Quittin's Been Going On For A Long Time - Looks Like This Guy Had It All Figured Out
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THE TOBACCO HABIT; Its Evils and Its Cure © 1872
The Evils of The Tobacco Habit
The Methods for Its Cure Found to be Highly
Successful if Followed Consistently,
Reinforced by a Sincere Desire
To Be Free From It
By Paschal Beverly Randolph 1825-1875
Published by
Philosophical Publishing Company
Beverly Hall, Quakertown, Pa.
Pachal Beverly Randolph, M.D.
Paschal Beverly Randolph, Physician, Philosopher, world traveller, Supreme Grand Master of the Fraternitas Rose Crucis; Hierarch of Eulis and the Ansaireh, member of L'Ordre du Lis of France; the Double Eagle of Prussia, and Order of the Rose of England, was born in the city of New York, October 8, 1825.
When in 1872, eighty-four years ago, Dr. P.B. Randolph, Supreme Grand Master of the Rosicrucian Fraternity in America first published his book SOUL, THE SOUL WORLD he included in it, among other subjects, his treatise on the tobacco habit.
At that period little thought had been given to tobacco and the harm that might result from it and there naturally was a great deal of scoffing, even among the medical profession, at his tirade against it.
Times have changed since then. More and ever more physicians who are giving thought to, and investigation the effects of the tobacco habit, are being forced to agree with much that Dr. Randolph then said and published. Moreover, so certain are many medical specialists that it is cause of numerous diseases that they will not accept as patients those with serious afflictions as long as they are victims of the habit in any form.
So great has become the demand for Dr. Randolph's treatise that the Philosophical Publishing Company has agreed to issue it in the present Pamphlet form and we trust that the instructions contained herein will be of help to many who seek freedom from the habit.
R. Swinburne Clymer
The Tobacco Evil
After this book - Soul World - was all in type, as I sat one night in my office, deploring my loneliness, a vision of the three great curses of the Christian and Islamic world passed before the eyes of my Soul: Lust, Rum and Tobacco! Bad, Worse and Worst - in some sense, because the last engenders, fosters and strengthens the two first. I saw, filing along the roads of life, such a vast army of bounden slaves to all three tyrants, such an enormous multitude of victims to the grossest of all appetites, that I shuddered at the awful sight. All these countless myriads of immortal human beings were insane! - insane - because the willing and abject slaves of a power which they all know and can safely swear, is daily injuring them - Soul, Mind, Body and Morals:
"Men know the Right, and well approve it too;
they know the Wrong, and yet the wrong pursue."
-And I asked my Soul: "Can nothing be done to break these gyves? Is there no word of council thou canst give mankind before their flight to -
"The Lands beyond the swelling flood, -
The kingdoms o'er the sea,"
to assist it in dethroning this tobacco king, - this usurper of all human prerogatives, this conscienceless slayer of consciences, this wholesale poisoner of unborn babies, this has loudly crowed over his millions of victims! - this maker of drunkards, this seducer of female innocence, this builder and peopler of brothels, this insidious, silent, wily and successful tempter to the bad; this breaker-down of human honor, stifler of emotion, scourge of man, contemner of God, laugher at religion, mocker at human agony, scoffer at all things pure and holy, reviler of the cross and what it symbolizes; - this snake, whose coils, once wound round a man, prove cord stronger than ten billion hempen cables! Cannot something be said for man, and against the subtle fiend? There can, there shall, even if these be the last lines ever written by thy hand upon the green soil of this goodly but sadly abused earth of God's - this young nursery of human souls!"
Thus it was suggested to me that I add a paper, not of but on tobacco, which is probably one of the greatest curses that ever afflicted human kind, - for its use is not wholly confined to the sterner sex, but it also curses gentle woman, not only obliquely but directly, for beside the simple cigarette between the coral lips of Spanish dame and the haut tonesse of our own proud land, many a wiff of a "good cigar," polished mere sham, briar wood and democratic clay dudheen is taken by thousands of women who are not suspected of such habits, but who keep a pipe hidden away where they know - and they only.
Snuff-taking and snuff-dipping is a not uncommon habit with women whom troubles assail, and even the habit of chewing is not a strange one to many a mother and sister in this our Yankee Israel.
Tobacco appetites are born with us, for the reason that one of both our parents' bodies, and Souls too, are, to a greater of less extent saturated with the weed, which saturation having gone on from generation to generation through, and in, and by generation, the natural and inevitable consequence is just what might be expected, - we take to the weed as ducks do to water, - with most astonishing ease and avidity, and speedily become so saturated by it in turn that we have no difficulty whatever in handing down the appetite for it to the next generation, - of course - with an increment of force and power greater and intenser from cumulative energy.
The Americans chew, smoke and snuff; while other people are content generally to kill themselves with tobacco by a slower process, - and either snuff or smoke themselves away.
