Author Topic: General Discussion - 2014  (Read 114336 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #370 on: March 20, 2014, 01:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Verachiel
how to post roll ??? so confusing

Welcome center  Read this first

How to post roll

Assuming you are newly quit, this is the June quit group

If you have any other questions or need help pm me, Personal message

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #369 on: March 20, 2014, 01:54:00 AM »
how to post roll ??? so confusing
Here is a link on how to post roll.

Congrats on quitting, If you need anything PM me.

Mike aka MCO
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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #368 on: March 20, 2014, 01:18:00 AM »
how to post roll ??? so confusing
The worst thing you can be is average

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #367 on: March 19, 2014, 10:47:00 AM »
New Blog Post: My Quit Tracker – Another Tool In Your Arsenal ... r-arsenal/
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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #366 on: March 18, 2014, 02:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Bronc
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bronc
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys.  Had my first work day without a dip today.  It was tough...the drive into the office to sitting there trying to get stuff done.  One of the things I really relied on chew was the ability to concentrate when I had some sort of document I had to read or edit or deal with in some way.  I have a sort of ADD and I've used nicotine as my ritalin over the years starting in school.  That's probably been the tougher part of this quit so far as my mind races from one thing to the next.  Any of you guys have this issue?  Anyone move over to Aderol or ritalin to help with that?  What were your results with that.

One other really cool thing that happened. I told my daughter I had quit today after reading the Contract to give up.  I could never give that to her.  I could never lie to here like that so I have to finish this race.  She just looked at me and said "good."  That's it.  No excitement no big deal just good.  I thought about it a minute and realized that at this point in time - she just believes in me so much that it's done.  I love that.  She doesn't know i've tried and failed a 100 times.  She doesn't care.  To her - I"m her dad and I can do anything I say I'm going to do.  When was the last time you had someone believe in you so much.

Last discovery today - a guy I don't even know off the board sent me an email with his phone number to encourage me and to call him if I needed to be talked off the ledge.  I gotta tell you it really moved me.  I had just read that contract to give up and I realized that you guys hate chew.  That contract to give up says I love chew more than anything else.  I hate that it is true.  I love that you guys have turned that love to hate.  You hate it so much that you are fighting to make sure that it doesn't harm anyone else ever again.  If there was a criminal that harmed me or someone I loved I too would fight to make sure that guy would never hurt anyone again.  Instead I love the thing that hurts me and that's an awful awful realization.  I love the thing that not only hurts me but that hurt my family and friends directly and indirectly.  I have embraced and learned to love the criminal. How terrible!!!!  You have turned that love to a hate and hate that is so strong that you would fight to protect me - someone you don't even know.  I'm moved beyond words. 

Thank you.
Nicotine doesn't do any of that stuff that you mentioned. I'm no doctor, but I'm a mess and will offer my $0.02.

Maybe you have some issue when you know you to have to read something. You are ADD. I am dyslexic. Reading sucks for me unless it is something that I really want to read and it grabs me. I think when you were put into that situation you immediately got nervous. Ole nicotine was there, wired into your brain, and saw your nervousness as an opportunity to dig her claws into your addiction.

The fact is, nicotine placed those feelings into your brain to get the drug it needed. It was the addicition talking, not the reading and concentration. When those feelings went away, it wasn't the nicotine that fixed it, it was your brain saying "thanks" for topping off the drug levels in your blood.
One more tidbit since we are taking this one step at a time....

You did not or do not love the bitch. Nicotine is one of the most addictive and powerful substances known to man. It created the hole that it filled. It made you believe that you needed it. You do not need it, babies are not born and given nicotine to survive. You really need to turn your attitude around and start getting angry about the lies that you believed for so long.

You can do this.

Simple formula-

1 problem + nicotine = 2 problems.

Post roll early every day and then keep your word. There is no finish line, there is no tomorrow. Quit today and the rest will take care of itself.
Wise words. Thank you!
Bronc- I sent you a message. YOU CAN AND WILL DO THIS! Welcome to a new life brother!

