I just started my quit I'm on day 23 and i started getting these headaches around day 15 i did some research and they said that this might happen. Does anyone else get this or is it not even dip related?
Welcome. KTC can offer a lot of wisdom and support; I encourage you to jump in with both feet. Two bits of advice first:
1) Check out the
Welcome Center. Read those 7 bits of wisdom to understand how we are, what we do, and how we do it.
2) Check out the
What To Expect section and you will see that what you are experiencing is common.
Don't undermine that you are "only" on day 23. That is quite an accomplishment, especially doing it without a support group. The mid twenties are the first known "funk". Lots of quitters feel the fog creep back in around this time. You have to fight through it. It gets better. Makes no sense to go back to being a slave now. Your blood is clean! It's just a mind-game that you can win.
So, read the
Welcome Center and learn about Quit Groups and posting roll. Then get over to
Pre HOF January 2014 Roll Call and get your name on Roll Call. Make that promise to not use nicotine today. Then come back and make that promise again tomorrow.