Author Topic: General Discussion - 2021  (Read 104333 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #281 on: October 17, 2021, 07:46:19 PM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


The big difference between having "multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc" and what you guys have done here is that before we all had one place to post roll. You know, that "sacred" thing that we all do to keep each other accountable? Now you have individual groups wandering around aimlessly trying to decide which site to post roll on. Pretty clear representation of the lack of leadedship you guys are providing.

Make a decision. Even if it's the wrong one, make a decision. You'll likely piss people off either way, but this half-assed "it doesn't have to be one or the other" bullshit is not only going to piss people off, it's going to destroy the main purpose of this site.

@Administrator @Moderator
Just my opinion as a quitter:

The forum is dying,  It is becoming a day count tracker.  There is not a lot of engagement anymore as Vets just tend to stick to a few groups they support or just post and ghost.  There is another tenet to this place besides Accountability and that is Brotherhood;  we hold our Brothers and Sisters accountable.  Personally I do not see quitters going into other groups and hold quitters who miss accountable.  We are slowly losing that community because the conversations and dialogue is not happening.  We were already divided - each into their own silo.

What is wrong with getting everyone engaged and listening to their opinion on how we should move forward?  What is wrong with seeing what works and what doesn't by trying it out without making a hard and fast decision?

@Peter Gibbons you say just make a decision.  I think the Admins have.... you just don't like the decision they made.

By all means, try stuff out. You don't have to mess with roll to dick around with another platform though.
Just my .02 cents worth. Even if the forum becomes just a day tracker, to me that is fine. You can go in there and see who has posted up. Then you can come play out on these other platforms and ask why so and so hasn't posted yet, especially if they are out here playing. Accountability and Brotherhood doesn't have to be tied to this platform.

Now I will tell you it is a big difference from when I first started because we didn't have all these other options. You had the forum, chat and a phone. If you were lucky, you could afford texting. Now I do not care how you have your accountability and brother/sisterhood, just as long as you do, here, there. small group, big group whatever, just have it.
This forum is everything you want it to be. If that’s day tracker good, if that’s accountability even better. Want make friends you can don’t have too. Don’t think anything has changed here to be honest with you, you get what you put in having another site may be good for the new quitters maybe not. Nobody really knows what the future holds at the end of the day this place is just simply a tool to help you stay quit. None of us would be here if we didn’t need it, just appreciate what has been built here and use what you need to use.

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #280 on: October 17, 2021, 10:33:24 AM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


The big difference between having "multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc" and what you guys have done here is that before we all had one place to post roll. You know, that "sacred" thing that we all do to keep each other accountable? Now you have individual groups wandering around aimlessly trying to decide which site to post roll on. Pretty clear representation of the lack of leadedship you guys are providing.

Make a decision. Even if it's the wrong one, make a decision. You'll likely piss people off either way, but this half-assed "it doesn't have to be one or the other" bullshit is not only going to piss people off, it's going to destroy the main purpose of this site.

@Administrator @Moderator
Just my opinion as a quitter:

The forum is dying,  It is becoming a day count tracker.  There is not a lot of engagement anymore as Vets just tend to stick to a few groups they support or just post and ghost.  There is another tenet to this place besides Accountability and that is Brotherhood;  we hold our Brothers and Sisters accountable.  Personally I do not see quitters going into other groups and hold quitters who miss accountable.  We are slowly losing that community because the conversations and dialogue is not happening.  We were already divided - each into their own silo.

What is wrong with getting everyone engaged and listening to their opinion on how we should move forward?  What is wrong with seeing what works and what doesn't by trying it out without making a hard and fast decision?

@Peter Gibbons you say just make a decision.  I think the Admins have.... you just don't like the decision they made.

By all means, try stuff out. You don't have to mess with roll to dick around with another platform though.
Just my .02 cents worth. Even if the forum becomes just a day tracker, to me that is fine. You can go in there and see who has posted up. Then you can come play out on these other platforms and ask why so and so hasn't posted yet, especially if they are out here playing. Accountability and Brotherhood doesn't have to be tied to this platform.

