Dear Wally, I took the time to read your post. I looked around the site for your old group, copied the link and came back here to try and help someone clearly struggling. Imagine what I'd do for someone who gave a shit about quitting? I was offended because this isn't easy for me every day but I make a simple promise. It's a boat load easier now but still...That promise is sacred to me because I could never keep it to myself. I could never do what you did to these assholes because they helped me spit it out 513 nights ago. Nor can I drift away just yet. In the words of another 'arse' if you can't post roll, you can always go 'Finger'. I'm going to leave you my number if you'd like to discuss this further. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Thanks.
I went to April 11 seeing if Wally made it...nope.
I posted a 399 in that group today. Man, their commas look pretty cool. You can't even post a day 1 with them.
Hey guys I'm sorry i accidentally posted in 2010 April quit group last night. I was not making up some BS story. And I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. I was back in my old pre-quit routine watching tv with a dip in before bed and I started thinking again like we all have about this will kill me if i don't stop. So I decided to get on here and look around a bit, right then and there i thought I should apologize for being a caver and start over. Then i accidentally posted my apology on the wrong year. My original group was April 2011 April fools bad ass quitters look for me i promise I was posting roll call their for a good while.
1- where I started my fuck up/cave i quit posting roll call like i was strong enough on my own... I wasn't.
2-i chose to put this death in my lip again knowing who all i was letting down I'm sorry to all if you.
3- i came here to start over and stir shit.
4- I could have started a new account like a pussy, but I wanted to do this like a man take my lumps and do this right this time.
Now I'm going to April 2011 April fools bad ass quitters and delivering my sincere apology. Sorry for any disrespect.