Follow me on Instagram: BTbrian19

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #365 on: March 17, 2014, 10:18:00 PM »
Quote from: jbradley
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bronc
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys.  Had my first work day without a dip today.  It was tough...the drive into the office to sitting there trying to get stuff done.  One of the things I really relied on chew was the ability to concentrate when I had some sort of document I had to read or edit or deal with in some way.  I have a sort of ADD and I've used nicotine as my ritalin over the years starting in school.  That's probably been the tougher part of this quit so far as my mind races from one thing to the next.  Any of you guys have this issue?  Anyone move over to Aderol or ritalin to help with that?  What were your results with that.

One other really cool thing that happened. I told my daughter I had quit today after reading the Contract to give up.  I could never give that to her.  I could never lie to here like that so I have to finish this race.  She just looked at me and said "good."  That's it.  No excitement no big deal just good.  I thought about it a minute and realized that at this point in time - she just believes in me so much that it's done.  I love that.  She doesn't know i've tried and failed a 100 times.  She doesn't care.  To her - I"m her dad and I can do anything I say I'm going to do.  When was the last time you had someone believe in you so much.

Last discovery today - a guy I don't even know off the board sent me an email with his phone number to encourage me and to call him if I needed to be talked off the ledge.  I gotta tell you it really moved me.  I had just read that contract to give up and I realized that you guys hate chew.  That contract to give up says I love chew more than anything else.  I hate that it is true.  I love that you guys have turned that love to hate.  You hate it so much that you are fighting to make sure that it doesn't harm anyone else ever again.  If there was a criminal that harmed me or someone I loved I too would fight to make sure that guy would never hurt anyone again.  Instead I love the thing that hurts me and that's an awful awful realization.  I love the thing that not only hurts me but that hurt my family and friends directly and indirectly.  I have embraced and learned to love the criminal. How terrible!!!!  You have turned that love to a hate and hate that is so strong that you would fight to protect me - someone you don't even know.  I'm moved beyond words. 

Thank you.
Nicotine doesn't do any of that stuff that you mentioned. I'm no doctor, but I'm a mess and will offer my $0.02.

Maybe you have some issue when you know you to have to read something. You are ADD. I am dyslexic. Reading sucks for me unless it is something that I really want to read and it grabs me. I think when you were put into that situation you immediately got nervous. Ole nicotine was there, wired into your brain, and saw your nervousness as an opportunity to dig her claws into your addiction.

The fact is, nicotine placed those feelings into your brain to get the drug it needed. It was the addicition talking, not the reading and concentration. When those feelings went away, it wasn't the nicotine that fixed it, it was your brain saying "thanks" for topping off the drug levels in your blood.
One more tidbit since we are taking this one step at a time....

You did not or do not love the bitch. Nicotine is one of the most addictive and powerful substances known to man. It created the hole that it filled. It made you believe that you needed it. You do not need it, babies are not born and given nicotine to survive. You really need to turn your attitude around and start getting angry about the lies that you believed for so long.

You can do this.

Simple formula-

1 problem + nicotine = 2 problems.

Post roll early every day and then keep your word. There is no finish line, there is no tomorrow. Quit today and the rest will take care of itself.
Wise words. Thank you!

Offline jbradley

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #364 on: March 17, 2014, 09:38:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: Bronc
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys.  Had my first work day without a dip today.  It was tough...the drive into the office to sitting there trying to get stuff done.  One of the things I really relied on chew was the ability to concentrate when I had some sort of document I had to read or edit or deal with in some way.  I have a sort of ADD and I've used nicotine as my ritalin over the years starting in school.  That's probably been the tougher part of this quit so far as my mind races from one thing to the next.  Any of you guys have this issue?  Anyone move over to Aderol or ritalin to help with that?  What were your results with that.

One other really cool thing that happened. I told my daughter I had quit today after reading the Contract to give up.  I could never give that to her.  I could never lie to here like that so I have to finish this race.  She just looked at me and said "good."  That's it.  No excitement no big deal just good.  I thought about it a minute and realized that at this point in time - she just believes in me so much that it's done.  I love that.  She doesn't know i've tried and failed a 100 times.  She doesn't care.  To her - I"m her dad and I can do anything I say I'm going to do.  When was the last time you had someone believe in you so much.

