Most of all, I hate being controlled by something. I dont know if I will ever be "ready" to quit, but I feel like those things listed above are enough to outweigh the fact that I still love to dip. What kind of advice do yall have? Should I quit cold turkey, or try to wean myself? Should I try any substitutes, or would that just lead to me dropping one addiction for another?