Every serious quitter will take this word out of their vocabulary. There is no room for it! The best defense is a good offense. Use the proven aspects of quitting, take the advise of those who are succeeding and avoid the thing that have caused failure!! Understand what you are dealing with!
Pronunciation: \ˈkÄv\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): caved; cav·ing
intransitive verb
1 : to fall in or down especially from being undermined —usually used with in
2 : to cease to resist : submit —usually used with in
transitive verb
3: to cause to fall or collapse —usually used with in
#1: what causes a quit to be undermined? It can be blamed on the nic bitch, on others, on ability to concentrate or work etc.
#2: cease to resist is often caused by failing to commit.
#3: the fall or collapse happens when a quitter give up, throws in the towel or taps out!
You are in control of your quit and you will determine your success or failure, no one else!
If its all about you...why are you here?
'bang head' 'Crazy' 'bang head' I thought I was here for the same reason as you. I'm not sure what shows up between the lines I write on your screen!
'Remshot' missed this time Loot I'm still here you can't run me off that easy!!
You have a total misinterpretation of the post. It was a softball sugar. If it is truly up to the individual, and LOOT tends to agree, then what is the point of the board? Where does the strength of the collective come into play? LOOT was looking for your input...not trying to run you off.
There is your softball. Pontificate. LOOT is genuinely interested in your thoughts.
Well well well guess I just don't quite understand old Loot very well. I guess I've just been being offensive, thinking it is my best defense when it comes to his comments, since most to me have been quit smug! I'll give it a shot to explain my thoughts on why I'm here!
KTC, posting roll, lending a hand to others and the other aspects
here are
TOOLS. I choose to use these and others to keep myself quit! I'd been choosing everyday for a damn long time to dip, no one ever held me down and put that poison in my mouth! From day one of my quit no one pulled a can from my hand or pocket. No one was standing over me the night I dumped my last 3 cans down the shitter. No one stood over my shoulder with a club the first time I was faced with real temptation at the convenience store. Each time I've been craving or tempted to go back to the can, no one but WT has made the decision to stay quit!! And yes 'it's all about me' I'm a selfish prick, I quit for me, I make the decision to quit each day for me. When I lend a hand to others any benifit to them is secondary to the benefit it gives me. What inspired me to start this thread was a perfect example. A quitter that I stayed in close contact with and even traded text promises with for a long time after he left KTC decided to cave rather than come to me with what he was going through! I didn't have any part in his cave except maybe persuading him to postpone it a month or two. When it came right down to caving, he made the decision, bought the dip and put in his mouth (with no help from me). I'm still in contact with him, not to persuade him to quit but I enjoy chatting with him and his cave is actually a reminder to me that as an addict I'm Vulnerable! If he posts that day one again all the better.