Last discovery today - a guy I don't even know off the board sent me an email with his phone number to encourage me and to call him if I needed to be talked off the ledge.  I gotta tell you it really moved me.  I had just read that contract to give up and I realized that you guys hate chew.  That contract to give up says I love chew more than anything else.  I hate that it is true.  I love that you guys have turned that love to hate.  You hate it so much that you are fighting to make sure that it doesn't harm anyone else ever again.  If there was a criminal that harmed me or someone I loved I too would fight to make sure that guy would never hurt anyone again.  Instead I love the thing that hurts me and that's an awful awful realization.  I love the thing that not only hurts me but that hurt my family and friends directly and indirectly.  I have embraced and learned to love the criminal. How terrible!!!!  You have turned that love to a hate and hate that is so strong that you would fight to protect me - someone you don't even know.  I'm moved beyond words. 

Thank you.
Nicotine doesn't do any of that stuff that you mentioned. I'm no doctor, but I'm a mess and will offer my $0.02.

Maybe you have some issue when you know you to have to read something. You are ADD. I am dyslexic. Reading sucks for me unless it is something that I really want to read and it grabs me. I think when you were put into that situation you immediately got nervous. Ole nicotine was there, wired into your brain, and saw your nervousness as an opportunity to dig her claws into your addiction.

The fact is, nicotine placed those feelings into your brain to get the drug it needed. It was the addicition talking, not the reading and concentration. When those feelings went away, it wasn't the nicotine that fixed it, it was your brain saying "thanks" for topping off the drug levels in your blood.
One more tidbit since we are taking this one step at a time....

You did not or do not love the bitch. Nicotine is one of the most addictive and powerful substances known to man. It created the hole that it filled. It made you believe that you needed it. You do not need it, babies are not born and given nicotine to survive. You really need to turn your attitude around and start getting angry about the lies that you believed for so long.

You can do this.

Simple formula-

1 problem + nicotine = 2 problems.

Post roll early every day and then keep your word. There is no finish line, there is no tomorrow. Quit today and the rest will take care of itself.

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #363 on: March 17, 2014, 08:37:00 PM »
Quote from: Bronc
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys. Had my first work day without a dip today. It was tough...the drive into the office to sitting there trying to get stuff done. One of the things I really relied on chew was the ability to concentrate when I had some sort of document I had to read or edit or deal with in some way. I have a sort of ADD and I've used nicotine as my ritalin over the years starting in school. That's probably been the tougher part of this quit so far as my mind races from one thing to the next. Any of you guys have this issue? Anyone move over to Aderol or ritalin to help with that? What were your results with that.

One other really cool thing that happened. I told my daughter I had quit today after reading the Contract to give up. I could never give that to her. I could never lie to here like that so I have to finish this race. She just looked at me and said "good." That's it. No excitement no big deal just good. I thought about it a minute and realized that at this point in time - she just believes in me so much that it's done. I love that. She doesn't know i've tried and failed a 100 times. She doesn't care. To her - I"m her dad and I can do anything I say I'm going to do. When was the last time you had someone believe in you so much.

Last discovery today - a guy I don't even know off the board sent me an email with his phone number to encourage me and to call him if I needed to be talked off the ledge. I gotta tell you it really moved me. I had just read that contract to give up and I realized that you guys hate chew. That contract to give up says I love chew more than anything else. I hate that it is true. I love that you guys have turned that love to hate. You hate it so much that you are fighting to make sure that it doesn't harm anyone else ever again. If there was a criminal that harmed me or someone I loved I too would fight to make sure that guy would never hurt anyone again. Instead I love the thing that hurts me and that's an awful awful realization. I love the thing that not only hurts me but that hurt my family and friends directly and indirectly. I have embraced and learned to love the criminal. How terrible!!!! You have turned that love to a hate and hate that is so strong that you would fight to protect me - someone you don't even know. I'm moved beyond words.

