I was diagnosed w/GERD too. As well as Tinnitus TMJ all w/in a 3 month period. I thought I was dying. I used to wake up in the middle of the night w/such bad reflux I thought I was giving birth to a fuckingi baby calf thru my throat...still gets bad, but not as bad w/out the stress level.
Got a CT-Scan to reveal I had a wicked fucking sinus infection, which I still have today. So w/all these things going on as well as the arrival of my first child a absess tooth that had me freakin' out, needless to say, I started having anxiety attacks had to get on some anti-depressants...
I've since been off those, but god damn, most of this more is a result of me dipping. Stress does FUCKED UP things to your body, take it from me....