FROM YESTERDAY's 7th KTC BIRTHDAY THREADThis thread was open for one day only...
For those of you that don't know, was "born" seven years ago on November 20th, 2006. is going strong (over 17,000 members to date!) and shows absolutely no sign of slowing down. We've added over 3,500 members in the past year!
For proof positive that this works, check out the following roll call. It represents a TON of quitting.139,829 DAYS quit (Only counting those who posted a number)
383.09 YEARS quitThese are absolutely AMAZING numbers folks... bravo!
Spread the word about KTC. You are not only saving your own life, you are saving countless others, and FUCKING UST tobacco one loooong stroke at a time.
Finally...there are other quit sites out there... but not one has the fire power of They can copy all they want... But in the words of the immortal Ric Flair, we say this:
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going. Wooooo!
Here's to many more years. Be proud very proud!