Author Topic: General Discussion - 2017  (Read 72632 times)

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #493 on: December 24, 2017, 10:13:00 AM »
Quote from: chewie
Quote from: Senatical
You guys are awesome. IÂ’m still a newbie-3 days- but this site is exactly what IÂ’ve been needing. To everyone reading this, thankÂ’s for the support and for caring!

As you can see, you're not alone. Let us know howe can help!

Sena, Welcome! I see you've joined and have been posting in March 2018. AWESOME! You've taken the first and many say the largest step. Lots of support here, lots of information. Be a leader in your group. Start exchanging numbers with others in your group. I just PM'd you mine. Hit me up ANYTIME.

at 860+ days quit here I can say I never would have made it this long without KTC. Nothing worked after 30 plus years. This place saved my life man. the day by day approach and the accountability of posting roll call is the key as far as Im concerned.

You can do this, make sure if you havent already to do up and intro, or tel lus a little about your quit here.

Merry Christmas, you have chosen the best present you could ever give yourself ! Hold on tight, it wont be easy in the beginning. But with all of us here supporting you, there's no way you wont be successful!

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #492 on: December 22, 2017, 07:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Senatical
You guys are awesome. IÂ’m still a newbie-3 days- but this site is exactly what IÂ’ve been needing. To everyone reading this, thankÂ’s for the support and for caring!

As you can see, you're not alone. Let us know howe can help!

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #491 on: December 21, 2017, 06:34:00 PM »
You guys are awesome. IÂ’m still a newbie-3 days- but this site is exactly what IÂ’ve been needing. To everyone reading this, thankÂ’s for the support and for caring!
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #490 on: December 21, 2017, 01:39:00 PM »
Quote from: pky1520
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: Quit102017
Hope all is well... I'm going to give all my willpower and try to quit this stuff. Today, of all days, should be a good day to quit. I have no idea how busy these forums are but I felt the need to put my hopes down somewhere... I thought it might give me that little extra bit of motivation to get me over the hump and really quit. I threw away any cans I had laying around, and I made a little calendar going though the end of the month so I can look forward to crossing out each day Im clear of this disgusting stuff. If any of you have tips I would love to hear them. Thanks for this resource!
Quit - I recommend you read Here's How You Quit... Ball Is In Your Court Now. That gives you a rundown of what's up here at KTC. There is so, so much more here than just a couple of message boards.

Once you've got that, head on over to the [December]topic/30321153/]December quit group[/url] and post roll. Roll is our way of promising each other that we will not have nicotine for the day. We post roll every day here. Our system is pretty simple. Wake up, post roll, and keep your word for the day. Then, the next day, do it all over again. If you make that promise early - first thing every morning - and commit to making it every day, no matter what, then your chances of staying quit will go up exponentially.

I really, really recommend getting plugged in over in December. These first few days are rough, and getting involved in your quit group will help immensely.
Samrs laid it out really well, but I'll reiterate that making the promise is much more impactful than simply crossing off days. Being accountable to others is more impactful than simply trying to use your own willpower. Beating this addiction will require everything you've got, but the tools here will make it more manageable.

It can be done though. I posted Day 499 today. You can get there too.

Hope to see you post up in December.
Ahhh good old will power! Your will power got you exactly where you are to day and that is an addict! You ever heard the old term "Self will run riot"? Drop the self will and jump in on the KTC way. We don't rely on "will power". We rely on each other to hold a daily promise to our selves and each other not to use just for today. Who gives a rats ass about tomorrow, lets make it through today first ok? When tomorrow morning gets here and I wake up, piss, Ill go post my promise yet again and you can be your ass with the help and promise of others (including yourself) here today, that I will be here for you and all the other BAQ's tomorrow!

Come on in and taste the kool aid. Today's flavor is QLAMF!
If I could I would. If I don't, it's because I am lazy.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #489 on: December 12, 2017, 09:46:00 AM »
May 2017 lost a brother recently. Stop by and show them some love. ... sthistime/
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

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Offline Drewskie

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #488 on: December 06, 2017, 10:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Samrs
Quote from: Drewskie
Quote from: Drewskie
Had to order some nic free stuff from Amazon. Wife's been wanting to play tonsil hockey for the last 3 weeks so I need something to gross her out. It's just molasses, preservatives, and some harmless crap but it makes spit juice that I can spit or swallow....huh... Now there's a thought... I've always been a spitter.. Now I can be a swallower lmfao
This shit tasted like hair and asshole. I'll just keep sticking softened up sugar free gum in there and needlessly spitting that juice out. It actually works pretty well top psych yourself.
That's... a rather vivid description.