Now I will tell you it is a big difference from when I first started because we didn't have all these other options. You had the forum, chat and a phone. If you were lucky, you could afford texting. Now I do not care how you have your accountability and brother/sisterhood, just as long as you do, here, there. small group, big group whatever, just have it.
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Offline Peter Gibbons

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #279 on: October 16, 2021, 01:09:18 PM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


The big difference between having "multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc" and what you guys have done here is that before we all had one place to post roll. You know, that "sacred" thing that we all do to keep each other accountable? Now you have individual groups wandering around aimlessly trying to decide which site to post roll on. Pretty clear representation of the lack of leadedship you guys are providing.

Make a decision. Even if it's the wrong one, make a decision. You'll likely piss people off either way, but this half-assed "it doesn't have to be one or the other" bullshit is not only going to piss people off, it's going to destroy the main purpose of this site.

@Administrator @Moderator
Just my opinion as a quitter:

The forum is dying,  It is becoming a day count tracker.  There is not a lot of engagement anymore as Vets just tend to stick to a few groups they support or just post and ghost.  There is another tenet to this place besides Accountability and that is Brotherhood;  we hold our Brothers and Sisters accountable.  Personally I do not see quitters going into other groups and hold quitters who miss accountable.  We are slowly losing that community because the conversations and dialogue is not happening.  We were already divided - each into their own silo.

What is wrong with getting everyone engaged and listening to their opinion on how we should move forward?  What is wrong with seeing what works and what doesn't by trying it out without making a hard and fast decision?

@Peter Gibbons you say just make a decision.  I think the Admins have.... you just don't like the decision they made.

By all means, try stuff out. You don't have to mess with roll to dick around with another platform though.

Offline Peter Gibbons

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #278 on: October 16, 2021, 12:59:09 PM »
will some things be changed in discord? Im trying to picture how a HOF month will go? will there be a link between the two so you can pull information to the new site easier. or even scrolling on a mobile though all the write up. with added support in the mix, maybe pin it for each day and guide people to how to view pins?
I think we are open to anything.  What we wanted to do was create an place that has everything we need.  Will things be different from a functionality?  Yes.  What will new groups look like and how will they be set up...not exactly sure.  We have to play with it and figure out what is best.  We thought about combining pre groups into one big group.  For group April 2016 had over 100 quitters join at one point.  I think we had over 70 reach HOF.  These new groups...for whatever reason...aren't big.  They get too isolated and in our opinion would be better served having a bigger group to socialize and form brotherhood.  Accountability comes from caring about your fellow person's quit and they in turn caring about your quit.

I wonder if the decline in group size might be due to worse SEO performance--I seem to remember the site's search ranking taking a big hit after the move to tapatalk. At this point, it's on page 4 of the google results for "quit dipping." If it was on page 1 or 2 before, I bet that would explain a lot of the difference. Should we expect that Discord is going to make it easier for new quitters to find KTC? Or would we be better served by focusing on getting more traffic to the website and forums?
This 2 site approach is bullshit. One or the other. Peter said the simple truth. Role here is sacred. The integrity of KTC is getting torn apart
So, by this logic we should focus 100% on a single entity?

Forget about social media, forget about text threads, phone calls, etc. etc. etc.

All I can say is I personally disagree with this. There are people who have found KTC via a variety of avenues. There are folks who are quit 100% because of this org and have never once even visited the forums.

And no... that's not to say accountability isn't still the thing that we're built on.

Roll should 100% be on a single entity. I'm kind of shocked that this is so hard for some of you to understand.

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #277 on: October 16, 2021, 10:44:08 AM »
will some things be changed in discord? Im trying to picture how a HOF month will go? will there be a link between the two so you can pull information to the new site easier. or even scrolling on a mobile though all the write up. with added support in the mix, maybe pin it for each day and guide people to how to view pins?
I think we are open to anything.  What we wanted to do was create an place that has everything we need.  Will things be different from a functionality?  Yes.  What will new groups look like and how will they be set up...not exactly sure.  We have to play with it and figure out what is best.  We thought about combining pre groups into one big group.  For group April 2016 had over 100 quitters join at one point.  I think we had over 70 reach HOF.  These new groups...for whatever reason...aren't big.  They get too isolated and in our opinion would be better served having a bigger group to socialize and form brotherhood.  Accountability comes from caring about your fellow person's quit and they in turn caring about your quit.