It is no part of my intention here to enter into a long discussion of the effects of the weed upon the bodies, spirits, intellects, morals or Souls of those of us who us it, but to give hope and courage, and point out the road of deliverance to whose who have of there own free will - (? sic) by stress or early bad example, or by inherited bias, been bound hand and foot, Soul and body, by the stinking, yet charming demon. Says a high authority: "He who doth not smoke hath either known no great griefs, or refuseth himself the softest consolation, next to that which comes from heaven. ‘What, softer than woman?' whispers the young reader. Young reader, woman teases as well as consoles. Woman makes half the sorrows which she boasts the privilege to soothe. Woman consoles us, it is true, while we are young and handsome; when we are old and ugly, woman snubs and scolds us. On the whole, then woman in this scale, the weed in that, Jupiter, hang out thy balance, and weigh them both; and if tho give the preference to the woman, all I can say is, the next time Juno ruffles thee - O Jupiter! try the weed." And yet the man - Bulwer - who wrote those very words would, I doubt not, give half his income to be well rid of his "True consoler," for notwithstanding its admitted charm, it is incontestably a grievous curse to whoever uses it in any way, shape or manner; there's not the slightest doubt about the matter; hence whatever will effectually annul the appetite must be hailed with joy by millions who desire to break their chains and be forever free. For such then I wrote additional section to one of my works "THE SOUL-WORLD and the WORLD OF SOULS," and also shall publish it in pamphlet form for the benefit of such as may not have or procure the larger work.
Wherever tobacco is used there's always trouble in that family, with that man, that woman, this husband, the other wife, and among all, and with whomsoever uses it, - be they male or female, old or young; yet physiologists nor doctors can tell you the reason why. If a man chews tobacco, - I don't care if he is five times converted, or a minister of the gospel ten times over, - that man won't do to tie to as husband or lover! Why? Because tobacco, of all other things on earth, - wine and whiskey not excepted, - totally and fully antagonizes the love element of the human Soul, and I defy the whole wide world to produce me a man old or young, rich or poor, republican, banker or democratic mechanic, who uses tobacco, and is healthy in either liver, kidneys, heart, bladder or any organ of the pelvic viscera! It cannot be done! The man does not live on earth who - not being wholly robbed of all the elements of a genuine physical manhood - is sound either physically, mentally or morally, in the affectional departments of human nature! Why? Is it because of the nicotine's poison, - its chemical effect upon the body? No, not altogether; but is because of the fact that tobacco, above all other plants on earth except two - opium and hemp - possesses the greatest volume of a peculiar, an almost nameless magnetic element. Nicotine, or Narcotine are essentially chemical in their effects; but the quality in tobacco of which I write, is wholly dynamic, Magnetic, ethereal; for while the chemical poison of the weed lays hold on the human stomach and nerves, this other thing attacks and defeats the very Soul itself, - actually so marked itself upon the very foundation structure of human nature as to make a dead man rap out his wish to come back to earth for a smoke or a chew of the king of all weeds, tobacco.
The rhymester who wrote: -
"Tobacco is an Indian weed:
It was the Devil who sowed the seed"-
was not far from right, if we are to judge by its effects upon almost three-fifths of the entire human race. Deprive an old smoker of his pipe, and the old Nick is to pay in that particular locality right straight off. Persons who use the weed perspire when and where others do not. For a time it sharpens the intellect; after a while it permanently dulls them. Another appalling fact: an excessive smoker's brain, liver and intestines are always irritated, if not ulcerated. Their hearts enlarge, thicken and ossify. Nine times in ten they die of either paralysis, heart-disease or apoplexy; and a truly healthy child was never yet sired by a tobacco-saturated father; never will be; never can be; for, in the precise degree to which he yields to his narcotic master, just so far is his WILL paralyzed, - and when a man's will grows shreddy there's not much man about him: his brain is clouded; his solids and fluids deteriorate, and the man is not, cannot be, wholly himself, and master of every moral situation; and unless he is, that man is so far neurotic, or unsound - which is the same thing; hence, if the parent be so, how can the child be otherwise?
For tobacco men will demean themselves and do things utterly degrading, - put themselves on a level with their inferiors, and give and accept what would turn the stomach of a dog.
Tobacco begets a chronic inflammation of both the mucous and serous surfaces of the digestive and assimilative viscera; occasions dull ulcers in the stomach, - for no habitual tobacco-smoker or chewer in earth, but who is at times horribly dyspeptic, and these dyspepsias are far more frequently than is suspected, occasioned by either ulcers in one of the two stomachs, - considering the duodenum as one, - or else by cancers at, sometimes the cardiac, but more often at the pyloric orifice, - the mouth of the stomach emptying into the second organ of the digestive economy.
Tobacco attacks the generative system of whoever uses it, and under its inflaming effects boys often go to ruin, and men to the brothels of the land! Sorry to say it, but it is Heaven's truth, and must be said by someone!