Now I'm wondering why you were able to identify that flavor so exactly... roflmao

Honestly, though, there's a bunch of different stuff - there's a whole page of fakes on the main KTC site. I'm OK with Smokey Mountain. Jake's Mint Chew had some interesting flavors. Lots of folks seem to like the various Hooch flavors, too. If you're more of a pouch guy, there's Grinds (coffee-based) and Teaza (tea-based).

I was happy with anything that didn't taste horrible and filled the need to have something between cheek and gum. Peppered beef jerky really did the trick for me for a long time.

Just mentioning some potential tools in the toolbox, though. If you're happy with the gum, or whatever it is that's killing your cravings, stick with it.
Smokey Mountain is what it was! Ill keep using it, hell, it was $22 for 5 cans lol. I don't like the idea of grinds.. I don't want an effect from the fake dip.. like I don't wanna feel the caffeine from the coffee/ tea and chance that prolonging the cravings, I guess? That's why I picked the Smokey mountain stuff to begin with.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #487 on: December 06, 2017, 09:29:00 PM »
Quote from: Drewskie
Quote from: Drewskie
Had to order some nic free stuff from Amazon. Wife's been wanting to play tonsil hockey for the last 3 weeks so I need something to gross her out. It's just molasses, preservatives, and some harmless crap but it makes spit juice that I can spit or swallow....huh... Now there's a thought... I've always been a spitter.. Now I can be a swallower lmfao
This shit tasted like hair and asshole. I'll just keep sticking softened up sugar free gum in there and needlessly spitting that juice out. It actually works pretty well top psych yourself.
That's... a rather vivid description.

Now I'm wondering why you were able to identify that flavor so exactly... roflmao

Honestly, though, there's a bunch of different stuff - there's a whole page of fakes on the main KTC site. I'm OK with Smokey Mountain. Jake's Mint Chew had some interesting flavors. Lots of folks seem to like the various Hooch flavors, too. If you're more of a pouch guy, there's Grinds (coffee-based) and Teaza (tea-based).

I was happy with anything that didn't taste horrible and filled the need to have something between cheek and gum. Peppered beef jerky really did the trick for me for a long time.

Just mentioning some potential tools in the toolbox, though. If you're happy with the gum, or whatever it is that's killing your cravings, stick with it.
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #486 on: December 06, 2017, 09:12:00 PM »
Quote from: Drewskie
Had to order some nic free stuff from Amazon. Wife's been wanting to play tonsil hockey for the last 3 weeks so I need something to gross her out. It's just molasses, preservatives, and some harmless crap but it makes spit juice that I can spit or swallow....huh... Now there's a thought... I've always been a spitter.. Now I can be a swallower lmfao
This shit tasted like hair and asshole. I'll just keep sticking softened up sugar free gum in there and needlessly spitting that juice out. It actually works pretty well top psych yourself.

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #485 on: December 04, 2017, 11:44:00 PM »
Had to order some nic free stuff from Amazon. Wife's been wanting to play tonsil hockey for the last 3 weeks so I need something to gross her out. It's just molasses, preservatives, and some harmless crap but it makes spit juice that I can spit or swallow....huh... Now there's a thought... I've always been a spitter.. Now I can be a swallower lmfao

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #484 on: December 03, 2017, 12:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Leonidas
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Leonidas
Alright, I got me a hairbrained idea...
What do you guys think about crowning a member of KTC as a yearly "Quit Ambassador"?
You know, for the member that goes above and beyond helping people here at KTC.
We could vote on it, or even not have a vote.
Just let people throw out a nomination, to give props to certain members.
Maybe one nomination per member.
It'd be nice to see Samrs or FLLip or whoever, get some major love.
I knew I liked your crusty ass for some reason, and I believe you just hit on it.....

That is likely the best thing I've come across on KTC, save for KTC itself. While it would take some additional management to do correctly, I'd think that there could be a poll put up on a yearly basis, say, right at New Year's, to get the members of KTC to vote on who they feel should be recognized for helping stabilize and support the most quits. Nominations could be made the month of December, with the polls opening right at the first of the year, and the final tally concluded by the end of January.

We could even announce the winner on February 14th (show some love to the winner!!!)

I, for one, voice my support of this initiative....

(and just FYSA, I already think FLLip is the BOMB!!!) :wub:
Just wanted to congratulate FLLip on being crowned....
"KTC 2017 Quit Ambassador of the Year"
Good job FLLip!!
Well deserved!!
Thank you! :wub: Now tell me about the salary and benefits package...?

