I know this is kind of a bummer question, but does anyone know the overall success rate here? I would think that it is pretty high, but was just curious.
Not a bummer at all. But a very difficult question to answer quite frankly.
Obviously, not everyone that registers gets/stays quit for the long term. Unfortunately, the only way we "know" if someone is quit is when they're following the program set forth and posting roll on a daily basis. Also unfortunately, many people seem to think that they're "cured" after 100 days (the hall of fame) and drift away from the site thinking they can now go it on their own. Invariably, these people (more often than not) come slinking back to the site a few weeks, months, years later posting a day #1 cause they thought they could have "just one".
Re-reading that, it sounds rather cynical... but I can tell you from a LOT of experience around these parts it's not... it happens all too often.
National "success" rates range anywhere between 5% and 25%. I put success in quotes because it depends on how you define success. I'd say the success rate of our members reaching the hall of fame (100 days) is MUCH higher than that... probably closer to 50%. As for POST-HOF, it's difficult to say because as I alluded to before, when people go away from the site, we can only assume they're still quit.
What I CAN tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt is the folks that put their name on this line
index.php?showtopic=3 (and hundreds others like it on this site) are quit today.
Sorry for the long winded answer... I'm sure it was much more than you were looking for.