Day 1 or morning one I guess. Been a can a day dipper for 15 years. I'm 31 with terrible teeth that I need fixed, acid reflux issues and a nicotine addiction. Finally ready to quit for me. I couldn't find the roll page so hopefully you all can help me with that.
Hey @Moose_89 . Welcome aboard my friend. I'm just finishing my shift at work but I did not want to let this go. Please post your promise here:
Scroll down to the first post (after the intro post), click the "quote" button in the top right hand corner. Post your name and your day count and your promise not to use today. That's it!! Really, if you post anywhere in that month we can move it around until you are more comfortable. As long as you make your promise, you are doing it right.
If you haven't already, read as much as you can around here and start to get to know people. Drink lots of water. Come here to rage (you will want to yell at somebody from time to time)...don't do that at home or at work. We can take it and give it back.
That's already a lot so I'm going to leave it there. Folks will one checking on you to make sure you're doing ok. Private message me on the site if I can do anything for you.
We are happy to have you and look forward to kicking the shit out of nicotine shoulder to shoulder.
Hold that line Moose
@Moose_89 like Hag said above, the only wrong way to post roll is to not be on it. Make the effort and we will help you get it right. There are instructions at the top of the page once you are in the group that will also help you get it down correctly
MOOSE!! Can I call you Mickey? Just kidding. Are you committed? Are you willing to slam your satchel in a drawer before you pop another lipper in? I do hope so. I'm glad you're here. Wade into the quit, get it on you, roll in it. Lots of love and support here brother. I'm glad you're here.
@Athan, it may be more like Bullwinkle, dude!
@Moose_89, brother we're glad to have you here at KTC. Buddy, I was a 2 can a day dipper for over 20 years. Now, I'm hooked on being FREE from the nicodemon's claws. You came to the right place, my friend. We'll bust your ass to keep you quit, but it's tough love from a brother and sisterhood of quitters who want to share what we have with you - 24 hours of QUIT at a time. Brotherhood + Accountability = Success.
Right now, from the way your post reads, you're feeling some quit guilt - beating yourself up for dipping. Yeah, well it is your fault, but you know what? You're owning that shit, and that's a huge step in being quit. OWN YOUR ADDICTION AND YOUR QUIT. When guilt turns to anger, rage to us, bitch to us, cry to us. Whatever it takes to stay quit. Drink water, chew gum, find some no-nic fake stuff if that's your thing, exercise. Be ready for the rollercoaster of emotional, physical, and mental withdrawal issues, but know this: Nicotine won't truly fix any of that. It's what caused them in the first place.
You got this, brother, ODAAT. Proud to be quit with you!