Holy Shit, its amazing how coming off a substance can do this to you. It makes me scared to want to stay quit knowing the terrible anxiety you have explained. I had already suffered from some anxiety and depression and i had used tobacco to help myself cope with it. All of last year i had dealt with some serious anxiety and depression and i started dipping on full-throttle then. The anxiety i dealt with sounds similar to the anxiety y'all are dealing with and that is when you guys had quit. I had already been experiencing that kind of anxiety while dipping. MIND BLOWN. STILL FUCK TOBACCO AND FUCK GRIZZLY WINTERGREEN YOU STUPID FUCKING BEAR!
Well what would you rather have? A little depression/anxiety...that will pass, or cancer? The choice for me was simple. Give the shit up and do it today!! The anxiety and depression will pass in time I am quite sure. Just remember how it feels so you never have to feel it again. There is a way to do it.
1. Join your home group and post roll every day. This is a promise to your self and your brothers and sisters that you will not use nic in any way shape or form today. Post early! This helps keep you accountable.
2. Drink water, and lots of it! Help flush this nic out of your system. it will take about 3 days.
3. Keep coming back and posting roll every day over and over again. just keep coming back.
You will need to grow some thick skin too. People here tell it how it is how it will be and how it should be. Tough love!!
So come on and give it a try. Go post roll, do an introduction, and start swapping numbers with people for support. Yeah, swap numbers with total strangers. They are here to help you, so use it!!
Good luck brother! I quit with you today!!!!!