I wonder if the decline in group size might be due to worse SEO performance--I seem to remember the site's search ranking taking a big hit after the move to tapatalk. At this point, it's on page 4 of the google results for "quit dipping." If it was on page 1 or 2 before, I bet that would explain a lot of the difference. Should we expect that Discord is going to make it easier for new quitters to find KTC? Or would we be better served by focusing on getting more traffic to the website and forums?
This 2 site approach is bullshit. One or the other. Peter said the simple truth. Role here is sacred. The integrity of KTC is getting torn apart
So, by this logic we should focus 100% on a single entity?

Forget about social media, forget about text threads, phone calls, etc. etc. etc.

All I can say is I personally disagree with this. There are people who have found KTC via a variety of avenues. There are folks who are quit 100% because of this org and have never once even visited the forums.

And no... that's not to say accountability isn't still the thing that we're built on.
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #276 on: October 16, 2021, 09:06:55 AM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


The big difference between having "multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc" and what you guys have done here is that before we all had one place to post roll. You know, that "sacred" thing that we all do to keep each other accountable? Now you have individual groups wandering around aimlessly trying to decide which site to post roll on. Pretty clear representation of the lack of leadedship you guys are providing.

Make a decision. Even if it's the wrong one, make a decision. You'll likely piss people off either way, but this half-assed "it doesn't have to be one or the other" bullshit is not only going to piss people off, it's going to destroy the main purpose of this site.

@Administrator @Moderator
Just my opinion as a quitter:

The forum is dying,  It is becoming a day count tracker.  There is not a lot of engagement anymore as Vets just tend to stick to a few groups they support or just post and ghost.  There is another tenet to this place besides Accountability and that is Brotherhood;  we hold our Brothers and Sisters accountable.  Personally I do not see quitters going into other groups and hold quitters who miss accountable.  We are slowly losing that community because the conversations and dialogue is not happening.  We were already divided - each into their own silo.

What is wrong with getting everyone engaged and listening to their opinion on how we should move forward?  What is wrong with seeing what works and what doesn't by trying it out without making a hard and fast decision?

@Peter Gibbons you say just make a decision.  I think the Admins have.... you just don't like the decision they made.
The only time you fail, is if you don't try

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #275 on: October 16, 2021, 06:14:51 AM »
will some things be changed in discord? Im trying to picture how a HOF month will go? will there be a link between the two so you can pull information to the new site easier. or even scrolling on a mobile though all the write up. with added support in the mix, maybe pin it for each day and guide people to how to view pins?
I think we are open to anything.  What we wanted to do was create an place that has everything we need.  Will things be different from a functionality?  Yes.  What will new groups look like and how will they be set up...not exactly sure.  We have to play with it and figure out what is best.  We thought about combining pre groups into one big group.  For group April 2016 had over 100 quitters join at one point.  I think we had over 70 reach HOF.  These new groups...for whatever reason...aren't big.  They get too isolated and in our opinion would be better served having a bigger group to socialize and form brotherhood.  Accountability comes from caring about your fellow person's quit and they in turn caring about your quit.

I wonder if the decline in group size might be due to worse SEO performance--I seem to remember the site's search ranking taking a big hit after the move to tapatalk. At this point, it's on page 4 of the google results for "quit dipping." If it was on page 1 or 2 before, I bet that would explain a lot of the difference. Should we expect that Discord is going to make it easier for new quitters to find KTC? Or would we be better served by focusing on getting more traffic to the website and forums?
This 2 site approach is bullshit. One or the other. Peter said the simple truth. Role here is sacred. The integrity of KTC is getting torn apart
I am in competition with no one.I seek only to be better tomorrow than I was today

Success is never owned. It is rented and the rent is due each day

Offline koba

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #274 on: October 16, 2021, 01:33:07 AM »
will some things be changed in discord? Im trying to picture how a HOF month will go? will there be a link between the two so you can pull information to the new site easier. or even scrolling on a mobile though all the write up. with added support in the mix, maybe pin it for each day and guide people to how to view pins?
I think we are open to anything.  What we wanted to do was create an place that has everything we need.  Will things be different from a functionality?  Yes.  What will new groups look like and how will they be set up...not exactly sure.  We have to play with it and figure out what is best.  We thought about combining pre groups into one big group.  For group April 2016 had over 100 quitters join at one point.  I think we had over 70 reach HOF.  These new groups...for whatever reason...aren't big.  They get too isolated and in our opinion would be better served having a bigger group to socialize and form brotherhood.  Accountability comes from caring about your fellow person's quit and they in turn caring about your quit.

