Yesterday was my 800th day without a dip. Profound as it may seem, time has actually passed reasonably quickly. Unlike many in these threads, I experienced few if any of the withdrawal pains. The 2 year anniversary of the reason I felt few of those comes this Saturday.
December the 8th will be 2 years since spitless tobacco took something from me. In actuallity, it took many things from me. December 8th 2005 was the day I was operated on for oral cancer that came as a result of dipping smokeless tobacco. The aftermath of that operation allowed me to escape many of the withdrawal symptoms some have experienced. I can only say I wish I had the chance to go through those symptons.
Most in here know my story. if you don't please ask myself or someone else about it. I do not share it to garner any sympathy. I do not share it to gain fame. I don't care if I never see eye to eye with you on any subject except one. The need to quit this mentally and physically harmful addiction.
If you are here visiting and thinking about quitting, please do so. Consider all the possiblities. My experience I wish on NO ONE. I don't care about race, religion, economic status, age, sexual orientation, political stance or any other issue just QUIT! But quit for yourself first. Then the quit will benefit so many others.