Thank you.
Nicotine doesn't do any of that stuff that you mentioned. I'm no doctor, but I'm a mess and will offer my $0.02.

Maybe you have some issue when you know you to have to read something. You are ADD. I am dyslexic. Reading sucks for me unless it is something that I really want to read and it grabs me. I think when you were put into that situation you immediately got nervous. Ole nicotine was there, wired into your brain, and saw your nervousness as an opportunity to dig her claws into your addiction.

The fact is, nicotine placed those feelings into your brain to get the drug it needed. It was the addicition talking, not the reading and concentration. When those feelings went away, it wasn't the nicotine that fixed it, it was your brain saying "thanks" for topping off the drug levels in your blood.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #362 on: March 17, 2014, 08:02:00 PM »
Thanks so much for the encouragement guys. Had my first work day without a dip today. It was tough...the drive into the office to sitting there trying to get stuff done. One of the things I really relied on chew was the ability to concentrate when I had some sort of document I had to read or edit or deal with in some way. I have a sort of ADD and I've used nicotine as my ritalin over the years starting in school. That's probably been the tougher part of this quit so far as my mind races from one thing to the next. Any of you guys have this issue? Anyone move over to Aderol or ritalin to help with that? What were your results with that.

One other really cool thing that happened. I told my daughter I had quit today after reading the Contract to give up. I could never give that to her. I could never lie to here like that so I have to finish this race. She just looked at me and said "good." That's it. No excitement no big deal just good. I thought about it a minute and realized that at this point in time - she just believes in me so much that it's done. I love that. She doesn't know i've tried and failed a 100 times. She doesn't care. To her - I"m her dad and I can do anything I say I'm going to do. When was the last time you had someone believe in you so much.

Last discovery today - a guy I don't even know off the board sent me an email with his phone number to encourage me and to call him if I needed to be talked off the ledge. I gotta tell you it really moved me. I had just read that contract to give up and I realized that you guys hate chew. That contract to give up says I love chew more than anything else. I hate that it is true. I love that you guys have turned that love to hate. You hate it so much that you are fighting to make sure that it doesn't harm anyone else ever again. If there was a criminal that harmed me or someone I loved I too would fight to make sure that guy would never hurt anyone again. Instead I love the thing that hurts me and that's an awful awful realization. I love the thing that not only hurts me but that hurt my family and friends directly and indirectly. I have embraced and learned to love the criminal. How terrible!!!! You have turned that love to a hate and hate that is so strong that you would fight to protect me - someone you don't even know. I'm moved beyond words.

Thank you.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #361 on: March 17, 2014, 05:48:00 PM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: Bronc
Hi guys.  My name is Noel and live in Oregon.  I've been chewing since I was 18 and I'm now 46 - can a day habit - Kodiak.  My 7 year old daughter told me she didn't want me to die and that I need to stop.  I don't want to die from chewing tobacco.  I quit on Friday and I'm going through the withdrawals.  It's tough as so many of you guys have posted.  For the life of me I can't figure out how to enroll in a class or any thing else that I'm supposed to do on here but I thought I'd at least post a note to commit to you that I'm quitting this terrible addiction.  I'm looking forward to the freedom that I know that I'll feel. 
Thanks for taking the time to write all your posts even the little ones that say nothing but that you are struggling.  I've read a lot over the last week and you can't imagine how much it helps.  I know that you post especially as a new quitter to get help but I'm going to tell you - you are actually helping me by asking for help for yourself.  For everyone of you guys that have taken the time to make a post regardless of what it was - thank you.
Two things I've discovered so far - my addiction is tied to emotions and its tied to habit.  It's interesting the things I've discovered triggers me wanting a chew.  Driving for example...weird reaching for the can at a stop light.  The other is stress - anything at all - even a simple conversation makes me reach for my can which is no longer there.  Been interesting having to actually DEAL with the emotion as opposed to mask it.  I"m sure this will continue to be a challenge for awhile.
Check your Inbox (1) upper right

