Day 70. I will never cave to the crave.
Wow I must have entered the funk. Last night I had some of the worst cravings since the beginning. I went a long time with just anxiety and depression but like I mentioned the craves hit like a freight train. I made it through by washing the car in 90 degree heat and taking a shower. It was too hot for a run or bike ride so I just endured it until it finally let up around dinner time. I’m kinda shell shocked as I type this and also feeling a little depressed. Quitting dip is a total mind fuck. Has anyone else experienced depersonalization during the quit? I just don’t feel like myself at all. I think I’m going to take my ATV (4 wheeler) for a ride through the woods. That might free up the mind. Let’s keep fighting.
It IS a mind fuck... 100%.
Funks come and go. Just like life. Dip funks are no worse, really. It's just that your security blanket to get you through the funks is what you just quit! You're trying to power through without it... It's all a massive brain rewire and it takes time, brother. It takes time. Keeping busy is absolutely key to redirect yourself.
Don't get down on yourself for the mental lows, either. Don't you dare! Get super pissed that the ground up shit in that can put you here. You're doing something that a LARGE number of people fail at... that's something to celebrate! Take pride in the pain because the payoff gives the pain purpose... freedom. 70 days is amazing. You hear me? AMAZING! Start to reframe your thinking away from the "Woe is me" that your addict brain wants to wallow in... instead, wallow in the tastes of freedom you're starting to experience. I dipped for 20 years, my bro. 2 cans a day for a huge chunk of it. This was the hardest thing I've ever done. I was determined to do this, though. I had to. So... I owned it. Owned. It. Got involved. Got to know people. Subjected the pages of KTC with my brain dumps. You name it. Owned. it. Today is day 3,778 for me and being quit is as easy as breathing at this point. Saying "It gets easier" doesn't quite do it. Quit becomes "normal" if you do the work and own it right now. Normal. It moves away from something that you're working at to, just, something that you ARE. No thought... no effort. Freedom. Rock on, bro.