Author Topic: Roll Call 2007  (Read 147776 times)

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Offline Killerattorney

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #388 on: February 19, 2007, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: QuittinTime
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: FranPro

I have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend.  I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son.  We moved there when he was one year old.  So my son and Ricky's son played together all the time and he and I became good friends.  We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip - see I started dipping after I moved to this house.  Well Ricky is just your average family guy - wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company.  On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wife’s play tennis and we would drink and bull shit.  He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking.  Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days.  He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family. 

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone.  Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow.  Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today.  What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer.  Well we don't have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for - to be nicotine and cancer free.  So tomorrow is here today - 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in.  Remember, we are not quitting dip - we have quit.  Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on.  Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim.  Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month.  His wife had to leave work to assist her husband.  A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights.  The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.

Sorry about your friend FP. But the curious part about cancer is, even while I was going back and forth to hospital for my own cancer, I would see people standing outside smoking. People who brought relatives in. Doctors who treat this affliction. Even seen, on 2 occassions patients with IV's in them, standing outside smoking. Nicotine is a VERY strong drug. Anyone who denies it is plain stupid.
FP, sorry as well to hear about your neighbor and friend. Whenever I hear stories like this it reminds me of the old Credence Clearwater Revial song "Someday Never Comes". That song ALWAYS makes the pit of my stomach feel hollow inside, even before I quit. Just something about it. Take care bud, use this unfortunate event to empower you resolve and your quit.

Thanks for posting this, FranPro. My condolences on the passing of your friend.
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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #387 on: February 19, 2007, 08:14:00 PM »
How's it hangin'?
I hope well .. (laugh)
I am still sick and Matt is doing better.
Miss you all ..

Quit Date: 01/04/07

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Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #386 on: February 19, 2007, 04:43:00 PM »
One of my bosses just came in to talk to me. About another man that has been with this company with him for 60 years. Bill went to see garney today. Garney is a frail little man. I don't think I have ever known him to be over 120 pounds. Now he is lucky to be 70 pounds. He has battled many things. From japs to cancer. And now cancer is about to win. Bill said Garney could hardly move at all. He is still sharp mind wise, but has no strength at all.

Bill said as he was about to leave, Garney motioned him over. Bill leaned to hear what Garney had to say. A quite whisper was exchanged. Bill then left and came in to work. He came back to tell me what Garney wanted me to do. And then we talked some about Garney. I have only known him for 18 years. But in that amount of time, we became great friends. He loved to shoot. He loved nature. Squirrel hunting was about all he did. He was a big movie buff. Not much on today's Hollywood. It was the old stuff he liked.

He and Bill actually worked with my uncle here at this company back when i was in elementary school. Didn't know that tie til after I came to work here. Garney was an electrical engineer. A smart man. And he could draw some funny toons, too.

Anyhow, back to the whisper. Bill asked if I remembered a certain movie. Citizen Kane. Garney's whisper to Bill?


?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #385 on: February 19, 2007, 03:26:00 PM »
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _
Did you reload? All the links are on mine, but 2 of them are light colored. Still visable though.
I just went back in and now killthecan is very light. Whatever is underneath is still invisible to me.
Ok, one more time. It is loading correct on my end. You would think after all this trouble, I would write down my passwords to various programs I use for web setup.

Nah. ;)

Try again. Let me know, please.
Works great ODT..... thanks
Thanks for pointing it out to me LDiddy. ;)

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

Offline LDIDDY

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #384 on: February 19, 2007, 01:32:00 PM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _
Did you reload? All the links are on mine, but 2 of them are light colored. Still visable though.
I just went back in and now killthecan is very light. Whatever is underneath is still invisible to me.
Ok, one more time. It is loading correct on my end. You would think after all this trouble, I would write down my passwords to various programs I use for web setup.

Nah. ;)

Try again. Let me know, please.
Works great ODT..... thanks
What's the difference between a liberal and a puppy??? The puppy stops whining and shitting on everything when he grows up.

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #383 on: February 19, 2007, 12:49:00 PM »
Quote from: outdoortexan

Ok, one more time. It is loading correct on my end. You would think after all this trouble, I would write down my passwords to various programs I use for web setup.

Nah. ;)

Try again. Let me know, please.
That got it........Now if we could just get QSX forumn instead of....... errrrrrrr in assition to the QSL forumn link we would be set! _
Fuck me in the goat ass!!!

Offline QuittinTime

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #382 on: February 19, 2007, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: FranPro

I have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend.  I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son.  We moved there when he was one year old.  So my son and Ricky's son played together all the time and he and I became good friends.  We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip - see I started dipping after I moved to this house.  Well Ricky is just your average family guy - wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company.  On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wife’s play tennis and we would drink and bull shit.  He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking.  Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days.  He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family. 

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone.  Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow.  Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today.  What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer.  Well we don't have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for - to be nicotine and cancer free.  So tomorrow is here today - 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in.  Remember, we are not quitting dip - we have quit.  Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on.  Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim.  Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month.  His wife had to leave work to assist her husband.  A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights.  The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.