** edit nice 1st time postage!
Way to go Bronc.
You have to make new associations without nicotine. I too have a young daughter, chewed 36+years , quit 39days. You can do this. Just take small steps and one day at a time. When the urges get bad, breath deep.
I imagine Cbird sent you info on how to post roll but if you need any help, PM me.
Quit with you.
Brave men are honored, rich men are envied, powerful men are feared, but only a man with character is trusted
Quit on Feb. 6, 2014

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #360 on: March 17, 2014, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: Bronc
Hi guys.  My name is Noel and live in Oregon.  I've been chewing since I was 18 and I'm now 46 - can a day habit - Kodiak.  My 7 year old daughter told me she didn't want me to die and that I need to stop.  I don't want to die from chewing tobacco.  I quit on Friday and I'm going through the withdrawals.  It's tough as so many of you guys have posted.  For the life of me I can't figure out how to enroll in a class or any thing else that I'm supposed to do on here but I thought I'd at least post a note to commit to you that I'm quitting this terrible addiction.  I'm looking forward to the freedom that I know that I'll feel. 
Thanks for taking the time to write all your posts even the little ones that say nothing but that you are struggling.  I've read a lot over the last week and you can't imagine how much it helps.  I know that you post especially as a new quitter to get help but I'm going to tell you - you are actually helping me by asking for help for yourself.  For everyone of you guys that have taken the time to make a post regardless of what it was - thank you.
Two things I've discovered so far - my addiction is tied to emotions and its tied to habit.  It's interesting the things I've discovered triggers me wanting a chew.  Driving for example...weird reaching for the can at a stop light.  The other is stress - anything at all - even a simple conversation makes me reach for my can which is no longer there.  Been interesting having to actually DEAL with the emotion as opposed to mask it.  I"m sure this will continue to be a challenge for awhile.
Check your Inbox (1) upper right

** edit nice 1st time postage!
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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #359 on: March 16, 2014, 10:11:00 PM »
Hi guys. My name is Noel and live in Oregon. I've been chewing since I was 18 and I'm now 46 - can a day habit - Kodiak. My 7 year old daughter told me she didn't want me to die and that I need to stop. I don't want to die from chewing tobacco. I quit on Friday and I'm going through the withdrawals. It's tough as so many of you guys have posted. For the life of me I can't figure out how to enroll in a class or any thing else that I'm supposed to do on here but I thought I'd at least post a note to commit to you that I'm quitting this terrible addiction. I'm looking forward to the freedom that I know that I'll feel.
Thanks for taking the time to write all your posts even the little ones that say nothing but that you are struggling. I've read a lot over the last week and you can't imagine how much it helps. I know that you post especially as a new quitter to get help but I'm going to tell you - you are actually helping me by asking for help for yourself. For everyone of you guys that have taken the time to make a post regardless of what it was - thank you.
Two things I've discovered so far - my addiction is tied to emotions and its tied to habit. It's interesting the things I've discovered triggers me wanting a chew. Driving for example...weird reaching for the can at a stop light. The other is stress - anything at all - even a simple conversation makes me reach for my can which is no longer there. Been interesting having to actually DEAL with the emotion as opposed to mask it. I"m sure this will continue to be a challenge for awhile.

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #358 on: March 14, 2014, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Wedge
Quote from: bigrob1022
Hello everyone I just felt like sharing my experience so far! I'm only at day 2 and to be completely honest it is sucking right now. I'm hanging tough though! No tobacco I have found some relief with smokey mountain though! I always wanted to say I really so appreciate all the support I have been recieving! Lastely I was wondering if some Vetrans quitters could possibly PM and I could get to know some of my fellow quitters! Newbies like me are welcome to! Maybe we could talk ourselves through these rough times!
Hang in there Rob. Drink as much water as you think you can w/o bursting. Go for a hard run no matter how far, push ups, sit ups, wall squats. Physical exertion will help with the craves. Use your sleep aid of choice at night and abstain from alcohol for a few weeks.

