Hey guys, just joined and quit on Apr 10... It's getting better but I still have a massive jaw throb. Is it normal to have after 10 days? Plus baseball is my favorite sport but it's hard watching right now with those fuckers with huge dips in... Makes me jealous
It makes you jealous of what?
Jealous that they are killing themselves with every dip?
Jealous that they are poisoning themselves?
Jealous that they are setting a terrible example to our youth?
Jealous that they are advertising tobacco?
Jealous that you can't kill yourself?
Jealous that they have a cancerous poison in their mouth?
Jealous that they are less healthy than you?
Jealous that they look like idiots?
Jealous that they are addicted to a poison?
Jealous that they have bad breath?
Jealous that they have unhealthy gums?
Jealous that they might get mouth cancer?
Jealous that they waste money on that shit?
Jealous that they are a slave to the can?
If your so jealous, why did you decide to quit anyway?