You are a piece of shit liar that cracked. Don't give us that crap about it was only 5 minutes. You think my wife would be fine is I only cheated on her for 5 minutes? No! Cheating is cheating and you are back at day one.
Thanks, Tranny. It takes some stones to say something like this to a computer screen. Fuck you and mind your own business from now on.
tranny's in the right here, douchebag, and you're in the wrong. you don't like being held accountable to your word, find someplace else to quit. this is the men's department, and we don't carry junior sizes.
Db, your cave is his business, and the business of every other quitter on this site. If you haven't noticed yet, we take this shit very, very seriously. I guess you could say our lives depend on it, couldn't you? They also depend on one another. Accountability is pounded into the head of every newer quitter repeatedly, over and over, like a dead horse, for good reason.
That's our one big secret weapon of mass destruction against the nic bitch.
These pages are filled with champion quitters Db. Once you're ready to get serious and take your quit to the highest level of success then please stay and drink the koolaid. We want your added accountability here.
Read the link in my signature posted by NOLAQ. I don't feel that you're there yet. Are you?
Prove me wrong.