I wonder if the decline in group size might be due to worse SEO performance--I seem to remember the site's search ranking taking a big hit after the move to tapatalk. At this point, it's on page 4 of the google results for "quit dipping." If it was on page 1 or 2 before, I bet that would explain a lot of the difference. Should we expect that Discord is going to make it easier for new quitters to find KTC? Or would we be better served by focusing on getting more traffic to the website and forums?
Sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can. (Walter D. Wintle, "Thinking")

HOF Speech

Quit Date: 5/9/18, HOF: 8/16/18,  5th Floor: 9/2/19, Comma: 02/01/21, 2000: 10/29/23

Quitters I Have Met: Athan, BrianG, Broccoli-saurus, cbird65, Croakenhagen, F.U.C.S., rocketman, dbh68stang

Offline Peter Gibbons

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #273 on: October 15, 2021, 11:04:20 PM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


The big difference between having "multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc" and what you guys have done here is that before we all had one place to post roll. You know, that "sacred" thing that we all do to keep each other accountable? Now you have individual groups wandering around aimlessly trying to decide which site to post roll on. Pretty clear representation of the lack of leadedship you guys are providing.

Make a decision. Even if it's the wrong one, make a decision. You'll likely piss people off either way, but this half-assed "it doesn't have to be one or the other" bullshit is not only going to piss people off, it's going to destroy the main purpose of this site.

@Administrator @Moderator

Offline chewie

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #272 on: October 13, 2021, 02:29:07 PM »
@hydro, @cbird65, @Royand @Scowick65 killing oysters and quitting hard in Charleston…
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

Offline gonzomedic

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #271 on: October 09, 2021, 07:24:31 PM »
So far I post on both sites. Posting on discord regarding showing support I'm having a little learning curve issue. But it'll work out. I was initially anxious about it even at a mere 2,562 days. As we have seen the days quit amount doesn't mean we're healed! So take it in stride and keep that bitch away! NIC BITCH that is!
Pissed off? HIT THE GYM!

Offline UncleBubba

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #270 on: October 09, 2021, 04:41:56 PM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.


Trophy hunting.   There’s a phrase from the past. 
Quit Date - October 27, 2003

" I realized that I saw my addiction as a wall, a big-assed wall, like the Great Wall. It was too high to climb, to thick to beat through, to deeply set to dig under, and too wide to go around. It had beaten me and I had to admit that I could not fight with it anymore. To get to the other side I had to turn my back on it, stop looking for the quick fix to get to the other side, and take the old first step on a 10,000 mile journey. I accepted that it would take many, many days before I could look back and not see that wall. That, it seems, was the difference."  - Dulouz Feb '04

Offline walterwhite

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #269 on: October 09, 2021, 01:57:53 PM »
Here we go again! A new and better...Bla, Bla, Bla, way to do things here in KTC land. Bullshit..

How the hell can I do something like the Zero Report on this black hole of a what the fuck??

Way back when-- I was very close to walking away from KTC but bird noticed my struggle and showed me how to do it.

The Tapa Crap was shit--so we went to where we were as of this morning.

Yeah! you guys are moving my cheeze, and I'm pissed!

OldMan Out

@lmcb , I assume you are working off a computer not a phone?  If so, what I plan to do for things like new roll templates, etc., is to create a Word document on my computer and save it - in fact, save it to my desktop for easy access.  You can do the same for your Zeroes report.  From that doc make all your updates, then you just copy / paste it into the Discord thread.  Hopefully that made sense?

Right now, it seems we have limited formatting ability (font size, type, color - unless I just haven't found it yet) but hopefully that will change at some point.
You can also pin a post in a thread. Then each day just do a copy and paste it in a new message.
You will NEVER regret quitting. You will ALWAYS regret caving ~ NOLAQ

Everyday an addict reminds himself he is an addict is a day an addict earns another day of freedom. ~ Scowick65

To persevere is important for everybody. Don't give up, don't give in. There's always an answer to everything. ~ Louis Zamperini

Offline FLLipOut

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #268 on: October 09, 2021, 01:30:45 PM »
Here we go again! A new and better...Bla, Bla, Bla, way to do things here in KTC land. Bullshit..