The suckage will go away in a few days, but man is it worth it. Many of us like to recommend that you embrace the way you feel right now. Remember it. Enjoy it. It's the feeling of the poison leaving your body. Also, you want to remember how bad it feels so you don't go through it again. 72 hours of withdrawl is just horrible and no one likes it. Just remember, one hit of nicotine through dip, cig, cigar, patch, gum will put you right back at square one. So never again, for any reason.

Get acquainted with not only the vets, but also your quit group. Those are the guys feeling the same pain you are. Exchange cell numbers, text each other jokes, let each other know how you are feeling. When you can't get to a computer to post roll, text someone and ask them to post roll for you. Many of those guys are willing to share, just ask in your group and send via private message. Don't post in the group as it's open season for ANYONE to see.

Join Live Chat, help new quitters, do whatever it is that you can to stick close to the site. You CAN do this. There is nothing that dip will fix for you, ever again. Just a matter of convincing your brain of that because right now, it's lying it's neurons off to you.

Water (gallons), exercise, accountability, roll. That's what will get you through right now.

My name is Mark. You PM me if you need anything.
Rob, Wedge knows of what he talks. He is a bad ass quitter, we are both in July 2012 group and we've shared many of those quit experiences along the way. Those of us that have been quit for awhile can understand your pain and need that memory refreshed from time to time but those that are experiencing it for the first time together can form even stronger bonds. I never anticipated 2 years ago to develop such strong friendships with people 1000's of miles away and probably will never meet in person. Wedge and I are about as far apart distance wise as you can get in the lower 48 but we know about each other's struggles extending far beyond just quitting nicotine.
You are definitely on the right track.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #357 on: March 14, 2014, 09:50:00 PM »
Quote from: bigrob1022
Hello everyone I just felt like sharing my experience so far! I'm only at day 2 and to be completely honest it is sucking right now. I'm hanging tough though! No tobacco I have found some relief with smokey mountain though! I always wanted to say I really so appreciate all the support I have been recieving! Lastely I was wondering if some Vetrans quitters could possibly PM and I could get to know some of my fellow quitters! Newbies like me are welcome to! Maybe we could talk ourselves through these rough times!
Hang in there Rob. Drink as much water as you think you can w/o bursting. Go for a hard run no matter how far, push ups, sit ups, wall squats. Physical exertion will help with the craves. Use your sleep aid of choice at night and abstain from alcohol for a few weeks.

The suckage will go away in a few days, but man is it worth it. Many of us like to recommend that you embrace the way you feel right now. Remember it. Enjoy it. It's the feeling of the poison leaving your body. Also, you want to remember how bad it feels so you don't go through it again. 72 hours of withdrawl is just horrible and no one likes it. Just remember, one hit of nicotine through dip, cig, cigar, patch, gum will put you right back at square one. So never again, for any reason.

Get acquainted with not only the vets, but also your quit group. Those are the guys feeling the same pain you are. Exchange cell numbers, text each other jokes, let each other know how you are feeling. When you can't get to a computer to post roll, text someone and ask them to post roll for you. Many of those guys are willing to share, just ask in your group and send via private message. Don't post in the group as it's open season for ANYONE to see.

Join Live Chat, help new quitters, do whatever it is that you can to stick close to the site. You CAN do this. There is nothing that dip will fix for you, ever again. Just a matter of convincing your brain of that because right now, it's lying it's neurons off to you.

Water (gallons), exercise, accountability, roll. That's what will get you through right now.

My name is Mark. You PM me if you need anything.

Offline bigrob1022

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Re: General Discussion - 2014
« Reply #356 on: March 14, 2014, 07:54:00 PM »
Hello everyone I just felt like sharing my experience so far! I'm only at day 2 and to be completely honest it is sucking right now. I'm hanging tough though! No tobacco I have found some relief with smokey mountain though! I always wanted to say I really so appreciate all the support I have been recieving! Lastely I was wondering if some Vetrans quitters could possibly PM and I could get to know some of my fellow quitters! Newbies like me are welcome to! Maybe we could talk ourselves through these rough times!
One day at a time! Giving in is not a option!
Quit date: March 13, 2014
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