… Before quiting, I thought getting through work would be impossible. I've found so far that there are some moments at home which are much harder than at work. …
Sunflower seeds are perfect replacement for me. I would always "play" with the dip in my mouth so the cracking of the seeds is right in line with what I need.
Icebreakers sour mints are the tits. …
Overcoming triggers are a major step in crushing this addiction. I also found several that I didn’t realize would exist, but I attacked them like my overall quit, one trigger at a time. You are on top of it with seeds, gum, etc. I used to joke that for the first couple months, I was spending more on these than dip. BUT, it was necessary and highly effective. Even now I keep Mento’s mint gum on auto-order with Amazon, chewing these after most meals with packs at home, all cars, office, backpack, storm cellar, etc. Find what you like and works best, then buy it like ‘90s Amazon stock!
You are going great! Keep crushing this one crave, one thought, one piece of gum, one day at a time.
Aumegrad 1,165