Hey Dipchit,
I've been reading through your posts here. I am 55 years old, I dipped for 31 of those years and am proud to say I am 2,036 days nicotine free today. Congrats on getting this far on your own. I know it is not an easy trek. One thing I would like to ask is, do you really think your wife doesn't know that you were dipping? If you've been married to her for more than five years, I guarantee you she knows. My advice to you is to come clean to her. What kind of relationship can you truly have with her if it is based on a lie. That's what you are doing, you are lying to her by not telling her the truth and laying it all out on the table. If you are willing to lie to her, then what's stopping you from lying to a bunch of strangers on the internet as to whether or not you are truly quit?
Food for thought my friend.
Mn_Engineer and Keith0617 are both kings of quit and have saved my ass more than a time or two. Listen to their advice regardless of of you feel about it. This is not a place that panders to feelings. We are far from politically correct. Frankly, we don't give a shit about your feelings. We are trying to save your life, period.
If you want extra accountability, PM me for my phone number and I would be happy to text and/or call every day to make sure you keep your daily promise to be quit. That is how we roll here, we make a promise each and every day to remain quit for that day. We don't worry about tomorrow until tomorrow is today, ODAAT (One Day at a Time).
I would say good luck in your quit, but there is no luck involved. Instead I will say, I expect a PM with your phone number.