Btw that nomination by 1 is humbling... lmfao

I nominate Leonidas Mr. Congeniality...and Samrs Homecoming King...So it is written...
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
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HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24 | FL 29: 06.29.24 | Y8: 07.22.24 | FL 30 ,,,: 10.07.24 | FL 31: 01.15.25

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #483 on: December 03, 2017, 12:46:00 PM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: Leonidas
Alright, I got me a hairbrained idea...
What do you guys think about crowning a member of KTC as a yearly "Quit Ambassador"?
You know, for the member that goes above and beyond helping people here at KTC.
We could vote on it, or even not have a vote.
Just let people throw out a nomination, to give props to certain members.
Maybe one nomination per member.
It'd be nice to see Samrs or FLLip or whoever, get some major love.
I knew I liked your crusty ass for some reason, and I believe you just hit on it.....

That is likely the best thing I've come across on KTC, save for KTC itself. While it would take some additional management to do correctly, I'd think that there could be a poll put up on a yearly basis, say, right at New Year's, to get the members of KTC to vote on who they feel should be recognized for helping stabilize and support the most quits. Nominations could be made the month of December, with the polls opening right at the first of the year, and the final tally concluded by the end of January.

We could even announce the winner on February 14th (show some love to the winner!!!)

I, for one, voice my support of this initiative....

(and just FYSA, I already think FLLip is the BOMB!!!) :wub:
Just wanted to congratulate FLLip on being crowned....
"KTC 2017 Quit Ambassador of the Year"
Good job FLLip!!
Well deserved!!
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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #481 on: November 27, 2017, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Basplin44
Hey guys, have any of you had bad-mild anxiety after you quit? I am going through some mild- full blown anxiety attacks I think. I plan on going to see a Dr this week and discuss my symptoms but wondering if there was any body who is/was having the same issues, thanks

Absolutely! Anxiety / stress is VERY common when quitting. ... th-stress/

I took myself to the ER TWICE early in my quit cause I thought I was having a heart attack. Turns out it was 'just' anxiety.

Hang in there man. It gets better.

"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

QD - 7.24.06 / HOF - 10.31.06 / 2nd - 2.08.07 / 3rd - 5.19.07 / 4th - 8.27.07 / 5th - 12.05.07 / 6th - 3.14.08 / 7th - 6.22.08 / 8th - 9.30.08 / 9th - 1.08.09 / Comma - 4.18.09 / 11th - 7.27.09 / 12th - 11.04.09 / 13th - 2.12.10 / 14th - 05.23.10 / 15th - 08.31.2010 / 16th - 12.9.10 / 17th - 3.19.11 / 18th - 6.27.11 / 19th - 10.5.11 / 2K - 1.13.12 / 21st - 4.22.12 / 22nd - 7.31.12 / 23rd - 11.8.12 / 24th - 2.16.13 / 25th - 5.27.13 / 26th - 9.4.13 / 27th - 12.12.13 / 28th - 3.24.14 / 29th - 7.1.14 / 3K - 10.9.14 / 31st - 1.17.15 / 32nd - 4.27.15 / 33rd - 8.5.15 / 34th - 9.13.15 / 35th - 2.21.16 / 36th - 5.31.16 / 37th - 9.8.16 / 38th - 12.17.16 / 39th - 3.27.17 / 4K - 7.5.17 / 41st - 10.13.17 / 42nd - 1.21.18 / 43rd - 5.1.18 / 44th - 8.9.18 / 45th - 11.17.18 / 46th - 2.25.19 / 47th - 6.5.19 / 48th - 9.13.19 / 49th - 12.22.19 / 5K - 4.1.20 / 51st - 7.9.20 / 52nd - 10.17.20 / 53rd - 1.25.21 / 54th - 5.5.21 / 55th - 8.13.21 / 56th - 11.21.21 / 57th - 3.1.22 / 58th - 6.9.22 / 59th - 9.17.22 / 6K - 12.26.22 / 61st - 4.5.23 / 62nd - 7.14.23 / 63rd - 10.22.23 / 64th - 1.20.24 / 65th - 5.9.24 / 66th - 8.17.24 / 67th - 11.25.24 / 68th - 3.5.25

Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #480 on: November 27, 2017, 07:19:00 AM »
Hey guys, have any of you had bad-mild anxiety after you quit? I am going through some mild- full blown anxiety attacks I think. I plan on going to see a Dr this week and discuss my symptoms but wondering if there was any body who is/was having the same issues, thanks


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Re: General Discussion - 2017
« Reply #479 on: November 22, 2017, 01:12:00 AM »
Quote from: chewie
In case you don't take a look at the calendar at the bottom of the site often (you should, there's some really cool stuff and BIG quit numbers down there) will celebrate our 11th anniversary on Monday! ... o-for-ktc/

As we always do, we've opened up a SITE WIDE roll call to be open on that day only. Please stop by on Monday to post roll to help us celebrate.


Proud to be quit with you all today.
11 years of quittage is amazing. Damn glad to have been a part of it for the past 1,362 days.