Tobacco and Virtue are incompatibles! and a man can no more be cool and calm and true - affectionately - with his body soaked in tobacco-juice, or his brains fumigated with smoke, than a ring- tailed monkey can lecture upon the rise and fall of empires!
I will: And let me say in reference to the myriad so-called "Tobacco antidotes," - they are mostly deliberate, heartless frauds, swindles, cheats! gotten up to make money for their sellers and fools of the buyers. Do not touch them. There are several persons in the land who flood the markets with what they call tobacco antidotes, which antidotes are known to be varied compounds of ginseng, gentian, cohosh, black-alder bark, wild cherry, lemon-peel, and, to ensure the effect required, are duly tempered with a material which mostly abounds in fowl pens! the whole being seasoned with camomile flowers and various spices by way of additional filip.
From time immemorial lemon-rind and camomile flowers have been used as break-off substitutes for tobacco, also as chewing and smoking material, and, in isolated cases, with undoubted success, albeit the majority who resort to them alone, incontestably make bad work of it and most disastrously fail.
During the last thirty years hundreds of so-called "Magnetists" have offered their services to cure the habit; but their success was not great by any means, mainly for the reason that their subjects, when from under their personal influence, had nothing to sustain them in their new-formed resolution, - and the disease - for tobacco-using is such - speedily regained its diabolic mastery over them.
These adventurous quacks wax rich in their trade; but fail to cure, - which is not to be wondered at, seeing that they treat the disease as wholly chemical, whereas in fact it is not merely a chemical, but a social, mental and moral disease as well; and to expect to cure a victim of the habit without bringing his will and moral forces into active play during the chemical process of cure, is to look for sunsets in the east; for a man may chew a mountain of lemon-peel, gentian, camomile, cohosh and pumpkin-seeds, with a hennery thrown in, - or up! and yet be no better off unless moral means are used as well, - for after all the best and quickest and surest way to be cured is to say and mean, good-bye, tobacco! - and stick to it for twenty-one days, and the thing is done; but as only a few can do this I lay down the following efficacious and infallible method of cure, under seven heads; and First, Sassafras is the natural antagone of tobacco. Keep a handful of the bark of the root in the pocket, and occasionally chew a bit thereof. It may also be cut up and smoked for a while, during the time that the tobacco essence (nicotine) is being eliminated from the system, - which process occupies three periods of twenty-one full days each, during the first term of which the liver, stomach and intestines become mainly discharged of the tobacco element. The patient suffers some, but not greatly, during this first three weeks. During the second three weeks the poison leaves the kidneys, bladder, muscles, spleen and intestines, and the patient suffers more.
In the third period the nerves, genital system, and brain and - parting after long companionship is pretty hard business, consequently the temptation to have another smoke - "just one," or "a little bit of a chew, only a little one!" is considerably strong - if not more so, but when a man has reached his fiftieth day of abstention, and then falls back, he is no man - only a weakling - that's all.
Secondly: Keep the skin and teeth well cleansed, for when once the tobacco essence gets started outwards it keeps coming till there is no more left to venture forth hence frequent ablutions are absolutely necessary in order that the foetid ichor may readily escape.
Thirdly: A man should positively avoid hot drinks, - tea, coffee, etc.; and also all pies, cakes sweets, oysters, spices, during the process.
Fourth: He should use no fats, but may eat pickles, suck lemons, beef, salt fish and meat to his stomach's content.
Fifth: He should frequently rinse the mouth in cold water., Do it whenever the longing for tobacco comes rather too strongly for comfort and ease. It will soon subside and constantly grow weaker. On no account either taste, touch or smell tobacco if possible to avoid it.
Six: EXERT THE WILL STRONGLY against the habit. As much as possible avoid frequenting places where it is used, or the society of such as are slaves to it.
Seventh, and lastly: Procure a two-ounce vial, and into it put half an ounce each of tincture cinnamon, sassafras; gelsemium one-eighth of an ounce, and of barosma half an ounce; fill up with sugar. Keep the vial in the pocket, and whenever the tobacco-agony occurs, wet the finger with the solution, and rub it over the teeth and gums. Observe all these directions faithfully, and you will soon triumph over one of the most bitter and vindictive foes that ever yet assaulted human kind.
FINAL NOTE: To sustain the system during the process of the elimination of the poison Nicotine, it is desirable to take regularly Vitamin C Complex derived from Rose Hips and Orange and Lemon. __Dr. R.S. Clymer.
Many of those who read this booklet and have an earnest desire to discontinue the tobacco habit by following the instructions given, might prefer to frequently take orally a pinch of the roots and barks finely ground and well mixed, obtainable from almost any Botanical Gardens, instead of the tinctures of Cinnamam (Cinnamon); Laurus Sassafras (Sassafras); Gelsemium (Gelsemium); and Barosma (Buchu).
If Gelsemium is unobtainable, Passiflora Incarnata (Passion Flower) may be substituted, using twice as much as of the Gelsemium.