Hey all. 12 year dipper here that got up to about two cans a day at highest level. Quit cold turkey on November 14th and have feared oral cancer nonstop all last month. At least it helped me not notice the craves. Just got back from the dentist who told me my mouth is healthy (despite all the aches and sores). Anyway, fuck dip
SDZ - I'm sure you look at this incident as a victory, or that you have Quit, or that you've 'beat this'. While I think being Quit for a month is awesome, I'm going to highly, HIGHLY recommend you find your quit group and join. If you Quit on 11/14, your group is the Fog Fighters of February, 2015.
We've seen way too many people come here, post once, think 'I got this', and then disappear. There is a ton of support here, knowledge, and brotherhood. The best way to keep you dentist happy is floss. The best way to make your Quit happy - Post Roll.