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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #131 on: February 05, 2016, 10:44:00 AM »
Quote from: lloyd21bdw
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
Good to know. I guess I feel like I'm still using. It actually freaks me out. It does such a good job, I worry I won't be able to stop using it, and I really want to get to a point where I don't have anything in there, ever.
I can understand where you are coming from. And yes, eventually I would enjoy not having to have anything stuck in my mouth. But it took me years to reach the "level" of addiction I was at, and I fully expect it to take years to finally "break" the oral addiction.

As a wise man once said, one thing at a time is all I can take!
I used fake my first 70 days. Put it down and walked away when I was done. Today I posted my 708th day of freedom from nicotine. Yes, fake helped me when I needed it.
I used it for about six months strong. Then I just noticed myself using it less and less until I said enough of that to and now I'm on day 335. I say everyone is different and use it until YOU think it is ok to stop.
I used Jakes, Hooch, Smokey Mountain, Coffee grounds , Fresh mint..whatever it took to keep me from dipping the crap.
I eased off around 250 and at 313 I don't use it any more.
I do dip fine ground coffee ground every couple week if I get super stressed, but I was naturally weened off it seems.

No shame it using it EVER. I have a tin of fake now "in case" like for Poker night (with tons of dippers,smokers, vapers there) , or fishing all day.

But the thought of it now is really not there, and I have an aversion to it really.
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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #130 on: February 05, 2016, 09:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Raider
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
Good to know. I guess I feel like I'm still using. It actually freaks me out. It does such a good job, I worry I won't be able to stop using it, and I really want to get to a point where I don't have anything in there, ever.
I can understand where you are coming from. And yes, eventually I would enjoy not having to have anything stuck in my mouth. But it took me years to reach the "level" of addiction I was at, and I fully expect it to take years to finally "break" the oral addiction.

As a wise man once said, one thing at a time is all I can take!
I used fake my first 70 days. Put it down and walked away when I was done. Today I posted my 708th day of freedom from nicotine. Yes, fake helped me when I needed it.
I used it for about six months strong. Then I just noticed myself using it less and less until I said enough of that to and now I'm on day 335. I say everyone is different and use it until YOU think it is ok to stop.
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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #129 on: February 05, 2016, 08:42:00 AM »
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
Good to know. I guess I feel like I'm still using. It actually freaks me out. It does such a good job, I worry I won't be able to stop using it, and I really want to get to a point where I don't have anything in there, ever.
I can understand where you are coming from. And yes, eventually I would enjoy not having to have anything stuck in my mouth. But it took me years to reach the "level" of addiction I was at, and I fully expect it to take years to finally "break" the oral addiction.

As a wise man once said, one thing at a time is all I can take!
I used fake my first 70 days. Put it down and walked away when I was done. Today I posted my 708th day of freedom from nicotine. Yes, fake helped me when I needed it.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #128 on: February 04, 2016, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: RDB1972
Hey, maybe not everybody knows, but there is a blog for quitters. You can find it at . I just added my first post. It's another type of outlet for talking about your quit and other stuff. I think it would be great if there was more activity over there. Come over, and give it a try.

RDB1972 - 14 Days Quit.
Great stuff RDB!
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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #127 on: February 04, 2016, 12:23:00 PM »
Hey, maybe not everybody knows, but there is a blog for quitters. You can find it at . I just added my first post. It's another type of outlet for talking about your quit and other stuff. I think it would be great if there was more activity over there. Come over, and give it a try.

RDB1972 - 14 Days Quit.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #126 on: February 03, 2016, 12:10:00 PM »
For those that are still lurking and haven't made the commitment yet, another reason to quit:
If you are married, your wife or husband WILL want to have sex with you more once you're quit.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #125 on: February 03, 2016, 07:26:00 AM »
Quote from: mcsnapper1
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
Good to know. I guess I feel like I'm still using. It actually freaks me out. It does such a good job, I worry I won't be able to stop using it, and I really want to get to a point where I don't have anything in there, ever.
I can understand where you are coming from. And yes, eventually I would enjoy not having to have anything stuck in my mouth. But it took me years to reach the "level" of addiction I was at, and I fully expect it to take years to finally "break" the oral addiction.

