Hi Everyone,
I have just joined the program. I have chewed since the 7th grade. Today is my first day of quitting. I'm nervous as hell!!!! I don't want to fail, come up short, or just quit quitting. I have tried before, but I found this site and I hope I get the support from other who have dealt with this like me. I have people telling me just walk away, but they never had done this. It is harder then they think. Any insights, support you wish to give me I will take.
I wanted to let you know that you have already started off differently this time. You are here because you realized you can't do this alone. Wether this choice was purposeful or just because, now you are faced with the most important choice of your quit....
Are you ready to put your trust in all of us, and your quit group? If the answer is yes, then start sharing the hell out of your email address and cell phone number. This constant nagging reminder that they will blow me up if I slip up. Then what's even worse, is answering the three questions.
But if you want to go through the motions, that is a choice also, but ask any of the vets around here how well that works out
There's a third option you go through the motions and you will cave....and never return.
Then after that choice you are faced with the same three options every day for the rest of your life. But the most important thing is everyone that active here is making the same choice.
So now here is the question what is your choice?