remember... you're a dip away from a can a day
no face
less money
nasty breath
receded gums
no teeth
letting you, us, and loved ones down
dirty fingernails
spilled spit cups
your kids drinking from your spit cups.
brown teeth
sneaking a dip during inappropiate times
uncontrolled hiccups because of an ill-timed spit swallow
feel free to add to the list quitters
brown streaks down the side of your car from having to spit out the window on the highway
accidentally spitting on your twig and berries while you're dropping a deuce (don't tell me it's never happened to you)
Rubbing your eye while there's still some dip on your finger
Getting caught by emergency "bubble guts" after putting one in, and there's nowhere to go.
Having to carry floss or gum everywhere you go to clean out your teeth before seeing your parents/in laws/spouse/boss or who ever
Having to buy gas when you don't really need it, so the dip purchase on your credit card will show up on the receipt as "grocery" or "total sale" and not be itemized alone for your spouse to see