Sorry about your friend FP. But the curious part about cancer is, even while I was going back and forth to hospital for my own cancer, I would see people standing outside smoking. People who brought relatives in. Doctors who treat this affliction. Even seen, on 2 occassions patients with IV's in them, standing outside smoking. Nicotine is a VERY strong drug. Anyone who denies it is plain stupid.
FP, sorry as well to hear about your neighbor and friend. Whenever I hear stories like this it reminds me of the old Credence Clearwater Revial song "Someday Never Comes". That song ALWAYS makes the pit of my stomach feel hollow inside, even before I quit. Just something about it. Take care bud, use this unfortunate event to empower you resolve and your quit.

“Time takes it all, whether you want it to or not.”

Offline Franpro

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #381 on: February 19, 2007, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: FranPro

I have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend.  I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son.  We moved there when he was one year old.  So my son and Ricky's son played together all the time and he and I became good friends.  We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip - see I started dipping after I moved to this house.  Well Ricky is just your average family guy - wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company.  On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wife’s play tennis and we would drink and bull shit.  He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking.  Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days.  He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family. 

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone.  Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow.  Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today.  What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer.  Well we don't have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for - to be nicotine and cancer free.  So tomorrow is here today - 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in.  Remember, we are not quitting dip - we have quit.  Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on.  Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim.  Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month.  His wife had to leave work to assist her husband.  A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights.  The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.

Sorry about your friend FP. But the curious part about cancer is, even while I was going back and forth to hospital for my own cancer, I would see people standing outside smoking. People who brought relatives in. Doctors who treat this affliction. Even seen, on 2 occassions patients with IV's in them, standing outside smoking. Nicotine is a VERY strong drug. Anyone who denies it is plain stupid.
Thanks man! That is true ODT.
Quit Date 8/17/06

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #380 on: February 19, 2007, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: FranPro

I have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend. I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son. We moved there when he was one year old. So my son and Ricky's son played together all the time and he and I became good friends. We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip - see I started dipping after I moved to this house. Well Ricky is just your average family guy - wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company. On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wifeÂ’s play tennis and we would drink and bull shit. He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking. Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days. He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family.

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone. Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow. Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today. What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer. Well we don't have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for - to be nicotine and cancer free. So tomorrow is here today - 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in. Remember, we are not quitting dip - we have quit. Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on. Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim. Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month. His wife had to leave work to assist her husband. A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights. The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.

Sorry about your friend FP. But the curious part about cancer is, even while I was going back and forth to hospital for my own cancer, I would see people standing outside smoking. People who brought relatives in. Doctors who treat this affliction. Even seen, on 2 occassions patients with IV's in them, standing outside smoking. Nicotine is a VERY strong drug. Anyone who denies it is plain stupid.

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #379 on: February 19, 2007, 11:48:00 AM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _
Did you reload? All the links are on mine, but 2 of them are light colored. Still visable though.
I just went back in and now killthecan is very light. Whatever is underneath is still invisible to me.
Ok, one more time. It is loading correct on my end. You would think after all this trouble, I would write down my passwords to various programs I use for web setup.

Nah. ;)

Try again. Let me know, please.

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

Offline Remshot

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #378 on: February 19, 2007, 11:19:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _
Did you reload? All the links are on mine, but 2 of them are light colored. Still visable though.
I just went back in and now killthecan is very light. Whatever is underneath is still invisible to me.

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

Offline Franpro

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #377 on: February 19, 2007, 10:30:00 AM »

I have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend. I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son. We moved there when he was one year old. So my son and Ricky's son played together all the time and he and I became good friends. We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip - see I started dipping after I moved to this house. Well Ricky is just your average family guy - wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company. On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wifeÂ’s play tennis and we would drink and bull shit. He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking. Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days. He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family.

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone. Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow. Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today. What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer. Well we don't have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for - to be nicotine and cancer free. So tomorrow is here today - 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in. Remember, we are not quitting dip - we have quit. Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on. Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim. Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month. His wife had to leave work to assist her husband. A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights. The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.

Quit Date 8/17/06

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #376 on: February 19, 2007, 10:22:00 AM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _
Did you reload? All the links are on mine, but 2 of them are light colored. Still visable though.

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne

Offline Remshot

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #375 on: February 19, 2007, 10:17:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.
No. still messed up..... _

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

Offline outdoortexan

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Re: Roll Call 2007
« Reply #374 on: February 19, 2007, 09:16:00 AM »
Quote from: outdoortexan
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: AngusGT
Quote from: LDiddy
Quote from: outdoortexan
Good morning quitters ! Hope all is well in your world.

For anyone thinking about quitting, trash your can.
ODT, I'll be damned if I can find a link on your site to KillTheCan or to QSX????

Wassup with that? :D
It's on there... for some reason though the link's invisible until you roll your mouse over it. Was going to tell ODT about that today.
Yea, I just found the link to KillTheCan, and you're right, you have to roll over it for it to show up. Still can't find the link to QSX, just to Lite.
Sorry guys, the person helping me set up the page used something different than what I used for my outdoor site and somehow that page is messed up. :(
Try it now.

?Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway?-John Wayne