This is my day 1 quit. It's only been about an hour since I got out of bed and it's already been pure torture. I have the fake dip and gum but man the cravings are intense.
Glad you found us. Get on Discord and get connected with your quit group. Become active and buy into our process here - Wake Up, Piss, Post (your promise). Repeat every 24 hours.
A few things you can do to power through the craves would be to drink a ton of water, go for a walk, do some pushups, and/or slam your nuts in a desk drawer.
Don't be afraid to use the fake dip (as long as it's ZERO nicotine), gum (obviously NOT nicotine gum), seeds, Altoids, jerky, etc.
You got this
@XxFIREFI6HTERxX. The mental battle can be overwhelming but don't do it alone. Let yourself be held accountable. The freedom that comes from being quit is so much better than being a slave to a dead, poisonous weed in a plastic can.