I've been down alot lately between Matthew and his meds and me and my bronchitis/pneumonia that I haven't really been umm, let's say as cheery as I usually am. My b-day is coming up this month and my best friend knew how much I wanted to see Chris Daughtry in concert. Last week she told me that she bought my ticket as a gift and that we were going. I have never been so starstruck before. I think it's from watching how he has grown from auditions on AI til now with his own band. The CD freakin' rocks! So I knew that I was going to be enjoying the concert. And even through it was almost 50 degrees out in Florida .. yes, Florida in April it's NEVER 50 degrees and my sickness was the worse in had been in a while .. I had the best time ever!!!!!! OMG .. it was sooooooooo good. My camera messed up and I only got a couple of shots but I do have some video.