I am trying to explain to people about this site. I am not sure I can even explain it to myself. I am in the process of buying a house, selling the current house, working a second job ( besides teaching ), and generally one big stress ball.
The interesting part is the guilt I would feel if I had to post roll about how I caved...A group of guys I barely know, who took me in to show me the way. My August group would kick my ass!!! Do I crave still? yes, about 3 - 5 time s a day. I just think about the first 3 days of hell I got over, my 2 1/2 year old daughter's smile, and my wife's never ending support................ I WILL NEVER CAVE, NOT EVER!!! I feel more alive now than I have in 10 years.........I kicked the Nic Bitch to the curb........... 'Finger'