How the hell can I do something like the Zero Report on this black hole of a what the fuck??

Way back when-- I was very close to walking away from KTC but bird noticed my struggle and showed me how to do it.

The Tapa Crap was shit--so we went to where we were as of this morning.

Yeah! you guys are moving my cheeze, and I'm pissed!

OldMan Out

@lmcb , I assume you are working off a computer not a phone?  If so, what I plan to do for things like new roll templates, etc., is to create a Word document on my computer and save it - in fact, save it to my desktop for easy access.  You can do the same for your Zeroes report.  From that doc make all your updates, then you just copy / paste it into the Discord thread.  Hopefully that made sense?

Right now, it seems we have limited formatting ability (font size, type, color - unless I just haven't found it yet) but hopefully that will change at some point. 
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24 | FL 29: 06.29.24 | Y8: 07.22.24 | FL 30 ,,,: 10.07.24 | FL 31: 01.15.25

Offline chewie

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Re: General Discussion - 2021
« Reply #267 on: October 09, 2021, 09:05:25 AM »
In my humble opinion I am concerned that it may cause division. My group had a few people missing yesterday and when I texted them they told me they had posted on discord. To those posting on this site it just looks like they are MIQ.  It is difficult to see if everyone from a group has posted roll for the day when some are posting there and some here. Just what I have noticed in the last day or so. Thoughts?
I agree Redwood, my group was asking and i told them we would focus on this site as our main accountability, in the mean time have them check out the new site (discord) for a few weeks and we would decide and vote as a unit which site all of us will be on.
Good idea. Thanks for the input.
And it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be both. I personally don't ever see myself stopping posting here on the forums. But Discord provides a platform that may help generate more conversation and foster a brotherhood more than the forums are able to do at this point. At this point try to view them as complimentary vs one trying to overtake/replace the other.

You have that damn wrong, the site is now divided.

Perhaps... but it's no less divided than it was with multiple GroupMe's, FB groups, FB pages, text groups, etc. etc. etc.

We're not looking to 'replace' any of that stuff but if we can bring the community TOGETHER that's a HUGE win. I can tell you that I personally have spent more time on Discord recently than I have in many months on the forums. I can tell you that I've been engaged with months / quitters outside my month than I have in some time. Is that because it's 'new and shiny'? Maybe. But there are certain features on Discord (showing who's online at any given time in a specific month, tagging, mentions, etc. that I personally believe are better on that platform.

We know it's not for everyone, and change sucks. But the reality is we've been 'changing' and 'evolving' here at KTC ever since we started. There was a day when ALL we had was a forum (on Invisionfree). That then was augmented by the main site. Then the blog. Then the quitter blog. Then FB, Twitter, and other social media.

Then we migrated InvisionFree to Zetaboard (which some loved and others hated). Then text groups became a thing. Then GroupMe spun up. Chat was introduced. Some used it, some hated it (damn trolls).

Then was the *shudder* TapaTalk disaster which EVERYONE hated. We finally migrated to these SMF forums.

Along the way, for multiple reasons, people have gone their separate ways. Some people engage ONLY on the forums. Others are ONLY on the main site. There's a slew of folks that have never posted roll, don't belong to a FB group but yet engage on TikTok daily.

Bottom line, we're a COMMUNITY of quitters. That SUPPORT and QUIT KNOWLEDGE has never changed and candidly I think is getting BIGGER AND BETTER. It's just sort of spread out.

Sorry for the long winded answer @Skolvikings this isn't directed at you... just sort of me sitting down and getting some thoughts out.

ALL of that said, I'm honored to be quit with all of you today... In my mind, I'm looking for that 'old school' feel where we could interact, quickly on a regular basis. Remember 'trophy hunting' on the forums? That sort of thing.

I personally think Discord is getting us back to that sort of feeling. Doesn't mean I'm right... just one guy's opinion. We're not married to our ideas... if something better comes along we're open to it.

Never again... for any reason.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |