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Day 1000!Thanks to everybody for the congratulations and especially for all the help ya'll have been. Many of you may never have known how much you helped me just by cheering me up when I needed it, posting a tidbit I didn't know that helped me out (even if you weren't talking to me), and just the fact that I knew ya'll were there if I needed you. Thanks again.
Quote from: arbcubed Day 1000!Thanks to everybody for the congratulations and especially for all the help ya'll have been. Many of you may never have known how much you helped me just by cheering me up when I needed it, posting a tidbit I didn't know that helped me out (even if you weren't talking to me), and just the fact that I knew ya'll were there if I needed you. Thanks again. Congrats on the comma Al.
Day 1000!Thanks to everybody for the congratulations and especially for all the help ya'll have been. Many of you may never have known how much you helped me just by cheering me up when I needed it, posting a tidbit I didn't know that helped me out (even if you weren't talking to me), and just the fact that I knew ya'll were there if I needed you. Thanks again.