As a wise man once said, one thing at a time is all I can take!
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

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Online mcsnapper1

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #124 on: February 02, 2016, 10:12:00 PM »
Quote from: southgafarmer
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
Good to know. I guess I feel like I'm still using. It actually freaks me out. It does such a good job, I worry I won't be able to stop using it, and I really want to get to a point where I don't have anything in there, ever.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #123 on: February 02, 2016, 10:02:00 PM »
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I am on the 33/34 day mark, and am currently using the Hooch Wintergreen (chewie was right, the stuff is awesome in my opinion as well). At first, I used about a can a day. Now, I'm down to about a can a week. But in reality, as long as I can afford fake I will use it if it keeps me off the real cat shit.
"The key is that daily promise. Once it is made, there isn't a trigger big enough to cause me to cave. Provided you are all men of your word, you too will find freedom from this vile shit."-Rkymtnman

"Quitting isn't about what you have accomplished. It's what you are doing right now."-wastepanel HOL

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #122 on: February 02, 2016, 07:28:00 PM »
So, I just ran a chainsaw for the first time in my life DIP FREE!!!
Believe it or not, those things will run without the operator having a giant wad of Copenhagen stuffed is his lip. Who knew.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #121 on: February 02, 2016, 06:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Grievous
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I used a can + of fake every day for a good 220 days or so into my quit. Then one day... just didn't need it anymore. Haven't looked back since. Coming up on 10 years in July.

It's a tool. A great one at that. Use it.

My 2 cents.

Use it on the first day you quit--that's when you'll need it most. I mean, give seeds and gum and water and toothpicks a chance too. But the fake comes the closest. You can worry about "quitting" the fake later.
Have it handy, along with anything else you need. I am over prepared when I know I will be in a situation where I will be expose to it, I got a different thing in each pocket.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #120 on: February 02, 2016, 04:00:00 PM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I used a can + of fake every day for a good 220 days or so into my quit. Then one day... just didn't need it anymore. Haven't looked back since. Coming up on 10 years in July.

It's a tool. A great one at that. Use it.

My 2 cents.

Use it on the first day you quit--that's when you'll need it most. I mean, give seeds and gum and water and toothpicks a chance too. But the fake comes the closest. You can worry about "quitting" the fake later.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #119 on: February 02, 2016, 03:03:00 PM »
Quote from: mcsnapper1
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.
I used a can + of fake every day for a good 220 days or so into my quit. Then one day... just didn't need it anymore. Haven't looked back since. Coming up on 10 years in July.

It's a tool. A great one at that. Use it.

My 2 cents.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #118 on: February 02, 2016, 12:44:00 PM »
I have a question for those that did or still are using tobacco free chew AKA "The fake stuff".How long after your first day quit did you use it? If you are still using it, how long have you been quit? I'm hoping I can just put it down and walk away. Too soon for me now, though.

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Re: General Discussion - 2016
« Reply #117 on: February 02, 2016, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: kramer
Quote from: RDB1972
Quote from: Biro
Been on and off with Copenhagen for the last 30 years. Tried several times and came back. Dumped my last can down the toilet tonight and starting off a Nicorette regime tomorrow. Planning on using the 12-week plan and then dropping the gum. For the first time I'm actually excited about my quit date rather than dreading it. This is a great site. Really feels like home just after reading a couple of the threads.
I'm on a roll of burning bridges, so I'll just keep on going...

I started my quit with Nicorette. I started with 40-4mg pieces, then bought a 110 piece 2mg box. I chewed something like 78 of those, and decided to quit all forms of nicotine.

I've been off Grizzly for more than a month, and I've been off Nicorette for more than a week. I look at is as a tapering off. It seems to be working for me.

As you have certainly picked up, the group here is very intolerant toward nicotine replacement, and I can certainly see their point. If you chew the gum, you're not giving up nicotine, you're giving up dip, and continuing the addiction.

This is how I approached it - I was very aware that GlaxoSmithKline were hoping that I would replace my loyalty to Grizzly with a loyalty to Nicorette. I approached my use of Nicorette with a high level of distrust. I was committed to not replacing one nicotine delivery system with another. But at least I was dosing myself in very measured amounts, and extending the period between pieces each week. In the middle of the fourth week, I decided I was done with the Nicorette, and decided to go nicotine free. And, so far so good.

Here you go - one guy in support of your plan. Just one work of caution - approach Nicorette with a great deal of skepticism. Don't trust her. Know that she has ulterior motives. She wants you every bit as badly as Cope did. Don't trust the 12 week recommendation. When you're ready, give it up.

Let the flaming begin...
you are not quit here until you stop ingesting nicotine in any form. no flaming, that is just how KTC works.

rdb, do you know on what date you stopped the Nicorette because that would be your actual quit date?
People end up chewing nicorette for years. I work with one.

You are basically extending the withdrawals.

It's almost like me trying to "cut back" year after year.

The addiction is with nicotine. Instead of dropping dip for nicorette--where you're still feeding your addiction--why not try the fake stuff? Smokey Mtn Wintergreen was pretty good and there are lots of options.